A person who I know
that I met with PKD
recently sent a letter
describing how friends should be.
It told of how our perception
of what a friend should do
changes with each stage of life
and what we are going through.
But in the end
so much remains the same
The qualities they have always possessed
really did not change.
We all need someone
to help and guide us through
to be there when we need them
and tell us what to do.
The love they share with us
through the good times and the bad
is what makes us who we are
and for that I am truly glad.
There are so many people
that I have recently met
that I’m proud to call my friends
and not have one regret.
So this is to all of you
My friends with PKD
If it weren’t for all your love
no telling where I’d be.
Your caring and compassion
is what has gotten me through
those days that aren’t so good
Again, my thanks to you!