Late in in June I requested prayers for my nephews family and due to a shut down of my phone I couldn't get on and let everyone know how all that is going. Baby Sarah has been home a while now and I guess is doing fine, I have seen her once but am not allowed to hold her because I am allergic to hand sanitizer and can't hold her without it ( I raised four kids, two who were premmies and didn't kill any of them and I never used the stuff) My mother-in-law has recovered physically but she is now acting like my nephew is the victim,and that all the people who are mad at him and are shunning him are wrong to treat him so bad because he can't help what he did because he is sick. I admit he has a disease but he isn't sick; it's just like diabetis, a disease that can be controlled and not allowed to ruin a person's life. Now all charges have been dropped and he isn' going to be held accountable,at least not in this life. My kids and I have not been going around Mom lately because we don't want to hear how mean everyone is treating him, and we don't want to run into him. She has my phone number and I do check in once in a while. I have to protect my family and my own sanity so I can be there the next time this happens. Thank you to all of you for your prayers, I know those prayers are what held us up to the Creato and helped us through all this. I have been reading all the back Daily updates and I am praying for all the prayer requests and for all my WC family. Love Flossie