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Basics of Witchcraft
- by Czech Woods
Page 2

CzechWoods : lets make a break so the people can have their fun
CzechWoods : i guess some people wont stand just teaching
intense_female : hold on czech

CzechWoods : ok, once you started ridding of your prejudices, and all you had been taught, you come very soon to the point, where you dont like this path
CzechWoods : its so uncomfortable
CzechWoods : no-one to forgive you your mistakes
sleepypeg : what is "this path"
CzechWoods : no-one to fluff you and pamper you if you have done something
CzechWoods : witchcraft, is this path
CzechWoods : the state you need to get back, is the state when you were born
CzechWoods : innocent
CzechWoods : not influenced
CzechWoods : connected to Goddess
CzechWoods : this is the day, when you have reached this state, where you start being a witch
CzechWoods : day* well moment fits better
CzechWoods : lol
CzechWoods : and then the struggle begins
sleepypeg : please tell me what is a witch, to clarify things.
CzechWoods : because the modern society does not play by the old rules
CzechWoods : sleepy. a witch is someone who dedicated their life to witchcraft
TessKnows : Do you mean Wicca?
CzechWoods : someone who is reconnecting to the great Goddess
CzechWoods : Tess, NO. i do NOT mean wicca
CzechWoods : who is becoming one with Earth again
CzechWoods : who = witch now
intense_female : Czech for the newcomers could you explain the differences between Wicca and Witchcraft
CzechWoods : yes
CzechWoods : Witchcraft predates wicca
CzechWoods : witchcraft is the ancient european spirituality, dating back to Cro Magnon
TessKnows : So you mean practioner of magic = witch?
CzechWoods : whereas wicca is a new age religion created by Gardner in 1940s, mixing what he believed to be pagan, with some sexual components (bdsm, etc) and ceremonial magick
CzechWoods : no tess. practioneer of magick can be anyone
CzechWoods : witchcraft is a spiritual path
CzechWoods : a "religion" in itself. but it is more
CzechWoods : it is a way of life too
CzechWoods : thats why, i sayd: the struggle starts
CzechWoods : a "religion" in itself. but it is more
CzechWoods : it is a way of life too
CzechWoods : thats why, i sayd: the struggle starts
intense_female : Czech... so your refering to Witchcraft as the more anicent form before it was translated by Gardner correct?
CzechWoods : yes, intense. absolutely
CzechWoods : I am teaching the traditional ancient european spirituality
CzechWoods : tess: magic can be used by any religion.
TessKnows : Yes, I know
TessKnows : or an agnostic
CzechWoods : yes.
CzechWoods : witchcraft, at least traditional witchcraft cannot
CzechWoods : you have to do all the shitty work of study
CzechWoods : meditation
CzechWoods : divination, etc BEFORE you can be a witch
CzechWoods : and believe you me, it is not a lot of fun at times
CzechWoods : especially in terms of: when you are getting rid of all the prejudices and things you had been taught
CzechWoods : you really strip to the bones, and must be reborn
CzechWoods : and this is why i said: no turning back
CzechWoods : once you started, you will not be able to get to life as before easily
CzechWoods : *questions*
CzechWoods : ?
Laurelovely01 : what do you mean by divination
CzechWoods : Divination: Tarot, pendulums, runes ...
CzechWoods : scrying ..
Laurelovely01 : ok
Laurelovely01 : you said earlier....
CzechWoods : methods to try to verify your inner world with the spiritual world
Laurelovely01 : that thru meditation, divination etc, you would know if a spell will work or not
CzechWoods : yes
Laurelovely01 : im not sure i quite get that
CzechWoods : and most important, you can correct it
Laurelovely01 : correct what?
CzechWoods : Laure, as a student of the craft, you learn how to cast spells
Laurelovely01 : correct what?
CzechWoods : Laure, as a student of the craft, you learn how to cast spells
Laurelovely01 : what do you mean by divination
CzechWoods : Divination: Tarot, pendulums, runes ...
CzechWoods : scrying ..
Laurelovely01 : ok
Laurelovely01 : you said earlier....
CzechWoods : methods to try to verify your inner world with the spiritual world
Laurelovely01 : that thru meditation, divination etc, you would know if a spell will work or not
CzechWoods : yes
Laurelovely01 : im not sure i quite get that
CzechWoods : and most important, you can correct it
Laurelovely01 : correct what?
CzechWoods : Laure, as a student of the craft, you learn how to cast spells
CzechWoods : you learn what the major no-nos are, and what you shoudl do
CzechWoods : then, you start writing the spells
intense_female : czech by no nos your refering to the universal laws correct?
CzechWoods : once you have a written form, you ask your divinatotry tool: what will happen if i cast this spell on day x, hour y
CzechWoods : yes, intense, universal laws, but also what would be "silly" to do
CzechWoods : like, how not to offend a deity
CzechWoods : or: how to open a circle
CzechWoods : or: how to not get drained by a spell
CzechWoods : this sort of things
CzechWoods : you learn the basic rules, of how to construct your own spoell kit
CzechWoods : ok, so by divination: you get an answer on what effects your spell will have
CzechWoods : this you can then compare to what your intention was
CzechWoods : and if need be, (most cases) you will have to write a different one
CzechWoods : or maybe even cancel the whole thing
CzechWoods : it takes really lots of time and dedication, till you know by heart what teh effects most prolly will be
CzechWoods : even then, divination is better
Laurelovely01 : if you know the proper way to write a spell, wouldn't you know the effects of it without divination?
CzechWoods : or you learn by try and err, but this ends in desasters usually
CzechWoods : Laure, thats a good point: but funny thing, no
CzechWoods : Like: i know exactly how to bless someone, and i guess most of us do
CzechWoods : yet, i had a neighbour, every time i asked what would happen if i blessed her, it was tremendous consequences for me and my loved ones
CzechWoods : and no good for her either
CzechWoods : so....
CzechWoods : no blessings
CzechWoods : Laure: its like, when you get a driving licence, you don't automatically get maps
Laurelovely01 lol its been 15 yrs and i still dont have the map 
CzechWoods : yepp 
CzechWoods : same here
CzechWoods : lol
CzechWoods : except, my licence is younger
CzechWoods : *questions so far*?
CaffeineYann : what is blessing?
CzechWoods : yann: wishing some good
CaffeineYann : why is that bad?
CzechWoods : yann, ask the gods 
CzechWoods : i guess i would have messed with her karma
TessKnows : You do divinations before you bless someone?
CzechWoods : and no-one likes to mess with karma,
CzechWoods : yes tess
CzechWoods : i do divination before any spell work
CzechWoods : energy work aka spell work is a very delicate subject
CzechWoods : and it can so easily backfire
CaffeineYann : but saying bless you , if someone sneezes is dangerous too?
Laurelovely01 : you consider all energy work to be spell work?
CzechWoods : you are very good guided if you take all precautions
CzechWoods : Yann, lol
CzechWoods : well
CzechWoods : actually
CzechWoods : lol
CaffeineYann : hehe
CzechWoods : words are powerful magic too.
CzechWoods : remember when i said:
CzechWoods : Witchcraft dwells on total responsibility for ALL actions/trhoughts ?
CaffeineYann : yep
CzechWoods : it includes this "bless you" as well
CzechWoods : imagine, you say bless you, and that person is an abuser
TessKnows : That is not confined to wichcraft.  Buddhism teaches that as well
CzechWoods : would you want to bless them ?
TessKnows : Sure
TessKnows : Cuz the blessing would be to heal him.
TessKnows : The abuser is the one who needs the most blessings.
CzechWoods : tess. maybe it would just prevent him from getting caught
TessKnows : No
TessKnows : That is not a blessing to aid and abet
CzechWoods : well tess, this is where witchcraft does not follow
CzechWoods : witches got rid off the christian/social mind set, remember?
TessKnows : I should think the universe, Goddess, whatever one wants to call it, would know what a blessing would be to that abuser
CzechWoods : no tess
TessKnows : No human being can be rid of a social mind set. We live in society and always have
moonsmiling7 : why not czech?
CzechWoods : it is you, as the one who casts a spell/ does energy work, who has to direct it
CzechWoods : its like saying
CzechWoods : here is a pistol. shoot. The wind can change the bullets way
TessKnows : I disagree
TessKnows : It's in the intent
TessKnows : And a blessing is not a spell
CzechWoods : tess, lets get into it
TessKnows : It is merely a well wishing
CzechWoods : so what was your intent when you say: Bless you, after someone sneezed ?
TessKnows : That they should not be ill
CaffeineYann : no intent
CzechWoods : Tess, ok, you want not to understand it from the abuser ancle, so lets get it from another ankle
TessKnows : But most of the time when I bless someone it is just asking for their higher good
CzechWoods : you say bless you, and the person gets well
CaffeineYann : I suppose excuse you for sneezing
CzechWoods : Thus, they do that trip they delayed, and their car is involved into the heavy accident