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Recommend (1 recommendation so far) Message 1 of 9 in Discussion 
From: DoodleDanD  (Original Message)Sent: 6/26/2002 7:00 PM
       When I got out of the service I didn't go straight home. Instead I went down to Miami, Florida. Just wanted to be alone for a while and put things in perspective. I rented a small apartment and played around for a few weeks and then the bottom fell out. Tourist season got under way and immeadiately my rent tripled. Well , I moved back into Miami proper . I was still more or less just wandering and one day I wandered into  a club called the Country Barn. I enjoyed it in there, it was one of only two clubs that stayed open around the clock and it held a good 200 people and had a good dance floor.
Well I kicked back and did a little Tom Collin and Beer drinking along with a dance now and then with whoever was courageous enough to get out on the floor with me. They had a pretty good band and since I had written a few amatuerish songs and plunked around on the guitar and sung a few, I ask them if they minded if I sang one with them and they consented. I believe I sung a Hank William's song and the band leader , Speedy Bee, ask me to sing another. Well, sir after two or three songs darn if he didn't ask me if I'd like to sing with the band, LOL I jumped at it. I had never ever sung with a band and it was exciting.  Well it went pretty well. The customers seem to put up with my songs and everyone was going fine till the drummer came over to me and told me in no umcertain terms that he was the star and for me to keep out of in front of him because he was who the people came to see. Not wanting to start anything or make any enemies I told him I would. The band leader told me in private one night that the drummer had an overgrown ego and he wished he could cut him down to size. Speedy had told me once before that the drummer actually wore glasses with lenses as thick as bottle bottoms and never wore them on stage because it hurt his looks. I just had to smile to myself at the revenge I was about to put on that drummer. I waited until he went to the bathroom during one of our breaks and I walked over and moved his cymbals over about a foot. Well when we were doing the next set the drummer was getting after it and at the last he came down hard on the cymbals and -------gee whiz ---- they weren't there.  LOL Well he fell all over that dance floor for about five or six minutes and the rest of the band laughed our --- uh--- a lot. LOL

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Recommend  Message 2 of 9 in Discussion 
From: CatsgaloreSent: 6/26/2002 7:05 PM
That was a funny story, you wicked, wicked boy! How is your singing career going today?

Recommend  Message 3 of 9 in Discussion 
From: UbergàtoSent: 6/26/2002 7:08 PM
    Heh that is a great story Dan! Thanks for the laugh. :>)
    Ubergato (Overcatus Laughus)

Recommend  Message 4 of 9 in Discussion 
From: DoodleDanDSent: 6/27/2002 2:14 AM
     Naw Catagorie, that was a very long time ago. You know in my " I'm gonna be a star era ".   I fooled around with it for a few years and gave it up when I felt like eating again. LOL

Recommend  Message 5 of 9 in Discussion 
From: SootsySent: 6/27/2002 5:32 AM
TripleD, you and Ubi should get together.  He sings very well.  *The Odds a Singing*  Hee!  I love your stories!

Recommend  Message 6 of 9 in Discussion 
From: happyguppypuppySent: 6/27/2002 7:27 AM
HEH.... I always end up wondering what happened after that!  How fast did you  have to run?  Good story, DDD. 

Recommend  Message 7 of 9 in Discussion 
From: ^Bubbles^Sent: 6/28/2002 4:22 PM
LOL DDD!  I would like to hear you now too!

Recommend  Message 8 of 9 in Discussion 
From: eViL pOp TaRtSent: 7/2/2002 8:40 PM
A real funny story, Doodle Dan.  No, wait, it's a GREAT one!  How did I miss this one a few days ago?

Recommend  Message 9 of 9 in Discussion 
From: Bionic~verbageSent: 7/2/2002 9:18 PM
I missed it too 3D, I think it was the "drummer" part...My brothers a drummer, so I know just what you mean about the ego! Nothing like a good ego whacking knee slapper. I can always count on you for a good story doodleDanD!
Not to mention a great diner party!
Did the carpets come out ok? I know a guy who does

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