 | | From:  Zydha (Original Message) | Sent: 1/30/2007 12:02 PM |
i tried something new this audio-time
i tried (unsuccessfully) to record a poem by simply staring to say something and adding on to it as i went
it worked for a stanza but fell apart thereafter - any one like to try that one??
i wish i were that spontaneous
m | |
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 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 1/30/2007 12:02 PM |
What an interesting exercise, Mikhail.... sometimes pieces do just flow out that way, but I guess it depends on getting the timing to co-perate with the muse. Shall have a go and post something to get us going, lol, but don't you dare laugh!!! Zy | |
 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 1/30/2007 12:19 PM |
ok..I don't know how bad yours was that you didn't post it Mikhail, but this is not good...just a start. Maybe it would become a more relaxing exercise if one were to forget that there is no time for correction, lol...maybe a couple of glasses of Bollenger? But, it was an interesting experience for I listened to the tape and decided to post it anyways, faults and all, as it shows where my mind moved from 'word' to 'mind' as I instantly paniced as to what would rhyme with 'word'. Also I have left the line ending with 'friend' hanging out on a limb and completely forgot about it. It would be fun to try this more, as we would become more at ease and some workable thought might immerge from spontanious mind play. (and memory testing) Come on....let's all have an honest try....no writing beforehand, lol, Zy |
| Spontinaity.wav |
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 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 1/30/2007 2:28 PM |
Hey...you can't see me blushing from there, lol...mine's pretty bad really, but it's a start. It was a fun experiment, Stella, but I think one which will become easier with time. Good on you, Girl....that's the spirit  shall be back later to listen, but for now...chores are calling, Zy |
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 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 1/30/2007 6:44 PM |
I love the undercurrent of sadness in separation, yet, an acceptace of the situation running through this, Stella, a great first effort at this slightly 'nerve-racking experience, lol. Also loved the rhyming ending, lol, neat way to close, but it isn't as easy as I thought it would be to just carry on composing without a hitch....I think I have just found the key to all those times I get four lines in my head and by the time I am about to write them down...it's evaporated and will not come back. May have another go when all is quieter at home, lol...but thank you so much for having a go with me, lol, wait till Mikhail sees what he has started,  Zy |
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you all are so brave - i have tried yet again and - - audio 1 mikhail - nil |
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sorry for this - my mood was a bit low - but i had to try - hope this does not confound
best, m |
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 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 2/1/2007 11:40 AM |
Yes, Mikhail...raw, and so very touching to hear such honest words. I too have had that moment in time, but as a child and have grown beyond, Mikhail, but never have I read/heard a poet's words before which allowed entry to their mind and heart with such honesty. (Well...maybe one or two of Maya Angelou's) As Stella says, do not apologise for words which hold such strength and power of communication and nomatter their darkness, make damn fine poetry, well done, My Friend...a very moving listen, Zy |
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thanks so much Stella and Zy - my heart was breaking - my mind was aching - i'm better today - thanks
best, m |
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