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Witan© : ok right so white black and grey

Witan© : lets see traditionally all magicians are black

Simple_Dream : how come?

Witan© : they go against the church

solace© : so for those woh jsut walked in, now that the hosts have return we will have our speaker continue (please listen)

Simple_Dream : but aren't some of them older than the church? why must they be defined by the churches standards?

Maiden81 : does that make them black or are they percieved as black?

Witan© : this is a tough topic for me because i personally think all associations of white and black magick are big bowls of crap

Simple_Dream : how were they defined before the church?

Maiden81 : lol

Witan© : depends on teh culture simple pre church they would have been called whatever there culture called them

grunnar : in one belieif black was defined as spirit magick

Witan© : magi for instance

Witan© : or shaman

Witan© : or vodoun

Simple_Dream : if not white and black-- was there a particular ethical division between magicians-- pre-church?

Witan© : here ill copy a little excerpt from isaac bonewits about black and white magick

Witan© : isaac has teh first degree handed out in magick and thaumatergy

Witan© : so her it goes

Witan© : black has teh only system that truly works, white has teh only system that truly works

AquaRose�?: i didnt know theres a degree for that

Witan© : black bless their own and curse their enemies white bless their own and curse their enemies

Witan© : black is destined to prevail and fate is with them white is destined to prevail and fate is with thme

Witan© : black has teh one right ture path whita has the one right true path

Witan© : and on and on

Witan© : it really comes down to ideoligies

Witan© : its a battle of words between two groups who dont liek each other because they thrive on having an enemy

Witan© : the magick isnt really different they just justify it differently

Witan© : white magician calls hurling energy at someone rightepous self defence

Witan© : a black magician calls hurling energy at someone vengeance

Simple_Dream : and what about someone who considers themselves white or black-- but choose not to fight?

Witan© : hmm

Witan© : then i see no difference between them

Witan© : except what they choose to call themselves

Witan© : although some schools of thought use a broad spectrum of color

Witan© : for instance brown would be say earth magick

Witan© : black would be magick for powers sake

AquaRose�?: oh..yes..ive heard about that kind of thing

Witan© : white would be theurgy or enlightening

Witan© : but when we get into a spectrum of magick color it stops being about good and evil

Witan© : which of course are topics open to interpretation

Witan© : green might be healing magick

Witan© : and it goes on many shools of thought use a spectrum of colors but they tend to vary

Witan© : i have a list of color magick if teh room would like

intense_female : yes please

solace© : sounds good witan

Witan© : one sec

intense_female : the definitions i've heard on black magic is effecting another person in a negative way

intense_female : grey would be effecting in a positive way

intense_female : and white would be not effecting other ppl

Maiden81 : have u heard of green magick intense?

intense_female : so by this definition healers would be practicioners of grey magic

intense_female : yes

AquaRose�?: this color magick stuff is kind of like the elemental work that ive done

Maiden81 : what do u make of green magick?

intense_female : but i've heard of it as "earth magick"

Maiden81 : yeah

AquaRose�?: or studied, a better word for it..

Maiden81 : what have u learned aqua

intense_female : i think to be honest alot of people take labels on for themselves without really knowing what they mean

AquaRose�?: lots, Maiden

intense_female : but i'm as guilty of that as anyone

Maiden81 : coool my lil aquanette

Simple_Dream : I am a Puse Magician

AquaRose�?: lol

Witan© : Red Magick; matters of teh body both human and animal, this includes medicine, blessings and curses, zoology physicalk strength and power

solace© : i think, that SImple's earlier supposition that ethics devide the types of magic, would be right, along with purpose and itmes particularly associated per/colour

Witan© : Orange Magick; deals with ego strength priude self confidence physical and econimic sciences

Witan© : Yellow Magick; mind and nervous system math logic and phylosophy

intense_female : ah i missed that solace, but tend to agree

Witan© : Green Magick; agricultural fertility

Witan© : Blue Magick, emotions empathy esp

Witan© : Purple Magick; physical emotions passion lust hate fear anger

Witan© : Indigo Magick; rain making weather meterology

Witan© : Ultraviolet Magick often confused with black),this is about power and pure psy it is considered dangerous on its own even suicidal

solace© : so.. ideology, ethical compunction, purpose, "elemental" or otherwise representation/focus.... the spectrum of magic? or at least magic

solace© : magick as it chooses to be defined

Witan© : Bronw Magick; forest woods animals hunting ecology

Witan© : so ther we go a list

Witan© : and traditional black and white magick tend to take from each of thsoe piles in heavy and often equal doses

Witan© : ill write up a more extensive list where the list came from and details about specific elements and rituals relating to teh various colours

AquaRose�?: personally i think there are way too many different definitions for color magick to go by one definate source...

intense_female : yes and I think that there are alot of combinations

Witan© : there are aqua

intense_female : why would someone do green magic except to help their crops for example?

AquaRose�?: ive studied a few of them..and have even makde some systems of my

AquaRose�?: made *

Witan© : this collection was culled in agrreabnce with many practitioners, tantra and indeginous peoples but ultimately its irrelevant

intense_female : lol

Witan© : magick is personal

AquaRose�?: i agree

Witan© : it is what works for you

grunnar : is it not the color but the use that count?

Witan© : count in what sense gunnar

Witan© : hey dayja

Laurelovely01 : ok, but i guess im not sure how to make it work for me just yet

intense_female : I just thought it was sorta funny that i hear alot of healers swearing to do only white magic then read that because healing effects someone physically its grey magic

AquaRose�?: well..just like everything else, it takes time, Laurel

grunnar : whether or not the use is for positive or negitive magick

Witan© : ah

Witan© : but again postive and negative are in teh eye of teh beholder

Mantis__Knight : perspective

Witan© : persoanl i consider love and hate eqaul attacks on my person if i have not requested them

Mantis__Knight : yep

grunnar : then wether or not you have caused harm to another

intense_female : lol

intense_female : since you explained that sending love and light could be a psychic attack Mantis has gotten himself banned froma few rooms for refusing it

Mantis__Knight : lol

AquaRose�?: lol

Mantis__Knight : and trying to explain the idea

Witan© : but who gets to define harm the practitioner or the patient/victim?

intense_female : i suppose both do

Witan© : lol good job mantis spread the word woo hoo

Simple_Dream : but I would not gather that you can wait around for someone to request love

Mantis__Knight : yeah ive gotton to the idea they dont like what i say

Mantis__Knight : they should tell me

Mantis__Knight : wont stop me but at least i dotn have to assume

moon_song® : thats true

solace© : well... cudos for trying to spread the notion anyway..mantis. lol

intense_female : you should have seen the night he told the room that does healing circles every 15 minutes that they are actually performing group psychic attacks

MoonLily : cool

Mantis__Knight : lol

Witan© : lol

AquaRose�?: lol

intense_female : because they dont ask the people's permission before they include them in their circle

Mantis__Knight : that was funny

MoonLily : hehe makes sense

Mantis__Knight : all of a sudden i was "evil"

Mantis__Knight : and couldnt accept love

Mantis__Knight : awww

Witan© : lol

Mantis__Knight : boo hoo

intense_female : nah Mantis you were evil before that

Mantis__Knight : bite me

grunnar : lol

Simple_Dream : you are evil Mantis-- we all know this

AquaRose�?: lol

intense_female : lol

MoonLily : well i wish i had a good connection earlier

intense_female : see they put their friends and relatives in this circle

MoonLily : really was looking forward to that chat

Simple_Dream : I don't wanna bite you-- you would taste bitter

Witan© : I will gladly accept love from anyone so long as it is the form of non sequential unmarked bills

intense_female : lol

Mantis__Knight : lol

grunnar : lol

moon_song® : lol

Laurelovely01 : lmao

Mantis__Knight : are we off subject enough that i can start a new one

intense_female : okay with me, Witan are you done/

Witan© : yes I r

intense_female : Thanks Witan