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 Message 1 of 25 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameKdeebird  (Original Message)Sent: 8/12/2005 1:45 AM
The following are recaps from members of Clay 'N Company's experiences of attending the JukeBox Tour during the summer of 2005.
Attending Clay's concerts always seem to bring out such fervent emotions in all of us.
These are always such happy times and the memories that we make will stay with us a lifetime.

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 Message 11 of 25 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameKdeebirdSent: 8/12/2005 2:00 AM
From: <NOBR>MSN NicknameALABAMACLAYFAN1</NOBR>  (Original Message) Sent: 8/4/2005 10:40 PM
Well I did survive the concert.  Clay was HAWT!!!    I hope I can remember everything I wanted to say.  I'm still in that Aiken mine has not been right today and I've just done some really stupid things! Oh well, first of all the trip there was really fun.  For the first time I decided to write on the windows of my van.  I think this is a must for all roadtrips now - if you've never done it try it - I think you'll have fun.  We had more people on the interstate honking, waving, clapping, thumbs up (I did get a thumbs down coming home  ) and there was one car that past us that had his program and they stayed beside me showing me pictures.  Oh what fun. On the way we met up with Clayshable at a rest stop.  We have talked so much to each other but have never met - It was so nice meeting her.   
After checking into our motel we got ready for the preparty.  I had never been to one so I was really looking forward to this.  It was at the Hyatt in a very large ballroom.  I'm not sure how many people were there but they were expecting around 250 - had to be atleast that many if not more.  I bought me some raffle tickets and was hopping to win something....I really wanted the pillow cases.  I was going to tell my husband that I won then so I had to use them...  but I didn't win them.  I don't remember exactly what time it was but I'll say around 5 or so...there was alot of screaming going on - we wondered if it could be Clay - couldn't see for the crowd that had gathered around but it turned out to be Faye.  I had a chance to meet her in Evansville last year and didn't so I had made up my mine that if I had a chance to meet her again I was going to do it.  The lady that was doing most of the talking introduced her and said that Ms. Parker wanted to know who the person was from Alabama that had "Out Of My Way I'm Going To See Clay" on the back window of her van....OH MY GOSH IT WAS MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!  I was jumping up and down screaming MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE  she said she really like that and thought it was really cute.  She said (I may not be getting it exactly word for word - she affected me almost as must as Clay does...I was shaking!) she loved what it said but really loved that it was from someone from Alabama.  She said that it goes to show that not all of Alabama is for Ruben - I just screamed out Alabama Loves Clay - people were cheering me own.  I went over and met her, had my picture taken with her and she said again how cute that was on my van - that she just loved it.  They were wanting her to sit down to watch a skit so she told me that we would talk later.  Well, later never came  but that was ok...This really made my day and really a nice way to start before a concert.  The only thing that could have been better was to have had Clay there.  BUT  we did have Cardboard Clay - you gotta love him!  The person that went with me and I had our picture taken with him.  I talked with the lady that made him and found out some info on what to do.  I have been wanting one.  I'm going to try and make one....Faye did tell everyone that she had talked to Clayton and told him not to hold back because she was there and something to affect that we were expecting it or something like that - can't remember.  Then she said that she told him that she had already seen the DVD so he couldn't hide anything from her!
On to the concert.........We had ORG seats - row G.....I have never had seats this close.  I was about to die just seeing how close I was to the stage.  Faye sat two rows in front of use about 10 seats down.  The concert started and I immediately started screaming (I think Sunshine was  half-right when she said I was screaming enough for everybody - I don't think that exactly what you said but anyway.....) there was so much screaming.  Clay looked GORGEOUS...I kept saying that he did and I could think of anything else to say about him just GORGEOUS.  IMO he looked better than ever and seemed so happy.  No wonder he was so hidden and we couldn't get any Clack - he's been locked up inside learning all these songs, the piano and Oh My Gosh all those dance moves.  WHOA!!!    All of you know the concert but I'm trying to think of some things that he said or what happened.  It's hard to think - Sunshine might have to help me, she made a list of what I told her last night.  He was in a very talkative mood.  When he was getting ready to play the piano he kept talking and said something like he was going to keep talking to keep from playing the piano - but he did (I watched him in the binoculars so I could really look at his face - the expressions that he made while play were priceless - so cute). On several songs - sorry I can't remember which ones - he would get right up to Angela and Quiana like he was singing in their ears and there was lot of giggling with them.  It just looked like they were having the time of their lives...At one time he turned towards Quiana and I think they hit heads (?) and they both just started laughing.
When Q sang IWALY - I had chill bumps - she is a wonderful singer.  She did get a standing O!!!  When Clay got to the 2000 era he said nothing happened in 2000, nothing in 2001, nothing in 2002 but then in 2003 - the crowd went wild and he said something like why are you clapping and screaming that's when I lost!!!  Everyone laughed and he started sing his songs - messed up on WYSULM and actually walked off the stage - we kept singing - he came back and said he was really embarrassed that this was the third night he had messed up - he told the singers and band that he had really practiced and couldn't believe he forgot the words again - so he took a min. and started saying the words and then started singing again.  He said he would have them right tomorrow night but then he said he wouldn't be singing tomorrow night , that we would all have to come Friday to see that he gets it right.  There were some girls in the front row that actually had cue cards for him and he made some comment about if we had cue cards for him we could sit in the front row.  Everybody will have them now!!!
Everything was great.  It was a wonderful show.  Everyone did a great job.  I know I missing some stuff but I just can't think anymore!!!
Afterwards we went to the buses.  Nick came out and got in a white Volvo SUV which NC tag (some said it was Clay's car - I was thinking so too at first, but isn't his SUV silver?).  He backed it up to Clay's bus and and got out leaving the drivers door open and left it running.  Faye came out and got in it and drove away.  Wasn't long after that Clay came out - he was hurried round the crowd touching hands and speaking and they he got on the bus.  I took some pics but not sure if I really got him or not. 
Woke up this morning and had a bad headache and couldn't hardly talk (wonder why).  I took some tylenol and went back to sleep for a couple of hours - woke up feeling good - still couldn't talk real good but I got up, got dressed, ate some breakfast and headed home.  I had a burned CD of the TR concert and listened to it over and over all the way home. 
All I can say is I'm glad I will be seeing him again Saturday or it would have been depressing coming home.  Sorry this is so long but I did have a great time. 

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 Message 12 of 25 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameKdeebirdSent: 8/12/2005 2:05 AM
My Recap of Valdosta


From: <NOBR>MSN NicknameALABAMACLAYFAN1</NOBR>  (Original Message) Sent: 8/8/2005 11:06 PM
To start with it was very hot.  We were sweating before the concert even started.  As most of you already know, we were sitting under a metal shed and my phone would work so I couldn't cellcert with Sunshine
IMO the concert as a whole was better than the one I attended in Greenville - not that the one is Greenville was not good, it was wonderful - but to me it just seemed like Clay was even better.  He was much hotter on WDC than he was in Greenville and LLVL was GOSH!!!!!  It seemed like Clay was really getting into the crowd here also.  About the first 7 rows or so are season ticket holder seats and most of them did not show up.  Clay wanted to fill in the empty seats but the security was checking people's tickets and making them move.  We had 12 row seats but we did move up to row 5 - security never checked our tickets and the season tickets holders never came so we ended up having a really good seat. 
I met alot of concert virgins.  They had only seen Clay on AI2.  Talked with several afterwards and they just could not get over how Clay had matured and how he could dance.  One lady came to bring her daughter.  The lady said she could not stand Clay - by intermission she was in love with him.  She was Clayverted! YES!!!!! 
There were two older ladies that stopped us when we were walking to the amplitheather (season ticket holders - 1st row tickets) and asked us who Clay Adkins was - I corrected them by saying it's Clay Aiken.  To make a very long story short...they had no idea who Clay was.  They thought he was a country singer and it seemed like they were only interested in whether or not he was going to throw them a guitar pick and would he be sitting at a table afterwards for them to say hi.  I said no to both and informed them that Clay was not a country singer.  After the concert we saw one of them and asked how they liked it.  She said she liked the first half alright - really liked the Elvis part but didn't get any of the second half - she just didn't undertand it!!! 
Highlights:  At one time Clay did get an older woman that was sitting around the 15 row (???) and helped her to the front and sat her on the front row and told her something like she should be able to see better sitting there.  Right before the '00's he said something (I missed this) but all of a sudden a mass of people were running to the stage (I think security was in shock) - Clay even said that they had scared him a little bit.  You could tell he totally enjoyed all this and really interacted with them.  They continued to stand at the stage for the rest of the concert.  When he sang Sugar Pie, Honeybunch....OH MY GOSH!!!  This was one of the songs I had hoped he would sing.  He did a great job on it.   He really acted as if he didn't want to leave the stage.  After Invisible instead of going and hitting the jukebox and leaving - he went to each band member, pointed to them, looked at us and started clapping and we clapped and cheered for each one of them.  He just stood there smiling and then he hit the jukebox and it was over!!!  I did not want it to end.
Well, I am still in a Clay Haze so I can't think of anything else to say.  All I know is I Love Clay Aiken    - he is one HAWT Man!!! 

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 Message 13 of 25 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameKdeebirdSent: 8/12/2005 2:07 AM
From: <NOBR>MSN NicknameKdeebird</NOBR>  (Original Message) Sent: 8/9/2005 1:49 AM
Holy Moley and Good Gooly Miss Molly!!!
What a concert that was!!! I am still on my Clay high and I never want to come down!!!!!
We left early so we could beat the traffic and ended up getting there at 4:30...
We were told gates didn't open until 6:30 so we stayed in the parking lot for awhile and then went over to the venue. We met so many Clayfans. We met The Florida Claymates and met a group of Raleigh Claymates who know Faye. One of  them takes line dancing lessons with Faye. What a nice group they were.
As we were standing in line this man came up and admired our pin and asked about it. We told him it was from our board and he asked if we had any business cards.. I told him no but he could find us by going to MSN Groups..Maybe we'll have another member ha.
Before we knew it, it was time to go in and we walked over to the building..We could see hordes of people screaming and  running for the lawn seats. After about ten minutes the lawn was completely filled up. It was just a gigantic sea of people.
So we're standing there and all the sudden I see my hubby talking to somebody, I didn't know who he was but he had some interesting people around him. It turned out to be Felix, Clay's drummer! What a nice guy he is. Gee and I got to shake his hand and talk to him for a few minutes...I noticed hubby whispering something to him and then he wrote something on a piece of paper..hmm what was hubby up to? As it turned out he asked Felix if he would ask Clay to wish us a happy wedding anniversary, awwww so sweet of hubby. ..I explained to hubby that Clay cant' do that,  if he did it for us he would have to do it for everyone. But we did see Felix heading backstage with the paper, if he gave it to Clay we will never know. Hmm..why didn't hubby put our email address on there waaaaa....
As far as the show..OMG!! Listen up right now. For anyone who is even contemplating going to this concert...YOU MUST GO!! Do whatever you can to get to one!..It is utterly amazing! I've seen it two times now and it seems to get better and better.  Our seats were really good and we could see quite well. The place was just beautiful.. Very ornate. The poor people on the lawn get drenched though as it downpoured during the show. 
I took my binoculars this time and it was so funny because Gee and I took turns using them. She wears glasses..and I need them(but wont' admit it) so we would switch, ha She would give me her glasses and I would give her the binoculars and then we would trade back lol
 And OMG IS THAT MAN EVEN MORE GORGEOUS THAN EVER!!! I found myself looking through the binoculars and studying everything about him. His hair, his eyes, his hands, his lips,  his legs, his feet, well you know tee hee..GAH...he is without a doubt the most gorgeous human being I have ever laid eyes on!!
And his voice!! It was so strong and he hit every note as only Clay can do.
So funny because when he sat down at the piano he was fidgeting and he made a remark about how he lost his shoe! lol and said "note to self, fire the wardrobe person" ha
He was laughing up a storm during "Happy Together". Angela and Quianna were making faces at him and it was really cracking him up. He dipped Angela and looked as if he was gonna plant a big wet one on her face... gah..I want to be her!!
During Solitaire all of the sudden there was a big bolt of lightening and it threw him off track..he stopped singing and told the band to keep playing and he caught up with them and did his glory note...sigh
Another cute moment...during "I can't make you love me" when he sings "lay down with me", this girl in the audience yelled out " OK" and everyone laughed...very cute!
During one of his banters with the audience he was telling us that Angela asked him out on a date and that she had been playing footsie with him and flirting with him all night.  
He then told us that he told  her she was just a friend lol 
All the songs and numbers were amazing as
always and it seemed like it was over really fast tonite...waaaa
Going to Clay's concerts leave you feeling satisfied but at the same time leave you wanting more....and more..I just can't get enough of the guy..:hugs
Come on Atlantic City!!
I wanted to mention but forgot to, about the woman we saw coming in to the concert on a hospital bed. She was taken down to the front of the stage on the right hand side and was surrounded by alot of people. She had all these really pretty fancy purple pillows on her bed and she seemed to really be enjoying herself.
I hear that after the concert that Clay got in her ambulance and talked to her and took a picture with her also...
I have to say that I have been to many many concerts in my life and I have never seen anyone come to one in a hospital bed..That truly says it all, doesn't it? Clay just brings such sheer joy to everyone and especially to those as unfortunate as this woman...
God Bless Clay Aiken!!!


 Message 14 of 25 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameKdeebirdSent: 8/12/2005 2:09 AM
Wanted & I had chatted several times prior to our arrival, once we got to the Comfort Suites, she & her hubby Ian came up to our room. We had a lovely visit.  Wanted has to be one of the sweeties ladies I have ever met!!  Her husband Ian, is a real sweetie & a real sport.  I wasn't aware that he is also a member of the board ........... too funny. Ian if you are out there  HelloIt was very nice meeting you..... love your wife!!    
CLAY,   Can I just say, I adore him, he has got to be the Cutiest Thaaang!! 
We arrived at the show just in time to see them come out, which was a good thing.  There wasn't too much waiting, which is difficult  for John Luke most of the time. I have to say I am like toast ...I understand that this happened to Ima, as well. As I sit here & try to rememeber the evening, I am finding a great deal of memory lapse..... could it be old age  Hmm I was very preoccupied w/ Johnny?  ... or just .... well you know.  Drooling   He voice was dead on!! He was as charming & entertaining as ever, & maybe even more so. He is an absolute NATURAL up on that stage & so comfortable in his is so great to see how much he has matured. And his feet looked HUGE from where we were sitting.....he he he ...... just had to throw that in. Did I mention the "Elvis"  hip moves ......... Oh My
My Johnny Luke was such an angel, I was SO VERY PROUD of him. He sat in between Grandma (NanClayFan) & I. He didn't  know where to look. He kept going back & forth between the two jumbo-trons (sp?) & the stage, I think he was trying to figure it all out?? He lasted until Clay's songs 2003 & started saying  "ALL DONE"   So, I had to take him out to my husband & they walked around the festival until the end. My Hubby what a good guy.  
I can't remember them doing "Car Wash", or "Day Dream Believers"  Did they do that?? Solitare UNBELIEVABLE, I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU-Quiana ......... PHENOMINAL!! Jacob was too funny during the "Rock W/ You" & the 1 gloved hand ... ha ha ..that was great!! The Way-I Will Carry You ........... Oh My Gosh --- I loved all the songs!!! They were all so GREAT!!
I think one of the shockers of the evening is when Clay started to sing " I Can't Make You Love Me"  & some GUY,  (that's right I said some GUY) shouted out,
 " I want you Body"    Shocked  Now what was that about???
Clay's playful banter in between each decade is one of my favorites parts. He is so COOL w/ his audience & Funny as all get out!! He mentioned the bugs several times, & asked Angela after she sang one of her solos, (can't for the life of me remember which one) if she had gotten a mouthful of bugs during the song? He kept chit-chatting w/ a young 16yr old girl down in front & he was asking her if her mother knew what she was asking him? We couldn't hear it, but we could imagine.  
We got home at  2am & my poor hubby was up at 5am to go to work ........... poor guy. My brother & sister in-law & their family were there as well & they also had to work today  ...........uuggh. My niece & nephews had a ball, it was their first concert too.
It was so fun & JOHN LUKE did GREAT!!!!!  Woohoo I WAS SO WORRIED ALL DAY!  Thanks, everyone who said a little prayer for Johnny ........ they worked!!
I think he really enjoyed his first concert experience.
Mission accomplished!!  
CLAY  was AWESOME... he ROCKS ........... I highly recommend RUNRunning to see this concert!!    

 Message 15 of 25 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameKdeebirdSent: 8/12/2005 2:10 AM


From: <NOBR>MSN Nicknamewantedbig</NOBR>

Sent: 8/11/2005 11:32 AM
I was soooo happy to meet Tami and her family....two words to decribe them "Super Nice"  Tami and Nanclay were just beautiful inside and out and their warmth just radiated thru out the room..both hubby's were nice as well and luved Nanclays hubby's sense of humor...John Luke, his light just shines....when he smiles you can see the happiness that comes  from the inside out...he loves to give you Hi Fives it was so warming to see the love and devotion of his family ! I enjoyed meeting the rest of the family ..everyone was nice...I am not doing a recap because their is nothing more I can say that was not said by Tami..I just sat there in   "Awe"   Clay has it all..the voice..the looks..the wit..and the charm...going to be awhile before I recover from this concert...their were two teachers sitting behind me and I only had one C'NC pin left so gave it to one of them..they said they will look us a little advertising in of our great board....they were two very nice people..hope they join our family....we got in about 3 am we got lost on the way home...Hubby went to work as well...had a GREAT time..need the rest of the day to recoup from this Clay experience....Clay is SUPER HOT !   

 Message 16 of 25 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCnderallaSent: 8/12/2005 2:17 AM
Great idea Kdee!  Now we can re-live all the memories!

 Message 17 of 25 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameGladforclay2Sent: 8/12/2005 1:10 PM
Kdee this is great.  Even though I won't see any concerts I like reading what all of you experienced. It is a wonderful idea and  I just read all the recaps

 Message 18 of 25 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameKdeebirdSent: 9/6/2005 1:42 AM

Well this is long overdue but I will try to hit the highlights………�?

 We were picked up by Clay’s security and taken backstage and down to a lounge type area.  We were lined up against the wall and “wanded�?and given our instructions.  Yes, kissing The Clayton is prohibited!!  LOL!!  A table was set up for Clay around the corner from where we were standing.  When Clay came in he shouted, “Hello!�?and we all laughed because we knew it was him but we couldn’t see him so when he got to the table he leaned way over it and looked around the corner at us and said, “Hey Guys!�?SPAN>  LOL!!

It was funny to see the pictures being taken with Clay.  Each time he had the same exact sweet smile.  We laughed that he was going to look the same in ALL our pictures!!  LOL!!

Now, from here on out is kinda blurry!!  I gave my camera away and turned to immediately see Clay’s eyes and my brain went blank!!  I think I must have looked like a deer in the headlights.  I think this is what happened�?/FONT>

Clay shook my hand and said, “Hi!  Nice to meet ya!�?SPAN>  I said, “Hi Clay!  Nice to meet you too!�?SPAN>  He asked my name and signed my book and he also asked me where I was from.  I gave him a poem written by my daughter and told him, “This is a gift from my daughter.  She wrote it for you �?she’s 10.�?SPAN>  Clay said thank you and asked her name.  He said, “Tell Rachel I said hello.�?SPAN>  I said I would and he said, “Let’s take a picture.�?SPAN>  I had no idea where to look and �?flash �?it was over!!  I said, Thank you Clay�?and floated away.  Since Clay has her poem now, Rachel wanted me to share it with you all.  This is exactly how she typed it for him.  I will try to get the picture up later.

You Can Make a Difference

By: Rachel B.

Grade 5

There’s a world out there. People are going through pain.

They roll with the punches again, and again, and again.

You see it all, on the TV news.

People are dying, children are crying, and have nothing else left to lose.

You feel sad, and sorry for those people, too. But is there something you can do?


 With a will in your heart, your dreams can’t break apart.

You have your tools to use. Now down the path, you’ll cruise.

You have your special plan. There’s no way you can lose.

Everything you need is inside. Now all we need is you.


There are places in the world that are run-down, and beaten.

There are ill and tired people, who in years haven’t eaten.

Everyday people die, everyday children cry. Then it’s just a memory slowly passing by.

You see the faces on those people, all frowning, feeling blue.

Is there something that you can do?


When you put your mind to something, your dreams start to take shape and begin.

That will give you the chance to fight and win.

You are ready and determined to do what you can do.

Everything you need is right here. Now all we need is you.



 Mr. Aiken, I have seen what you have done.

Now I know that I, too, can make a difference.

All you need is a dream.


Clay - If you're reading this, Rachel hopes you enjoyed her poem.  She has had her share of bullies already and your openness about your own has helped her so much.  She is more determined than ever to be successful in her writing.  Thank you so much!! 

 Message 19 of 25 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameKdeebirdSent: 9/6/2005 1:47 AM
What a night, What a concert.What an absolutely beautiful "MAN"
The Ohio State Fair was my 7th Clay concert. As great and as wonderful as he was before, he was (I think the only way I can say it in my limited words is) "He was so much "MORE"  More handsome,more mature, more professional, but at the same time our sweet and adorable Wonderful Clay.
My Daughter Lori, Granddaughters Jenny, and Abby were with me, as they have been to all Clay concerts..
We had a very nice trip, Our Hotel (which we stayed at last year) without a doubt was the best. A beautiful place called "The Blackwell" I would recommend this hotel to anyone going to the Columbus area. Again, as last year we had a Black Lincoln Towncar Limousine (la de da) to the main gate to the Fair grounds. They could not take us to the Celeste Center, as they could not go on the grounds, and we are told the Celeste Center is in the center of the Fair so I thought as hot as it is I didn't think I would be able to stand the heat to walk all of this way, but to our luck for this day, there was a Fair shuttle to take us all the way around the Fair grounds to the Celeste Center. We got off the shuttle and walked across the street straight to Clay's busses and the meet and greet area where people were having snacks and waiting, we thought for Clay, but that was not to be,  we were told the meet and greet was inside of the building. so we went on to go in and find our seats.
While we were on our way in we run into Clamy and three other WV Clay Fan members, and chatted with them for a while.
As our seats were split.  Lori and Abby were in the 7th row,  Jenny and I in the 3rd row.  As it turns out Lori and Abby were the lucky ones. When Clay come out into the audience to get the "Guy" that didn't want to be there. He was in the same row with them. Lori said "He"Clay" was right there in front of my face"  I guess it was good it wasn't me.  I would have just melted to the floor then and there.  I do believe Abby just froze LOL.  Lori did get a picture of him up close, but these are not develovped yet,  Can't wait to see that one.
I won't try to go through every song of the concert, I couldn't anyway. I was very, very, emotional, and I could not take my eyes off of Clay.  You know how that is. He is and was "TOTALLY MAGICAL" He can never again say he can't dance. He most certainly has the "MOVES"  LLVL was Poetry and Seduction in motion.  He was the best "PIP" I have ever seen.  The Black Leather Jacket was to die for. but the black suit was my favorite outfit. The Jacket is cut very short for a suit, and it looked very, very, very nice as he went from one side of the stage to the other, showing is well toned, beautiful body off to perfection. OMG.  Did it ever !!!!!!!! His hair was perfection, as was his voice and every move he made.
During intermission I had Lori to bring Abby over so she could watch the rest of the concert up close, as everyone was standing anywan, and no one cared.
Jacob, Angela, and Quiana, were great. It will be a sad day when one or all of them go their own way. There was so much talent on that stage it just leaves you in awe.  This was without a doubt the best concert I've been to in my whole life.  If Clay at some point in the future tops this one I'm not sure I could stand to be there to see it.
There is so, so much more, but I know by now you have read many recaps. So I will say in closing. On our way out we passed by the people waiting for one last look at Clay by the busses. We were on our way to catch the shuttle back to the main gait and did not stop, but while we were at the shuttle stop, waiting. Just like it was planned for our entertainment there was a beautiful fireworks display, and as soon as the fireworks were over.  Clay's busses come by where we were waiting. We got to wave Good Bye   Abby was yelling  "We Love you Clay"  We Love you Clay".  Then he was gone.
The shuttle pulled up. We got on and had another ride around the Fair Grounds back to the Main Gate and the Hotel Shuttle was there waiting for us.
I want to say THANK YOU  to the Ladies that made it possible at the last minute, for letting us by their extra tickets  Two more Clay friends for life.

 Message 20 of 25 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameKdeebirdSent: 9/6/2005 1:51 AM
Meeting Clay was by far my most amazing expierence as a Clayfan....I know nothing will top that, but the meet and greet left little to be desired!  First of all, the e-mail stated that all meet and greets will be one and half hours before show time.  As of 6PM we still had no clue what was going on!!!  Finally, at 6:15 we get our instructions. There were 10 fanclub winners, 2 or 4 stubhub winners, and some radio people to meet Clay!  We were escorted to the left side of the stage and we were told to stand in single file.  If anyone had anything they wanted to give Clay it had to be handed over and they would see that he would get it....we were so upset, because of course everyone had something they wanted to give him!  I had this tshirt, with a map of PA written all over was way too big for him (didn't have a smaller size), but I thought he would get a kick out of it. We then  waited in the sun about 20 mins more!!! OMG, are we ever going to meet Clay??? Finally, we are escorted around the back of the stage to where the buses were. There was a bar table right next to a dressing room and thats where Clay would sign your one piece of memorabilia.
Finally, he comes out....did I say he just sooooo FREAKIN ADORABLE????
As the line progressed you handed your camera to a security person, who in turn would give it to Nick to take the picture.  Then Mary, asks what you want Clay to sign and hand it to her.....then its my turn and this is what happened...
Clay:  Hi, whats your name???
Me:  Hi Clay....MaryAnn
Clay:  Is that two words?
Me:  Yes, no e on the end 
Clay:  So what part of the south are you from darlin?
Me:  He caught me off guard with that statement....Clay.....I'm not from the south!!
Clay:  Really?  You sound like you are from the south...
Me:  Nope, around Pittsburgh
Clay:  Oh, south Pittsburgh (laughs)
Me:  Yeah, laughing...south Pittsburgh
Clay:  MaryAnn....lets have Nick take our picture
His hand goes around my waist.....and CHEESE!  
Clay:  Well, it was a pleasure to meet you, MaryAnn
At this point, I don't know what I said.....I hope I said thank you, but who knows....I just floated away!
Well, thats it, short and sweet, but with all the hassel in the beginning, it was all worth it and  a moment I will never forget as long as I live.
As you all know, the concert was amazing and I am happy to report, that my friend that went with me is a bonified Claymate....(This was her first concert)....I happened to have his book in the car, and she is now reading it!
Below, is my picture of Clay and looks dark, but the original came out much lighter....a picture of the tshirt, and my friend Barb and me! 
Thats all folks!

 Message 21 of 25 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameKdeebirdSent: 9/6/2005 1:54 AM

Hello,  well I finally have a few minutes to tell you about my exciting day last Thursday in Toronto.  

I met so many nice people during the day.  I was talking to a girl about 18 years old in line who was just so excited to be seeing Clay again she could hardly contain her excitement.  She was so adorable to watch.  She told me that last Christmas  her mother gave her tickets to see Clay's Christmas tour in Arizona.  They flew from Toronto to Arizona for the concert.  And guess what happened during the concert.  Clay actually sang to her and held her hand.  She said she just about died.  He was so gorgeous!!   

 I was just so happy for her and she still seems like she is in dream land over that 8 months later.   I was also talking to a bunch of other great Clay fans while waiting in line. I saw Clay's bus and I was just so excited.    Let me at him, let me at him..   So close but so far away.  Darn security people.   We heard the meet and greet people scream when Clay came out to meet them.  They sure sounded excited!  I also saw Jacob walking around near the buses when the security guard had the gate open a bit but I did not see Clay.      


Clay was amazing.    I just sat there and savoured every single moment.   UM, BOTW, Mandy, ICMYLM, Sailing, Alone blew me away. The chills were back, and the tears of happiness were back.      Back for More was awesome and I liked the new song he did that night.   The Canadian banter was a nice touch.  I was impressed that he knew his Canadian geography.  Yes,  he did his homework.     Clay told us we were too polite.    When Clay went into the audience to find someone for carwash he was in my section for a minute.  He was close to me but not close enough.  However, I still couldn't breath for a minute being that close to him.   We made him an honorary Canadian for the evening.  Stump the band was great. Crying, Sweet Child of mine and Oh Canada.  The look on Clay's face when a fan asked for "Oh Canada" was priceless.  So cute. He did okay with our Anthem.  I was impressed that he knew all the words.  When he sang Oh Canada.  The crowd was on there feet singing right along with him.  It was a very special moment I will not forget.   Afterwords he said to us.. "Well we do get hocky in North Carolina"     When the fireworks started going off Clay stopped the show and just chatted with the audience.  He is such a natural at entertaining his fans.  I was hoping the fireworks would have lasted longer than they did.   I should have slipped a twenty dollar bill to the guy setting of the fireworks and told him to make them go off longer Thursday night.    

There was lots of men in the audience.  I was sitting beside two men that were there with their wife's.  I asked them at intermission if they were enjoying the show and they were very impressed with Clay's concert.  I don't think they were expecting to have a great time.   The security guard in my section also seemed to be enjoying the show.  He was laughing when Clay was in the audience to find someone for carwash.  And he seemed to be dancing a bit during the show.     The show was almost 3 hours long. But that was still not long enough for me.  I did not want the night to end

On my way to the go train station after the concert some strangers stopped me.  They had been at the concert and they had seen Clay for the first time.  They told me that they were blown away.  His voice was amazing and oh those glory notes.. (Well they didn't call them glory notes but that is what they meant).   They wanted to know where they could buy a copy of the concert CD.  I told them that there was no official concert CD.  However, I did point them in the direction of some sites they could download from.  They were so excited that they could download the music from the internet.  They had many questions about Clay and I was able to answer all of them.   They were definitely Clayverted in Toronto.    

And finally on the go train coming home I was talking to people from the Clayboard.  We were talking the Clay lingo.  I think the guys sitting behind us probably thought we were nuts. 

It is just amazing how Clay fans can talk forever about him in our own language and completely understand each other!! 

I think I have covered all the highlights.  I had a terrific night and I am very sad this tour is coming to a close.   However, I am very grateful that Clay brought us this tour.        I am thankful  that I have had the opportunity to finally see Clay live not once but twice.  I hope I don't have to wait that long before seeing him again.  He certainly leaves you wanting to come "Back For More"   .. Jackie

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Sent: 9/6/2005 1:56 AM
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 Message 23 of 25 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameKdeebirdSent: 9/6/2005 1:59 AM
First off it's really good to be home, I really missed everybody!
We left for Cape May, NJ last Wednesday morning after driving to DE the day before. The voyage across the Delaware was quite an adventure as the morning we left we were having the remnants of the winds from Hurricane Katrina so it was a rock and roll ride all the way across. The captain told us to sit in our seats as we were approaching some swells! Huh? Eeeekkksss! Thankfully they didn't last too long and before we knew it we were in New Jersey. Before checking into our hotel we decided to drive into town to find the Borgata. As we were scanning the skyline we saw it looming large on the horizon. I believe it is the largest hotel in A.C. The place was like a city in itself, many roads in and out.
After that we went back to our hotel and got ready to go back to go to the concert. As Corie described it, the Borgata was just beautiful! After we got there we went into the very beautiful, very massive lobby.
I walked over to the concierge's desk to ask for directions to the event center and when I looked down on the floor behind the desk I saw three  arrangements of flowers one of which was a beautiful arrangement of long stemmed red roses. I asked who they were for and was told they were for Clay Aiken! I was so excited to know that our flowers made it there! They were just exquisite!
As Gee and I walked away  towards the event center I saw a lady pulling a cart with our flowers on I quickly bolted off after her to see where she was going but I lost her when she disappeared through a set of swinging doors..waaa
But at least we know that he got them!
After that we met up with Wanted and hubby Goesahead. Major hugs and tears all around! We set off to go call Corie and when we came back Gee had met a claymate named Sue who was there by herself so we adopted her and she became a part of our group that night. The four of us set off to find Corie and her daughter Jennifer who just so happened to be having dinner very near to where we were. Wasn't long before we found each other and again hugs and tears were exchanged ..It was so nice to finally meet everyone. Unfortunately we missed meeting up with Phyl as the cell phones seemed to be misbehaving and it was so loud in the place it was hard to hear on the phones....
As we were standing there chatting away we saw the famous Ethel. She is just the sweetest person you ever want to meet and I even got a hug with her. She has become quite the celebrity!
Next we all headed up the escalators to the event center. After buying our goodies it was off to our seats.
At 8:00 the lights went down and out came Clay for what would be my last time seeing him for the JBT. I was a little concerned about how he would sound because of his cold but his voice was just dead on and so strong. He was in an extremely funny and chattey mood that night as you know from the cellcert. It was so funny when he told us to keep our hands up in the air. He said he was tired of those of us who had been to previous JBT concerts ruining his punchline's, haa. Another funny moment was when he said he thought George Michael sang DLTSGDOM...If you want to see it go download the vid, it's hilarious!
When they did stump the band and a lady named Vivian came up and sang "What's new Pussycat", when she got to the part of "your eyes", "your lips", etc everyone would oohh and ahhh...haaa. All the songs were great but ICMYLM was breathtakingly beautiful!
As each song ended I found myself getting more sad knowing it would be over soon. I wished it could have gone on forever but we know all good things must come to an end as it did when he came out and sang "Invisible" for the last time. I thought I would cry as I saw him hit the jukebox for the last time but thankfully I didn't. And then the streamers came down and that was it...
After the concert we all met up for a few minutes and then went our separate ways. As Gee and I were heading for the door we saw a crowd in the hallway and it was Angela and Quianna giving autographs. I hate to tell ya ladies but Angela is just gorgeous! We need some more shuttles, haaa.
On the way out I heard some music playing overhead and it was Greenday's "Time of your life"..It almost made me cry, what a perfect song for such a perfect night!
We went outside and saw a tour bus in front. I knew it wasn't Clay's so I asked who it belonged to and was told it was from the rock band "Journey". Apparently they were playing there that weekend.
I had such a wonderful night that it was hard to go back to the hotel and go to I wrote my recap so that I wouldn't forget anything, I hope I didn't.
The next day while heading back on the ferry boat I was sitting on the top deck of the ship. It was an absolutely gorgeous day with the sun shinging and the water glistening. As we grew farther and farther from shore I heard the Carly Simon song "These are the good ol days"...I started to choke up...
They sure are!!!!
So....that's my recap.
How's the commercial go?
One ticket to see Clay Aiken-$75.00
The cost of transportation to get there-Don't ask...haaa
Being able to attend the next to last concert and meet up with friends....
I have a few pictures on the posts below...
This boat was like the one we were on
Our Boat
Living Statue at the Borgata
Angela with Vivian the lady who sang "Pussycat"
Clay's Flower's(ours are the red roses)
Another shot of our flowers to Clay
Heading back Home, Going away from Cape May

 Message 24 of 25 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameKdeebirdSent: 9/6/2005 2:00 AM
Kdee did such a wonderful job of capturing all the many great
hi lights of the 31st concert so I will just add a few notes here.
As the jutebox repeated and repeated the same notes in it's stuck mode Clay walked out with the girls behind him and I just have to say that I thought, " Oh, he's so handsome, he's so cute !
" Just look at him!" And when he sang with all his "moves", it was mesmerizing . His voice was the strongest I have
ever heard, just fantastically beautiful.That night Clay played up to Quianna more than to Angela and it was so cute how Quianna
hammed it up to Clay's pretend advances. All of Clay's songs have
been mentioned many times but  I have to say "LLVL" (wow!) is a
favorite of mine and how I would love to have Clay record "ICMYLM" which he sings so soulfully, so sweetly !
  It was so nice to meet Wanted and her hubby Goesahead, his 2 sisters, Corie and her daughter Jennifer.  When Wanted and Kdee went off to find Corie I stayed behind and a lady who was standing close by and I struck up a conversation and exchanged email addresses as she expressed interest in our board . When everybody returned and we were all together introductions were exchanged
and we adopted our new friend Sue for the evening. She is friendly and warm and she is going to join our board .Something new occurred at this concert ( at least to me it was new ) As everyone was listening so intently to Clay  some people yelled out, "I love you Clay" more than  once .Here and  there all over the room many people shushed those shouting out. The shushing only
lasted a few seconds so it didn't  interfere with Clay's singing. I hope whenever rude people shout out when Clay is singing others will
shush them and eventually the message  will be given out  to stop the yelling out. On the way home on the ferry boat Kdee saw a license plate that said Clayton ( Georgia) and she said oh look ! Then she said, "I think I have a problem" Ha ! Don't we all ? Bring it on !! Can't get enough !!

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 Message 25 of 25 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameKdeebirdSent: 9/6/2005 2:01 AM

On August 31st, my day started at 3 a.m. This was after 2 hours sleep. My daughter was picking me up at 4 a.m. to take me to the airport to go to Atlantic City. I thought, what the heck, I will sleep on the airplane. Not!! I was so excited over meeting my online friends and seeing our beautiful angel, that I could not even close my eyes. I had to change planes in Cincinnati and my seat companion told me she was going to Atlantic City to see Clay Aiken. We immediately became best buddies and lo, and behold, her best buddy was Ethel. She told me that Ethel had left Dayton the day before and was taking the BUS (a 16 hour ride) to Atlantic City.

Well, we arrived and took a taxi from the Airport to the Borgata where I was to meet my friend, Norma (ClayfulThing) and her friends. I was staying at the Borgata with them and I had never met them in person but had told them what I would have on and we all arrived about the same time. They recognized me and it was like a reunion from that moment on. After changing clothes, having dinner at the Borgata Buffet, we got in line for the escalator to go up to the venue. The crowd was huge and so many men. I tried, to no avail, to reach Kdee, but the phone service was awful and I was never able to reach her which was a downer as I wanted so much to meet my buddies from Clay ‘NCompany. From the moment the Jukebox started, it was heaven on earth. There is no video, by the most experienced videographer, no CD or DVD that can compare to this beautiful man in person. If I thought I needed therapy before, I know now it is essential LOL LOL. He is all the things that we have said he was and a whole lot more. He is so personable, funny, snarky, intelligent, handsome, talented and boy, can he dance. Really, there are not enough adjectives to describe him. I did get a call to Kitty and JoJo before my phone went completely out. I just hope they were able to hear at least one song. When that night ended, my saving grace was knowing that I would see him again the next night.

The next day we attended the Preparty at Trump Tower which I had been told was across the street from the Borgata. Little did I know that in AC you have to take a "jittney" to go across the street. The preparty was nice and again, we met a lot of Clay fans. Ethel and her friend sat at our table and Ethel is a hoot. There was a silent auction and all the funds raised would go directly to BAF which was very nice. I met a lovely lady "Clayfanatic" I think that is the way she spelled her name and we were talking and she said I can’t believe a woman my age got on a plane and flew from Texas to AC just to see Clay? I was shocked and asked her how she knew me and she laughed and said, not you, Me! She lives about 25 miles from me and is a lovely lady.

OK, now it’s time to wait in line again at the escalator for our final date with the beautiful man.

It almost makes me cry to even think about it. This was the night of pranks, fun and pure heaven. When Clay sings your heart beats like it is going to jump out of your chest. When listening to the cellcerts there are things he says that we cannot understand, however, being there in person you can understand everything and he is just so funny. Both nights, "Stump the Band" was great and the audience certainly showed their love. This final night it seems that every person in the venue had a glow stick and they were waived from "Back For More" until the final hit of the Jukebox. I could not help but cry. It was over.

When we went to the lobby of the Borgata we met up with Jacob, Angie and Quiana and they visited with us, they are so personable and gave us autographs and let us have pictures with them. Also got pictures with Ethel.

I am so happy that I decided to go to this concert and if he does not come to Dallas at Christmas, you can be sure I will be flying somewhere again. Thanks to all the friends for their hospitality and to all the Clay fans that I met. This was a wonderful trip.

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