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Dealing with Chronic PainContains "mature" content, but not necessarily adult.[email protected] 
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All Message Boards : Meylogram tomorrow - But...
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(1 recommendation so far) Message 1 of 25 in Discussion 
From: Dan  (Original Message)Sent: 11/13/2008 11:28 PM
The meylogram is tomorrow.  But Buzz heard from his mom and she's not doing well, so he's got to go to Seattle tonight  to see her.  So there goes my ride.  He'll be in Seatle when it's time to go down there. 
What to do. 
What to do. 
I know. 
I know. 
I should have gone through with this the time before when I did the sleep study. 
You're right.  I screwed up.  But now what do I do? 
I guess I could call them and leave a message again and say I won't be there.  Not much harm done again.  I only took two of the steroids again so far.  Due to take them again in half an hour so I got to make a decision before then. 
What to do, what to do?  OMG.  Cyndy is going to kill me.  Maybe I should just move to Canada and live up there with Hannah and her husband.  It looks nice up there in the Vancouver area.   
Can I come up to Canada, Hannah? 
Will I be safe there? 
I have a feeling she'll find me. 
And if she doesn't, she'll send Adam.  He's in Utah, and that's not far from Canada.  And he's bigger than me and he has GUNS!!! 
Wait, I got an idea.  I can hitch hike down there.  If I leave early enough... No, maybe not.... 
What to do. 
What to do... 
OK.  JUST KIDDING.   Heh, heh.  I already got someone from church to come and get me and take me down there.  I've already started the pre-meds and I've started screwing up my courage.    So say a prayer for me.  I won't be posting tomorrow.  But I should be back Saturday as long as I don't get a spinal headache. 
Soooooooo.  Start the prayers again.  Please.  I've had some fun with this, but it's gallows humor. 
Lots of love,

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 Message 11 of 25 in Discussion 
From: Jen, PTSent: 11/16/2008 6:16 AM
((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((DAN)))))))))))))))))))))))))))).  We're thinking about you.  Stay strong, my friend!  Sorry about all the pain you went through, it's simply not fair.  Hope everything turns out well for you!

 Message 12 of 25 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameNatzoSwiftSent: 11/16/2008 1:06 PM
I'm sorry you had so much pain with the myleogram, Dan.  And I'm sorry that you 'see' something on the myleogram....hopefully, it's not 'that' coming back again...but rather, something that can be dealt with easily and quickly...perhaps with laser surgery, or even something 'better'.
But, don't jump the gun yet, always tell us that.  I know you know what you're looking at....but, hopefully, it's 'nothing'.  Keep thinking that way....and we'll keep praying for you, Dan.  Don't want to see you going through anything like that....ever again!
Hang in there....and when do you see the doctor???  Hopefully it's soon, Dan....

 Message 13 of 25 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCrystalSunflowersSent: 11/16/2008 7:02 PM
That really sounds awful.  I'm so sorry to see that you're spine is causing so much pain.  I was wondering about scar tissue also, because you simply don't want to think anything else. 
When do you see the dr?

 Message 14 of 25 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknametomcat5162Sent: 11/16/2008 9:08 PM
I'm sorry that the myelogram caused you so much pain too.  I hope you're feeling better by now.  And I'm sorry that you see what you think you see on it.  I'm just hoping that you're wrong.  Wouldn't you just love to be wrong for a change?  This time, hopefully you are.  When will you get the official report?  I'll be keeping you in my prayers.  Hope you are feeling better.

 Message 15 of 25 in Discussion 
From: DanSent: 11/17/2008 12:33 AM
Thank you everyone.  The support here is something I can always depend on.  It's wonderful.  You all are the best. 
I'm hoping I'm wrong too.  I really am.  I've been wrong before.  I remember back in 1968 I thought I made a mistake, but I was wrong... 
I looked at it again today, and there it was again.  And I could see better today, as I was at home and had a good window and sunlight to use behind the film.  It didn't' show on just one view.  It was on all the lateral views.  Every... last.... one....
Soooooo...  Bummer.  But still, there's nothing on the CT scan.    No tumor.  Nothing impinging on my cord anywhere in the thoracic area, or anywhere for that matter.   I'm not going to say a word about my cervical area.  That's GOTTA be an anomalie.  /Nod  I mean, I'm not a quad... Right?  So that picture is just wrong...  Sheesh...  Scary sometimes, the things we see...   
The fact that there's nothing on the CT could be a function of the way they had me positioned.  They had me flat on my back, with no pillow, and my arms above my head; which is what caused the spasms and the level ten pain attack.  That could have flattened out the area and caused that part of the tumor to flatten out too.  Maybe?  I just don't know.  Again, we're going to have to wait for them what does know to actually know what's going on.  I know what I think I see.  But then, I'm not a doctor.  I don't even play one on TV.  Right?   
I expect that the ortopod will get the radiologists report some time this week.  He doesn't actually want to see me.  If there is something that needs surgical intervention, I go with the report and the films to the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School at Dallas and talk to the chair of the neurosurgical department, Dr. Duke Sampson.  He knows me very well.  He's the guy who has traipsed through my back all three times.  <Gulp> 
Oh, the good news.  If this is a tumor re-grown, it appears to me to be completely posterior.  That means it 's going to be easy to get to. 
Love and hugs,
On a sadder note, Kitty is worse.  I plan to take her in tomorrow and, if the vet concurrs, I intend to have her put to sleep. 

 Message 16 of 25 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameThrashed_Arms_and_handsSent: 11/17/2008 2:11 AM
<Adam gently puts his arm around Dan>

 Message 17 of 25 in Discussion 
From: Hannah.Sent: 11/17/2008 2:21 AM

 Message 18 of 25 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCyndyK2Sent: 11/17/2008 4:57 AM
Aw, dammit.


 Message 19 of 25 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCrystalSunflowersSent: 11/17/2008 5:42 PM
I am so very, very sorry about Kitty.  On top of everything else. 
You care certainly a strong man, and I am praying that this will be easy to deal with. 

 Message 20 of 25 in Discussion 
From: DanSent: 11/18/2008 12:06 AM
I deeply appologize. 
As mentioned to Hannah, she started eating this AM.  So go figure.  I kept her home and we'll see what happens.
I think she's doing these things to drive us all crazy.  Next time I will only announce when the deed is done, not what I intend to do.  I realize I put you all through a lot of changes too when I post something like that and then change my mind.  But I couldn't do it when she came up and started to beg for a treat this AM.  Then she ate not only a treat but several treats and some food.  And, she kept it all down.  I just couldn't take her in.  So we'll put her back on day to day.  And next time I post about her, she'll either be totally healthy, or someone will have asked about her or she will be gone.  I can't keep putting you all through this kind of emotional turmoil.  It's not fair to you.  You all have enough emotional turmoil in your lives, you don't need mine. 
Hugs and lots of love,

 Message 21 of 25 in Discussion 
From: Hannah.Sent: 11/18/2008 1:01 AM
Aw Dan, I am happy you get to spend more time with each other.  It's ok to post if you think you may put her down, we are here to support you, and I am sure you need support while thinking that.  It is a happy surprise to hear she is feeling well.  Don't ever worry about us worrying about you, we are here to supposrt you through thick and thin.

 Message 22 of 25 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCyndyK2Sent: 11/18/2008 5:50 AM
Maybe this was her way of fasting to cleanse her system, Dan. I hope she's with you for a good while yet. It's been tearing my heart out, worrying about both of you. I know you had to be overjoyed to see her eating today. Please God, this means she's on the mend!


 Message 23 of 25 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCrystalSunflowersSent: 11/18/2008 12:46 PM
Here is a thought.  You told us about poor kitty, and what you thought would have to be done.  Extra prayers went up, and kitty is better.
I wouldn't be hesitant about mentioning anything.
I know I am new here, but I can see a lot of very genuine love for you here. 
My Mom used to say "A problem shared, is a problem halved". 
 OMG I've found myself quoting my parents a lot lately.  Maybe wisdom does come with age.  I do hope so, I've needed some wisdome back in my life.
Have a wonderful day.

 Message 24 of 25 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEUCmomSent: 11/19/2008 1:24 PM
Dan how is Kitty doing?  You know we all here are pet lovers beyond belief and worry not just about one another but those who we have that give us our unconditional love, warmth and who are there when our pain is highest!  At least mine are.  I hope Kitty comes through.  How old is she/he?  My oldest is 18, he is grey and has the softest long hair. He is nothing but skin and bones but keeps on kicking.  Love him to death.
Did you find out any more about your mylogram?  I hope and pray for the best results for you!

 Message 25 of 25 in Discussion 
From: DanSent: 11/20/2008 1:54 AM
Nothing about the myelogram today.  "Our doctors have more than just you, Mr. Benson. The report will be done when it's done." 
I'm paraphrasing, but that's the gist of what I was told when I called again today.  I mean, I've only called three times... Monday, Tuesday and today... So what's the big deal?  LOL 
I tried again today to take LKYSC to the vet.  She hid again.  I found her behind the stereo, in amounst some wires and things, so I didn't want to squirt any water back there to chase her out.  I couldn't reach her, and she would not come to me. 
Now this is a cat who comes  when I call 99% of the time.  I mean, she takes her own sweet time about it, but she does come.  Not today.  Oh no.  She just looked at me.  Then, she yawned.  Yeah, that's right, she yawned.  Closed her eyes and went back to sleep.  What could I do?  I called the vet and cancelled and rescheduled for tomorrow AM.  I'll show her...  Heh, heh.  I'm smarter than that cat.  I think. 
Lots of love and healing hugs,

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