Notice, bees will attack you in the thousands should you disturb their hive. In seconds, a signal is sent and an army of bees swarm over you. It is not that you can destroy the hive, that they fear, for the hive means little to them. They can repair or rebuild their hive in a day. When you attempt to destroy their hive, you will be attacked, in defence of their Queen. It is the Queen Mother, all bees will defend with their lives, not the destruction of their hive.
Bees will attack you in the thousands and surrender their lives to protect their Queen. Each and every member of her family will show their respect for her and willingly give their lives for her in order to carry out their conviction of love to her.
When you interfere with the work of bees you will be attacked, for Bees protect one and another. Should you disrespect one member of their colony, they will purposely sting you, knowing that they will die. So intent in defence, they use 22 muscles in their small bodies to sucessfully sting you. A sting from one bee is a warning, a notice for respect is being issued forth, that they will not be swayed. Bees consciously die for one and other, knowingly and with valour, surrendering their lives, to cause you to have respect for their kind and their purpose.
When a beehive is attacked by others, the guards produce an alarm scent. An enemy is stung, the barbs of the sting catch in the victims skin and break off, causing a sac of alarm scent to burst. Although the bee will not live to defend his family further, his last wilful and selfless act, becomes a marker, enabling others of his kind to zero in to where a banana-flavoured scent cloud is thickest.