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Witan© : Firstly lets divide satanism into three categories:  

1. Traditional satanism

2. Satanism

3. Levayan Satanism

Witan© : ok so well go through them in order.  So traditional satanism would be satanism as prtacticed in teh good old days and defined by the chruch.  Traditional Satanism is the SAME as traditional witchcraft, to read my article on traditional witchcraft see  Witchcraft and Satanism were considered synonimous.  So basically anything not within the perview of the church feel into satanism even many medical practices were considered both witchcraft and satanism especially if they worked better than leeching.  It was certainly not a happy time.  If it wasnt for rich aristocracy who had the money and clout to practice these evil ways medicine in the west would not have advanced.  So in a traditional sense we are all satanists and witches.

So now a little religious sideline, lets talk about Satan himself. From a religious point of view, strictly talking teh bible here Satan was an angel who fell correct? anyone disagree?

MoonLily : gods right hand man

Witan© : next the bible says man was given teh gift of free will, QED angels were not.  Anyone disagree?

lighthart1 : is Satans name Lucifer or are they different people, beings whatever?

intense_female : QED angels?

Thats a tough one in Job lucifer is reffered too ...  where as satan is a hebrew word i believe.

Mantis__Knight : and the serpent in genisis

Witan© : Originally lucifer was a human the lord of the morning he was a king I believe renowned for his cruelty and was known as the morning star.  You might hear referance to satan as the ligtht bringer.  QED means therefore intense.

Wian© : so angels had no free will. Angels obey and enact the will of god on earth and in heaven.  Satan was an angel.  In Job we discover satan's god is to be a questioner and accuser he acusses job of lacking faith and god says no job is very faithful and satan says well ya cause he is happy he has lots of food and a family etc etc take those away and see what happens.  So god does.  He takes all his faithful servanst good stuff away and job still has faith so satan says well ya he has faith because he still has his health.  Anyway you see where this is going.

So the 'rebellion' where satan went against god is not possible since satan lacks free will and his job is to oppose hiumans and the acts of god its his job.  Satan is the original civil servant.

To the best of my understanding angels lack free will arch angels merely have specific jobs, such as gabriel.  Satan is just doing his job. There are many names for satan or the evil one in various religions.

lighthart1 : so that would actually make him quality control wouldn't it?

Witan© : in his own way yes satan tests our faith he also test gods resolve.  God made him with a specific purpose in mind hence the term the "devil advocate".  So since in the good old days the church was considered the house of god anything that questioned church doctrine in anyway shape or form was in fact the devils work.  It was a very self protecting dogma.  

lighthart1 : poor guy, just doing Gods work and the next thing he knows, everything that is wrong in the world is his fault, sheesh

So asking questions is the devils work.  Therefore answers to those questions are products of the devils work.  Therefore answers to questions are lies, therefore satan is the king of lies.  That was teh church's reasoning.  So satan went from being gods chief civil servant to being the bad guy.

Satan was the only angel given the ability to question.  The church doesnt like questions so he is the bad guy. So there we have traditional satanism in a nutshell.  Any questions ?

Isabella_J : nope

intense_female : no

lighthart1 : not yet

i_m_whitedragon : so he was never tossed outa heaven?
I cant answer that question dragon, perhaps he was

Mantis__Knight : which would explain why things that were "evil" in the past are not any more

Witan© : yes mantis

Witan© : ok now about hell.  Hell was actually a place in the bible it is called gehenna.  Gehenna is a valley that still exists today it was used as a place to store garbage.  The bodies of criminals and war casualities were tossed in gehenna.  At some point lightening or somethin cause the valley to ignight into flame.  So for like 110 years or so gehenna burned non stop.  Since a war was always going on and there were always criminals it was said that sinners would go to gehenna.  And there soul would be trapped because they didnt get sacrament and a proper burial.  So their souls stayed in gehenna

intense_female : well shit that makes a load of sense

AquaRose�?: lol..yes it does

Isabella_J : yeah i agree

i_m_whitedragon : a flaming shit load of sense

So we have an option we can take a brief break we can have more questions I can go on to part two or I can post a list of names of satan in various languages.

Isabella_J : hey witan can I ask what your religious background is? I know this is not a religion class

Witan© : lol isabella.  I was raised..  I wont say aetheist, I was left to my own devices.  As a youth i voluntarily joined a chruch with a friends family. Since then I have studied alot and am currently an omnidenominational minister.  I am open to all denominations.


Witan© : ok Satanism part two; Satanism:

The second branch of satanism can basically be summed up as anti christianity.  Within the realm of christianity, the follower accepts sacrifice in life in hopes of acquiring great gains in the afterlife.  In satanism one takes as much as one can get in life and accepts an afterlife in hell.  Holding out teh possibility that they may be chosen as satans right hand dude and spared torment.  So its the opposite polarity i want it now screw tomorrow versus i want tomorrow so ill suffer now.

lighthart1 : so, Satanists believe in the bible?

Witan© : Yes.  In the second contingent of satanism, the bible is a must.  Satanists in this arena worship god by worshipping satan.  Just as Christians worship satan by worshipping God.  The two forces by being opposed to each other are dependant on each other.  They feed each other.  Now we of course make exceptions for individuals many christians do not believe in satan.  They take only what christ said.  And everyone can be redeemed so hell is unneccessary

Isabella_J : like the theory of oppressionism - without a minority group being oprressed there would be no majority group - am i close to undersranding?

Witan© : Yes.  

In this group we find people doing all kinds of fun thinsg for shock value and for satan.  In their effort to escape christian doctrine they embrace it.  This is where we find teh satanists in michelle remembers the ones killing people and raping people.  We also find teh ones who use satan as an excuse to do whatever they want its a big group but the ones within it who actually believe are very small and the ones who hurt people are even smaller.  So try not to worry.  Even without satan as an excuse the ones who sacrifice people would do it for other reasons anyway.

Ok thats part two any questions.

Many so called satanists arent satanists but are merely black magicians who use satan because it is a popular icon that inspires fear.  

Witan© : I use the term black magick becuas ethey do not because I use such a term typicaly.

Witan© : ok shall we move to the third branch of satanism?

Simple_Dream : Is he always rebelling-- or does he ever source from God and make a conscious effort to follow God's path in any one's belief system?

Witan© : oh i see.  It is quiet possible, yes.  Im sure there are satanists with that view point.  A pragmatic satan.  Someone who doesnt misbehave out of hand but only does so conciously.  I havent really come across that opinion much but it most probably exists.  I am stuck with gross generalities.

Simple_Dream : ok thanks for the knowledge you are able to share

Witan© : no sweat.

Ok, the third branch of Satanism, Levayan Satanism.  In 1966 Anton Szador Levay started the church of Satan.  He was later dubbed by the media as the black pope.

intense_female : black pope/

intense_female : ?

Witan© : he claimed 1966 to be year one of the satanic calendar

Witan© : thats what he was called

Witan© : not by himself but by others

intense_female : okay ya had a typo

intense_female : just checkin

Witan© : oh lol back yes black pope

intense_female :

Witan© : he claimed that 1966 was teh start of teh new age (millenia)

Witan© : and that each age followed a cycle of compounded nines

Witan© : this being an age of fire

Witan© : fire being about self indulgence and self exploration

Witan© : over time the church of satan developed rules and sins

Witan© : so here they come

Witan© : who knows maybe you are a satanist at heart hahahaha

Witan© : first the nine sins of satanism

Witan© : (1) Stupidity -- The top of the list for Satanic Sins. The Cardinal Sin of Satanism.

intense_female : good one

Witan© : (2) Pretentiousness -- Empty posturing can be most irritating and isn't applying the cardinal rules of Lesser Magic

Witan© : (3) Solipsism -- Can be very dangerous for Satanists. Projecting your reactions, responses and sensibilities onto someone who is probably far less attuned than you are

Witan© : (4) Self-deceit

Witan© : (5) Herd Conformity

Witan© : (6) Lack of Perspective

Witan© : (7) Forgetfulness of Past Orthodoxies -- Be aware that this is one of the keys to brainwashing people into accepting something "new" and "different," when in reality it's something that was once widely accepted but is now presented in a new package.

Witan© : ) Counterproductive Pride -- That first word is important. Pride is great up to the point you begin to throw out the baby with the bathwater

Witan© : (9) Lack of Aesthetics -- This is the physical application of the Balance Factor. Aesthetics is important in Lesser Magic and should be cultivated. It is obvious that no one can collect any money off classical standards of beauty and form most of the time

Witan© : so those are the nine sins of satanism

intense_female : nothing about harming someone else huh?

Witan© : the church of satan gives them in greater detail i will add the link at the end of this discussion

Witan© : nope that comes later

Witan© : ok there are eleven lessons of earth rules to be understood about living on this lovely ball of rock

Witan© : (1) Do not give opinions or advice unless you are asked

Witan© : (2) Do not tell your troubles to others unless you are sure they want to hear them.

Simple_Dream : how do (3) Solipsism and (9)Bad Taste work together-- don't they sort of interfere with one another by suggesting a certain aesthetic standard?

Witan© : (3) When in another's lair, show him respect or else do not go there.

Witan© : they are saying that bad taste is a sin

Witan© : and that assuminmg others have your values are a sin

Simple_Dream : finish Witan-- sorry I interrupted

Witan© : they go on to explain that taste is personal

Witan© : (4) If a guest in your lair annoys you, treat him cruelly and without mercy

Witan© : (5) Do not make sexual advances unless you are given the mating signal

Witan© : (6) Do not take that which does not belong to you unless it is a burden to the other person and he cries out to be relieved.

Witan© : (7) Aknowledge the power of magic if you have employed it successfully to obtain your desires. If you deny the power of magic after having called upon it with success, you will lose all you have obtained.

Witan© : Do not complain about anything to which you need not subject yourself.

Witan© : (9) Do not harm little children

Witan© : (10) Do not kill non-human animals unless attacked or for your food

Witan© : (11) When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him.

Witan© : so those are the eleven rules of earth

intense_female : wow

solace© : they seem generally well phrased

Witan© : now there are nine statements of satanism

Witan© : i thought so too solace

Witan© : they dont leave much room to quibble

Witan© : (1) Satan represents indulgence, instead of abstinence!

Witan© : (2) Satan represents vital existence, instead of spiritual pipe dreams

Witan© : (3) Satan represents undefiled wisdom, instead of hypocritical self-deceit!

Witan© : (4) Satan represents kindness to those who deserve it, instead of love wasted on ingrates!

Witan© : (5) Satan represents vengeance, instead of turning the other cheek!

Witan© : (6) Satan represents responsibility for the responsible, instead of concern for psychic vampires!

Witan© : (7) Satan represents man as just another animal, sometimes better, more often worse than those that walk on all fours, who, because of his "divine and intellectual development," has become the most vicious animal of them all!

Witan© : Satan represents all of the so-called sins, as they lead to physical, mental, or emotional gratification!

Witan© : (9) Satan has been the best friend that the church has ever had, as he has kept it in business all of these years!

intense_female : lol

solace© : can you further iterate number six?

Witan© : yes

solace© : ty

Witan© : we all own our individual responsibility

Witan© : teh belief is that every one is responsible for themselves their mistakes and their pain

Witan© : one shouldnt waste time given energy and attention to those who would drain your energy by seeking your sympathy for their troubles

Witan© : emotional vampires as it were

solace© : gotcha

Simple_Dream : satanists sound an aweful lot like republicans

AquaRose�?: lol

grunnar : lol

Mantis__Knight : lol

intense_female : lol

Witan© : it sort of extends also to not letting people use scapegoats so it runs over to govt

Witan© : lol

Witan© :

Witan© : thats the website of teh church of satan

Witan© : it lists their history goes over the rules in greater detail and discusses what they are actually about

Witan© : personally i liek much of what they say but alot of it is way too insular for me

Witan© : but anyone here might really like it who knows

Witan© : one of my personal favorite goals of theirs is

Witan© : (2) Strict Taxation Of All Churches -- If churches were taxed for all their income and property, they'd crumble overnight of their own obsolescence, and the National Debt would be wiped out as quickly. The productive, the creative, the resourceful should

Witan© : be subsidized. So long as the useless and incompetent are getting paid, they should be heavily taxed

Witan© : they also discuss the rules of human sacrifice

solace© : lol

Witan© : which basically comes down to only idiots sacrifice hiumans and living beings for magick

Witan© : if you want to sacrficie someone it must have two purposes

Witan© : one to perform magick

Witan© : and two to rid the world of a truly annoying and deserving individual

grunnar : lol

Witan© : but it stresses dont do it

AquaRose�?hmmm...wheres my brother when you need him..

solace© : lmao

Witan© : and of course never sacrifice a child or non human animals ever

Witan© :

Witan© : theres teh website again

intense_female : what is Thelma?

Witan© : and of course

My comm

AquaRose�?: it sounds to me like satanism is basically just one of the more outgoing ways of life

Witan© : lol aqua, you could say that

They do have a very insular doctrine and set of aims whereby they feel everyone desires an independant little word of their own design where others cant come and wherein we all get android servants and android sex slaves so we are never forced to 'talk' about 'issues'

solace© : well surely, satanists have a clearer route to the why's of thier behaviours, or at least to admitttance thereof.. instead of beating down natural instinct and talking of base anature vs sin

Witan© : abso smurfly solace

solace© : android sex slaves eh? hmmm....

AquaRose�?: lol

Witan© : lol

Witan© : so there ends the lecture on Satanism i hope everyone had a good time

intense_female : excellent

AquaRose�?: if someone keep sbothering you in an open area, and doesnt stop, destroy him, huh? i wont be opening my mouth at any public place ever

solace© : show no weakness, i suppose, would be the motivation there.

Simple_Dream : thanks for sharing witan

intense_female : i think it would be more like, know yourself well enough and have enough control not to flaunt your weakness

intense_female : well to me anyway

AquaRose�?: should be if your near someone thats getting pissed off, then run your butt away

Simple_Dream : if your stronger-- its ok to be annoying

intense_female : lol

intense_female : i suppose so