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Q: Wouldn't wishing be a spell? Wouldn’t rehearsing mentally things to go well be also a spell by your definition?

A: Yes. Wishing is a spell and there are spells for wishes as well. Certainly, wishing contains focus and intent. If trained, the individual will add grounding and protection on the front, and release and closing at the end.

Release is important. For instance, if you want someone to call you, you do the "Call me" spell. (Some individuals do not realize they are doing this. Jumping around thinking, "Please, please call me!" qualifies. So does slumping on the telephone itself and pouting. Also lying in bed being a mope counts. ) Then you sit by the phone and you do not forget about the spell (you failed to release). What happens is that you are sending out "not calling me" energies that get stronger as you get more inpatient and pensive.

Release is so important I really cannot emphasize it enough! Think of it as writing a letter and never sending it. The letter or spell never gets received. You hold it and hold it and hold it. Of course, there are some letters that should never be sent... Always trust that you are being led in a positive direction for the things you cannot change.   And if you want to cast a lose my mail spell, no harm done.


Q: How do you send the spell?

A: There are so many ways to release. For instance AMEN (very similar to other sacred sounds) is a release. Some declare it released with phrases such as "SO MOTE IT BE." These are two examples of hearing ways to release a spell. So is releasing with breath! You use air and sound with releasing with breath.

Release can be done visually as well. Visualize the energy going out or physical release as with breath. I like to visualize energy being released as little sparkles spreading out like stars and going forth.

What happens if you do not release, is that you are holding the intent and the energies, they are circulating around you. You may intend to send but never actually do. And, of course, there is the undoing of spells, such as the telephone example.

Some people just send naturally. We actually send all the time. That is why you try to control negative thoughts and visions-- because you can be sending them. This is the self-fulfilling prophesy. Usually you give more energy to what you desire most. When you become concentrated in sending and visualizing, you learn to watch what you unintentionally send in the process. What you consciously intend to send and give more energy to is normally stronger.  Of course, some people are better receivers than senders, but everyone does both. 

Q: Are we still responsible for unintended negativity (thoughts) we send, If we aren’t aware we send it?

A:  I would think so to a certain extent. I teach everyone that we are always responsible for ourselves even when someone else has lied to us. After all, don’t we end up paying for our own actions and decisions most of the time even when made with good intentions? However, I don’t believe that it is as Karmic when accidental.


Q: Have you ever seen a fairy or a bubble? How about a bubble?

A: I've seen energies, but never little pretty winged ones. Yes, I have seen the bubbles many times and also have seen them captured in energy photographs. Reiki masters, as well as other practicioners of energy arts, can send out energies that look like bubbles as well.

I have been told that if you are flying at night, and you look on the wing of the plane, you will see energy creatures on the wing. You are to wish them well. They will be there when you need them.

Q: Enchantress...I believe natural magic, simple focus, and spell casting happens all the time...what is your feeling on that?

A: I believe that is absolutely correct! One of the ways in sending a spell, is to be more active in the process of holding intent. Many people have a path that just lets life carry them away.  They get into the cycle of sending out the same thoughts all the time. Sometimes this is destructive and other times very successful. Think of it as Destructive Personality Syndrome verses Successful Person Syndrome. (I just made those up. I have no idea if there is any such thing.) Have you met many people that are successful or, more importantly that you feel will be successful, that have a sad, bad, mad attitude? I bet not!


This is my favorite ceremony as a solitary practitioner. I did this when I was a fairly new to the arts.

 Energy Ceremony

On the night of a full moon, balance and protect. Enter a meditative state outside on a nice evening . Wear your favorite magickal clothing. Take a beautiful walk through a field and when you feel the urge, uproot a plant. The size of the root will tell you a story of your future as a practitioner. Listen to the story. Thank the plant and the earth and replant the root to end the ceremony.


I pulled up a huge root of Quenn Anne’s Lace that hugged a large rock with it. It was such a beautiful evening.

Q: What purpose does ceremony serve in spell casting? I have always had such a time with ritual.

A: Well, ritual is something that you should be comfortable with. It is for grounding and focus as well as remembering protection. It is a good idea to have a pattern as well to remember to release and close. Ritual has great value. What ritual will do for you over time is assist in building energy and reaching the desired state more quickly. It is like running. Each time you do it, you become stronger, faster, and more fluid.  Have you ever noticed that certain groups of rituals, perhaps within one faith, have similar beginnings and endings?  That is so the practitioners can quickly focus and become part of what is being done. 

What it is, is finding the right ritual for you personally. Trying to conform to another’s "magic" can be the problem. There is no problem in modifying the ritual to what works for you. As long as your are not accidentally leaving out some important aspect that you do not yet understand, it will be fine. Some rituals actually have hidden tasks that are being taught that will be learned and felt over time. 

It is a tradition to have a book of spells of your own making.  These are often called a "Book of Shadows."  Some start with spells of others until they get a feel for what they like.  Naturally, their own spells evolve out of this practice.

One example of changing a ritual is that I prefer water spells. I tend to include water in spells where appropriate and feel quite confident of the substitution. I feel a lot of energy from water. It is just my natural tendency.