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((REMINDER: The information contained within this section are the beliefs of SoulFire. They may not be true to you.))

Elements play a very important role in the way we see things as a whole...or as an individual. Without the Elemental forces going on around and in our planet, we wouldnt be able to live life as we do now. Well..some people think thats a good thing, but I dont. Here I will teach you a bit about the FivePrinciples of Magick. But before I do that, Ill go over what an Element is.


Elements are the forces we see around us. The things that make up our world. Some people call them Natural Qualities...and they are pretty much just that. In Science, an Element is something that makes up matter...such as Helium, or Nitrogen. Those are the 'elements' that are used in making up the Periodic Table. The Elements that I am talking of are not within the Periodic Table. I talk of the Principles of Magick. The Four Main Principles of Magick are as follows...

Fire: The Object of Power

Earth: The Object of Stability

Air: The Object of Serenity

Water: The Object of Tranquility

These are the only Four Principles that are recognized by Science. And, since Science isnt writing this section right now, I will continue for you. There is one more Principles of Magick that is not usually anyone. This can be one of the most powerful influences.

Light: The Object of Love

Your probably saying, "What? Just Light? But the Light cant exist without the Dark!" Well...Darkness isnt considered one of the Prinicples of Magick, only because it is the complete opposite of Light. If there is Light, there must be Dark. They cannot exist without each they are usually combined into the same thing. But, Ill split them apart for you.

Darkness: The Object of Hatred

Each Element has specific Natural Qualities to go with it. These will be explained in their proper pages. Now...if you want to learn about each Element as an individual, you can either use the list on the left, or click the corresponding link below.


Fire          Earth          Air          Water          Light          Darkness


There is also something more to Elemental Forces. Just having the Elemental Energy isnt enough for this Phsyical Plane, it also needs a physical form. This is where Matter comes into play. Matter is what helps shape and give form to the Elements so they can exist on a physical plane, like this one. I wont go terribly deep into Matter on this introduction page, I will explain Matter on its own page. But, I will explain just a little so you get an idea about what the stages of Matter are.


Like I have just said, Matter is what helps shape and form the Elements. Science does recognize this...yet it doesnt go as deep as I have taken it. There are Three Main Forms of Matter, which you are all probably familiar with.

Solid: A Solid is something that has its molecules very close together, such as a table, or a rock.

Liquid: A Liquid is something that has its molecules spread out a little bit more than Solids do. This makes the Liquid have a 'flowing' quality to it.

Gas: A Gas is something that has its molecules spread far apart, like the air you breathe.

There is another Form of Matter, which is basically just a combination of the Main Three. This form is also very important to the elements.

Plasma: Plasma is a combination of the Main Three Forms of Matter. It is what makes up our Sun. Plasma isnt quite Solid, not quite Liquid, and not quite Gas...

These Four Forms of Matter are usually the only things recognized in society. Im sure you can see why Matter is important to the Elements...without Liquid, the Element of Water could not be its fluid self, without Solid, you could not walk on the stable Earth, etc. But what about Light and Darkness? Those dont fit as a Solid, Liquid, Gas, or Plasma. There is something more. This is where these next three types of Matter come in...

Anit-Matter: Anti-Matter is what creates Light, and Dark. This is the form that all the 'miscellanious' formations out there range under. Basically, just things that dont fit in any of the Four Forms of Matter.

Light Matter: So far, I have been referring to Light as in Light from the Sun, or from a lightbult. But what about the Divine Light? The White Light. This light ranges under Light Matter.

Dark Matter: The opposite of Light Matter. You might call it the 'Red Lightning', or 'The Light that shines from Holy Hell'. The two are the same. This is the Darkness of the world, the hatred that corrups peoples hearts.

These are the only Forms of Matter that I currently know of. Of course there may be more. You can understand how Matter gives form to the Elements, but how does Matter effect the Principles of Magick? I will explain that to you not on this page, but on another. You can either use the list on the left to get to the individual Matter pages, or use the links below.


Solid     Liquid    Gas   


Anti-Matter     Light Matter     Dark Matter


Most of the links on this page will probably not be working. Just wait a while, and they will be up soon.