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Basics of Witchcraft
---- by Czech Woods
Czech describes the differences between witchcraft and wicca and explains the basics of what is involved in starting on the path to becoming a witch.
This is taken from a chat teaching in SLC public chat room on Dec 8, 2001.
CzechWoods : Namaste
Laurelovely01 : hello czech
Laurelovely01 : how are you today
CzechWoods : namaste intense 
intense_female : hello czech
intense_female : looks like you got here first
CzechWoods : yepp, speedy gonzales i was
intense_female : Czech can I ask you a few questions?
CzechWoods : just ask 
intense_female : do you do the kab cross in ritual?
CzechWoods : the kabbalistic one ?
intense_female : yeah
CzechWoods : i personally don't
intense_female : okay
CzechWoods : yet, witchcraft is, what you make out of it 
intense_female : how about when your doing your elements... do you do three pentagrams over the element to start?
CzechWoods : no, i dont neither do that.
intense_female : you know like the earth pentagram drawn in the air?
CzechWoods : the 3 is of lesser meaning to me, its not a sacred number
intense_female : do you use watchtowers?
CzechWoods : watchtowers, not
intense_female : then how do you use protection or cast your circle?
intense_female : with energy?
CzechWoods : with energy, also
intense_female : ah okay
intense_female : and the athame?
CzechWoods : i think, it would be more productive not to start with the spell-craft part 
intense_female : well i don't want to hold you up
intense_female : lol
intense_female : yeah well i figured i would ask a few things until ppl came in 
intense_female : so please go ahead
intense_female : Czech whenever your ready
CzechWoods : intense, the athame would be one of many possibilities though
intense_female : understood
CzechWoods : ok, its not really crowded, but lets start
CzechWoods : Witchcraft translates as Craft of the Wise
CzechWoods : i could leave chat now, because, its self explaining, lol
CzechWoods : yet, then it would be no fun
CzechWoods : heehee
CzechWoods : so, witchcraft - also it has not been called that way possibly
CzechWoods : is rooting back to times of Cro Magnon, possible also that its even older
CzechWoods : the earth based spirituality
CzechWoods : seero, namaste
CzechWoods : you will find a lkot of thsi spirituality now in diverse traditions
CzechWoods : to me, witchcraft is the european pendant to native american spirituality
CzechWoods : we all know what the term craft means
CzechWoods : but what does define the wise part of the word ?
CzechWoods : wise, could be also translated as: in tune with
CzechWoods : in deep understanding
CzechWoods : in responsible action
CzechWoods : i did say, in the announcement, this was not a wiccan thing. are there questions so far ?
Mykkyo_ : what does this craft do for you?
CzechWoods : mykkyo, it brings you to peace
CzechWoods : basically it does what any spiritual path does
CzechWoods : lol, or should at least
Mykkyo_ : hehe, good
CzechWoods : ok, did everyone get the difference between wicca / witchcraft ?
CzechWoods : i think, that wiccan basics are known to you ? the Harm thee none rule and such ?
intense_female : yup
CzechWoods : ok, good, - i would not like explaining them
CzechWoods : they are irrelevant to witchcraft
CzechWoods : of course you can follow them, np
CzechWoods : but witchcraft does not follow the wiccan rede
CzechWoods : a witch, does what s/he feels has to be done
CzechWoods : this includes everything
CzechWoods : even the "bad" spells and hexes
CzechWoods : because...
CzechWoods : sometimes, it is wise to act
CzechWoods : sometimes it is wise to dirten your hands
CzechWoods : yet spells, are only a so tiny part of our daily work
CzechWoods : most of it, is retreiving the spirituality
CzechWoods : we, have the problem, that there is very little authentical information
CzechWoods : but we have the bonus, of a good teacher - Mother Earth
CzechWoods : most of witchcraft was orally transmitted, and due to the witchhunts, a lot of info got lost
CzechWoods : so, how do we get back the information ?
CzechWoods : how can a witch KNOW if a spell will work out in the manner they want?
CzechWoods : how can a witch become WISE ?
intense_female : listen to the earth
intense_female : listen to themselves
CzechWoods : yes.
CzechWoods : meditate
CzechWoods : this is the reason, i wanted the meditation chat before the witchcraft chat
intense_female : makes sense
CzechWoods : without meditation, imo, you can forget witchcraft
CzechWoods : of course, you could buy a spellbook, and cast and cast, but will that be wise ? hardly
CzechWoods : so. you will need to meditate. and you will need to study
CzechWoods : the studies, needed for wicthcraft are multiple
CzechWoods : a student, should learn basics in: divination, astrology
CzechWoods : should learn about gems, plants and paths
CzechWoods : and also study DEITIES (Gods and Goddesses)
CzechWoods : this sounds like a lot of work, doesn't it ?
intense_female : yep
CzechWoods : in fact it is a lot of more work even 
CzechWoods : you need to train your skills as well
CzechWoods : and most important, you enter a path of no return
CzechWoods : anyway, once you really dedicate your life to witchcraft, you start a total cleansing
CzechWoods : it is a necessity you get RIDD OFF your previous life
CzechWoods : in terms of, getting rid off mental limitations, prejudice and all the poison from our societies
sleepypeg : how?
CzechWoods : *so far questions *?
Rhianna_the_Witchy_One : here here czech on the last statement
intense_female : Czech sleepy asked how you do that
CzechWoods : yes. this is a hard task, indeed.
CzechWoods : you start to question yourself
CzechWoods : your education
CzechWoods : what you are taught
Rhianna_the_Witchy_One nods nods but a necessary one
CzechWoods : yes rhia.
sleepypeg : what you see?
CzechWoods : witchcraft bases NOT on hierarchies
CzechWoods : it does not acknowladge lords
Rhianna_the_Witchy_One : myth number one to clear up
Rhianna_the_Witchy_One laughs
Rhianna_the_Witchy_One nods nods
CzechWoods : it is based in total responsibility for all of your actions, thoughts
CzechWoods : when you learn to acdcept, you become slave
Rhianna_the_Witchy_One : nor do I cater to the devil and nor do I eat small children and am shocked I actually get asked those questions
CzechWoods : when you learn to dissolve, you become free
Rhianna_the_Witchy_One : nods here here  czech
«»kÏngrÏchard«» : you dont have to agree
«»kÏngrÏchard«» : but to accept
«»kÏngrÏchard«» : is the way to go
CzechWoods : king, well, see: this is the rub
CzechWoods : i dont accept.
GetOut333 : what if, just what if... craft was an inner belief - if u believe in something then its true, if the world believed in the same thing it would b peaceful, the fact that there are so many different beliefs e.g. relgion (playing a big part in the world 2day
CzechWoods : i change
«»kÏngrÏchard«» : but u cant change others
CzechWoods : king....
CzechWoods : lol
sleepypeg : Love others, love oneself, and be free...
CzechWoods : sleepy, it starts with: learn to know yourself
CzechWoods : learn to know the world
CzechWoods : love yourself
CzechWoods : the rest comes by itself
sleepypeg : not easy sometimes
«»kÏngrÏchard«» : ya when u know yourself your open to others beliefs
sleepypeg : go on
CzechWoods : yes, sleepy. learning to loove oneself , is the next big step for the witch
CzechWoods : loove=love
Rhianna_the_Witchy_One : lovie myself but took alot of time and effort to learn to do that
Rhianna_the_Witchy_One smiles
«»kÏngrÏchard«» : when u love yourself then u are capable of loveing others
«»kÏngrÏchard«» : but u have to love god first then love yourself then love others
sleepypeg : god is oneself
CzechWoods : king, this is no chat about GOD
«»kÏngrÏchard«» : cant u accept my beliefs
intense_female : Okay guys..........
Rhianna_the_Witchy_One : well hmmmm I am not of that religious belief but you do what you think feels right and I will do the same
«»kÏngrÏchard«» : i accept yours
sleepypeg : knowing god is acceptance of oneself
«»kÏngrÏchard«» : teaching is one thing to question is to learn
CzechWoods : King: i am here to teach witchcraft.  you will never see me going into a christian chat to teach them witchcraft
Rhianna_the_Witchy_One smiles
«»kÏngrÏchard«» : ya but czech you can learn by listening to others
CzechWoods : ok, so, you have to kind of get naked of the clothes of society
CzechWoods : of religious teachings
CzechWoods : of prejudice
«»kÏngrÏchard«» : been there dont that
«»kÏngrÏchard«» : and u need to shed your walls
CzechWoods : (this is only metaphorically, you need not to be nacky during rituals)
CzechWoods : lol
TessKnows : nacky?
CzechWoods : nekkid
TessKnows : OH
TessKnows : Nakey LOL
CzechWoods : the fun is inside or nowhere else
«»kÏngrÏchard«» : czech you cant make ppl change to your beliefs but u can accept them
«»kÏngrÏchard«» : if ppl have inner peace then they are complete
«»kÏngrÏchard«» : you cant change the world but u have to accept others even if u dont share their beliefs
«»kÏngrÏchard«» : and to ques is to learn
intense_female : King