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My brother was

much older you see

So growing up he didn’t have

much use for me.


I was the snotty nosed

little kid running around

He was the all star jock

basking in the spotlight he found.


For he was your all american

kid next door

The picture of perfect health

that is for sure.


Then as we grew up

and he moved away

Mom and Dad went

to visit him one day.


Its a good thing they went

to see him when they did

He had been having problems

that apparently he hid.


So off to the doctors office

they took him real quick.

Only to find out that

he was really, really sick.


Apparently he had a tumor

as big as could be

And to make it much worse

it was in his brain you see.


They said they could operate

but didn’t give much hope

This put my parents

at the end of their rope.


Oh how it hurt so much

to see them this way.

Knowing their son might

not make it another day.


He had his surgery

then chemo too

They said there was nothing

else they could do.


They said two years of life

is all they were giving.

He lasted three, but

I wouldn’t call it living.


All that he went through

was so difficult to see.

The effect it had on my parents

was even harder for me.


To see the pain and hurt

they felt everyday

Made my heart ache

more than I can say.


The day he died

was so sad and blue

for there was nothing

more for us to do.


So now with God

is his place to reside

meanwhile my parents

have ended up by his side.