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So, you are in your kitchen and ready. Your cauldron is on the fire and you have on your nice, pointy black chef hat. You are ready to go, dressed in your magical, black cooking robe that you wear absolutely nothing underneath. You called the store, the eye of newt is in. Yummy. It sounds like time for strong wing-of-bat coffee and a nice chat. After all, you don’t want any bad frog karma around, do you?

Lets start with communications. Lets look at a tiny, little spell just to get your imagination running. Well, it looks like it was already running the way you are dressed. Very nice. Where do you get your broom done?


Communication Spell

First, center and protect. For the communications spell, light two white candles while thinking of the person you are having difficulty working with. This symbolizes you and the other person. When you light the candles, visualize yourself as a flame and the person that you are having difficulties with as the other flame.

It is a flame of protective light. Visualize the flames merging toward each other and be still for several minutes. Do not speak to the other person, but listen to what they have to say. You can have the candles be as close as you would like them to be, as long as you do not catch fire, of course.

In your imagination, you can make them as large as you would like to. Bring them together. The end of the communication spell is the release, when you blow out the candles. Know and understand that you will be able to talk to each other about your relationship soon.


Everyone makes spells. They may not realize it but they do. Think of the basic structure of a spell:

  • Grounding and protection.
  • Focusing and visualizing intent.
  • Release of the intentions.
  • Ending or closing.

Now think through some of the other ways or even your own ways. You will recognize distinct patterns. These patterns exist because they work.

In religious prayers the participant has a place they may go to such as a church or a temple. This is the grounding and protection of a church and alter. The participant uses words to help focus and visualize the intentions of the prayers. They may pray as a group to intensify the effect and have support. Incense and music is often used to bring the senses into play. At the end the prayer is released with sounds such as Amen.

Do you recognize the similarities?


Q: What about writing things on paper and putting the paper under your pillow ?

A: Yes, that is another good example of a spell. A very good one. I have that one right here as a matter of fact.


Spell for Success at School by Megenta Griffith

In order to promote good performance on a test or other school project, after you have finished all your studying, put your notes under your pillow, and put the textbook or books under the head of your bed. This will not substitute for studying, but it will help you to understand the subject even more than otherwise. You may dream of the material. That’s okay. It is possible to gain some useful insights through your dreams.

When you study, or write things down, you are using focused energy. That is why you receive some of the benefits when you put it under you pillow. It is for your dreams! What you have done by concentrating is you have put energy into the work. Just like a charged crystal!

My little school secret is to visualize putting the information into my ring as I study. When I get stuck I look at my ring and visualize that the information is coming to me. It is actually a form of self-hypnosis.


Q: So prayer = spell?

A: Many things could be considered spells when viewed from the basic recipe format. Some people consider making chicken soup a type of spell. You make it with a little energy.

"Boil, boil, toil and trouble. Make this chicken soup and make it bubble." Woops. Did I say that? Got a little carried away I think.

Some spells have become good home standard medical care. The chicken soup has! When cooked by a person so inclined to prepare it as a spell, it is a magical healing potion. Otherwise, it is what I refer to as common man medicine. Somehow, people have always known that chicken soup is good for a cold. Perhaps it is good for the soul too?


Anti-cold Spell by Magenta Griffith

My grandmother used this recipe as a spell to get rid of colds.

Chicken Soup

1 whole chicken (about 3-4 pounds)

2 onions

3 carrots

4 stalks of celery

5 cloves of garlic

6 pints of water

2 teaspoons salt (or more to taste)

1 teaspoon fresh or ½ teaspoon dried parsley

2 teaspoons sage

1 ¼ teaspoons rosemary

1 teaspoon thyme

Cut the onions into eight pieces, and the carrots and celery into four pieces. Put everything in a four-quart pot, boil and simmer for one hour. Drink a cup of broth hourly. Eat the solids when you feel like it.