You died for me to live
Something had to happen
for that I am truly sad
but because you were a donor
It made people like me so glad.
You see your life is over
that much we know is true
However, think of all of us
who will be able to live on because of you.
Each day you will be living
In a different way than before
Because you have made it possible
for us to win the war.
Your heart may be in Texas
your eyes in Tennessee
Your kidneys up in Montreal
Who knows where they’ll be.
People like you are so special
That we know is true
Kind, generous and unselfish
Were definitely traits of you.
You gave to me a gift of life
something I will never be able to repay
How could I ever thank you
for my new lease on life today.
Because of you I get a chance
to live my life again
It’s so tragic that for this gift
your life just had to end.
My prayers go out to the family
as they express their grief
but knowing that your love one lives on
should provide some relief.
For that we are all so grateful
as you should be too
For an act so courageous
Is a direct reflection of you.