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Lakotah Words.. : Question for NDNHorseman
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 Message 1 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamewaterfallswoman  (Original Message)Sent: 1/15/2007 2:41 AM
Please help me understand. I saw your post about how women using the term "Aho," is incorrect. How should a woman express "may it be so" or "so be it" in Lakota? So often when I pray I ask Tunkashila to guide my steps in this life. When the smoke has risen, I say in my heart, "let it be so." To know the proper way to say this in your language would be a great gift to me. Thank you. Respectfully, WaterfallsWoman

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 Message 2 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamewaterfallswomanSent: 1/15/2007 2:48 PM
I have read the exchange you posted with White Buffalo Jan 14th. I support wholeheartedly your statements. You must be true to your Lakota heritage and I was proud to see you stand solidly for that. Please do not let others deter you from sharing with those of us who respect the old ways and want to follow them in the traditional way. Often it seems when we reach out to help, others throw logs in our paths to spook the horses from carrying their rider to his destination. When you stand for truth, many times there are those whose self importance makes them get in a flutter and stir things up. But there are also those who are brave enough to look through that clutter to see there are others who seek the knowledge to grow closer to that truth you wish to share. Thank you so much for your efforts. When I came upon your prayer, my eyes filled with tears of happiness to have found such a precious person as you. They say the eyes are connected to the heart, and it is so. From my heart I thank you. Respectfully, WaterfallsWoman

 Message 3 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamendnhorseman1Sent: 1/20/2007 10:04 PM
first I will have to ask one of my :female: relatives how they end please give me some time and I will find you the answer to that I was taught by men...from a mans view.
As for standing for the truth....I have been "hammered" by many for attempting to correct people on the language and customs of my Mothers people....but this has never stopped me in the past nor will it stop me now. I try to use tac when correcting, but at times I have been known to "get up in the face" of the followers of the new age movement.
The problem the Lakota, Tsalgi, and other nations face is the problem of those that have read something that has no basis of truth and no matter what you tell them, you can not change thier minds or thier mindset. As I stated before....language, ceremony are given to each nation for tribal identity and there is protocol that must be followed in ceremony and the such....the major obstacle that faces the ndn nations today is those that became disgruntled with the christian church decided that they could mix and match.....and do what they want. This is evident when you read the horror stories of people dieing in inipi (sweat lodges) and becoming very ill as they attempt to do a ceremony without the proper songs and protocol.
I am prayer made you frrl is simple ,short and to the point. I appreciate the "thank you"...but there is no need .....I am happy to share what I know. Stay strong and keep the faith.

 Message 4 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamewaterfallswomanSent: 1/21/2007 3:21 AM
My thanks to you again, NDNHorseman, for taking the time to answer my post. My prayers rise for you, your family and your horses every day as you face the winter storms and ice. I know times like these consume precious resources in extra hay and fuel. If there is any way I can help, please let me know. Today, I sat at the top of the falls with my dog and sent prayers during the setting of the sun, asking Grandfather to shine strongly on you and your land. I asked that your fire burns bright and brings you good warmth and comfort and that your horses have plenty of hay and fresh water. My best to you, WaterfallsWoman

 Message 5 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamesmartypants1691Sent: 1/21/2007 10:02 PM
I apologize for nosing in on this post. Please excuse me, I don't wish to be rude...
First my prayers go to you and your neighbors. I hope you all are warm and well.
I have come across the same problem often, as I do not have Elders to guide me on the Lakhota way. I have many questions that are specifically related to the woman's way (so to speak). If you know anyone, or any members of the board who are female and can withstand my incessant (lol) questioning please let me know. Somethings aren't proper or rude to ask  men, sometimes they truely may not know....

 Message 6 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamewaterfallswomanSent: 1/21/2007 11:50 PM
If addressing my question to NDNHorseman is rude or improper, I offer my apologies. I did not know. In a humble fashion, I seek only to approach the Great Mystery in the proper way out of great respect for this beautiful language which I only use in prayer. To offend anyone would bring me great sadness. Respectfully, WaterfallsWoman

 Message 7 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamesmartypants1691Sent: 1/22/2007 12:22 AM
WaterfallsWoman, I hope you don't think I was speaking about you... I was only asking because I have questions I don't want to ask a man. lol Some things are more in a woman's arena lol. I don't think your questions were rude at all....

 Message 8 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameAnnie-LLSent: 1/22/2007 12:41 AM
 Hello  There is a lot to learn for women on the Womens sectio ..on side bar...And I plan on adding more...wado  Annie

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