 | | From: WallStreet (Original Message) | Sent: 7/14/2006 10:13 AM |
ICWA Demented Live July 13, 2006 | Holy good LAWD! Do ya feel that folks? Do ya? Do ya feel the excitement?! The Anticipation?! The way the energy just surges through your body?! Old school ICWA Fans are sitting on their eats, Chips, Dip, Pizzas and Beer galore as it’s one of very few times in America where people are partyin�?on a Wednesday night�?They’ve got that scratch that hasn’t been itched in nearly a year as the people are beggin�?Their pleadin�?They are on their hands and knees PRAYING for an alternative to the crapola that they have to watch as far as Entertainment Federations are concerned. There is ONE show on Cable TV Worth talking about and it’s WWE Monday Night Raw when at one time you could find AT LEAST 5 Wrestling shows in a week that were worth watching. Now your only alternatives are crap fests like TNA Impact or Monday Night Hangover�?Well NO MORE! No More! With Professional Wrestling Today taking over your Sunday Nights, Monday Night Raw controlling Monday Nights, and the new WWE: ECW trying to expand and take over Tuesday nights�?It’s only logical that the only TRUE Alternative come back and take over Wednesdays like ONLY The ICWA Can. So get ready, because Tick Tock�?Tick-Tock�?It’s approaching�?/P> The final credits of Cops are showing as the screen splits and we see footage of ICWA Superstars getting it on�?Clips of high spots such as Hope Cassidy flying off a chair and leaping to the outside to deliver a shooting star press to Brock Lesnar on the commentary table, and of course decimating the table�?Psycho throwing SFM off the top of a three tear Cage (we don’t see SFM Land), Destructive Jay Marshal Gorilla Press Slamming The Big Show�?WallStreet Stock Market Crashing (pedigreeing) Taz in a Hell in a Cell�?/P> All the while as these clips are showing we hear a male narrator say, "After nearly a year’s hiatus the ICWA Makes it’s return under the new found name of the International Championship Wrestling Allaince and with the new found leadership of Taylor "WallStreet" McCallister’s own blood, Jaymie Leigh in conjunction with Microsoft Network. Get ready for two hours of bone crushin�? back breakin�?controversial havoc as the ICWA Makes it’s return�?NEXT!" With that we see the final credits as the screen fades to black briefly�?/P> As we slowly fade from that rather inspirational video package for the ICWA we switch gears as we hear "Straight Out Of Line" by Godsmack blast from our TVs (starting 1 minute and four seconds into the song at the first courus) As the ICWA Demented Video plays. With that we go the arena for a huge pyrotechnicas show�?/P> The cameras begin to sweep the Gund Arena as we see a little box pop up in the higher right hand corner of the screen that reads�?/P> ICWA Demented LIVE Cleveland Ohio | As the cameras sweep they finally lock on Bert Busch and "Destructive" Jay Marshal at ringside. Busch, "GOOD GAWD FEEL THE ELECTRICITY AS TWENTY THOUSAND STRONG ARE ON THEIR FEET FOR THE RE-ARRIVAL OF EYE CEE DOUBLE-YA EH DEMENTED!!!" Marshal, "August 30th of 2006 was our last Demented that made TV�?Now we’re back with a New Network behind us and Double B�?We’ve got a new administration too!" Busch, "That we do! And we’re scheduled to hear from them a little later on as�? With that we hear the beat that most of us would familiarize with the nWo only the words have been altered as we hear�?/P> "EM�?ES�?EN" As the music plays we see Shane Borden crop out with an Air plane style strut as Devon Monroe does his typical, slow, deadly yet arrogant walk and Russ Johnson alongside Jaymie Leigh lead the way. "Mic-Mic-Mic-Micro Soft Network" Busch, "Well apparently the new ICWA Powers that Be have decided not to waste anytime as you see what makes up the new Board of Directors here in the International Championship Wrestling Alliance." Marshal, "WallStreet and I disagreed on a lot of things, but there’s still a part of me that’d rather deal with the Devil I know as opposed to the devil who wears a skirt! I don’t trust anything that can bleed for a week and survive!" Busch, "Oh, that’s real attractive�? Marshal, "What?" Busch, "Never the less, this has been billed as the ICWA "State of the Union" Address�?This is the first State of the Union address in nearly five years that this company’s had without WallStreet." Marshal, "On a side note, Street’s baby sister isn’t too shabby�?I might have to add her to the list." Busch, "The list?" Marshal, "I’m from Denmark, I legally have about 8 wives and I’m always lookin�?for new recruits." Busch, "About?" Marshal, "Yeah... Give or take a couple. It's hard to keep track."- By this time MSN has made it’s way to ringside. Russ Johnson walks up the steal stairs first and sits on the second ropes, holding the top rope up as Jaymie follows close behind and enters the ropes that Mr. Johnson has so graciously held open. Shane Borden follows up next and he too enters between the ropes that Russ has opened. Russ then enters as Devon climbs up onto the apron and climbs over the top rope. The music fades as Russ Johnson is given a microphone. RJ, "First and Foremost, WELCOME to the EYE-CEE-DUBBYA-EH!" The crowd pops as RJ nods agreeably. RJ, "And let me get a few ideas out of your head right now! We are not some powertrip organization who’s here to run the ICWA with corruption and favoritism�?We don’t favor the bad guys, we don’t favor the good guys, we favor you�?The Fans! (Crowd pops)�?And as a result we’re going to do the absolute best business we can, and hopefully you’re all going to walk away with some great memories, and I won’t lie, we’re hoping to walk away with a little money. But that’s not the primary reason we’ve resurrected the ICWA�?The primary reason is that you people need an alternative to what’s already there�?And obviously you fine folks agree since this Arena is damned near to capacity and it’s our first show back!" The crowd pops again. RJ Gets ready to speak again but he stops�?/P> RJ says almost embarrassedly, "I’m sorry folks, how rude of me, I haven’t bothered to introduce myself or my colleagues. My name is RJ, Russ Johnson. I am a proud represenitive of the Microsoft Network (crowd boos)�?Now Hold On�?Hold On�?I know that a lot of you associate MSN to things that have happened in other promotions such as extreme censorship (crowd boos) and lots of limitation on talent (crowd boos). Well I’m here to guarantee that will NOT be the case here. (Crowd pops)�?FONT color=#cccc66> No, in the honor of the ICWA’s legacy we will push things just as far as this company has in the past, I guarantee . (crowd pops)�?But before I get to carried away, let me introduce the rest of the administrative staff and let them say a few words." Russ hands the microphone to big Devon Monroe. The crowd boos as Devon smirks and says, "I guess some of you already know who I am." Crowd: YOU-SUCK, YOU-SUCK, YOU-SUCK, YOU-SUCK, YOU-SUCK, YOU-SUCK, YOU-SUCK�?/EM> Devon smirks as Shane can be seen smirking equally. Devon, "For those of you in TV Land, the folks here in Ohio aren’t real fond of me because I showed a local promoter how to properly do business. And since that company had to attach itself to a British company to do anything special, I guess she should have listened." His smirk grows wider as the crowd continues to chant "YOU-SUCK" Devon, "But that’s neither here nor there�?For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Devon Monroe and I promise you’ll see plenty of me. Just like Russ over here I’m a proud member of the Microsoft Network but UNLIKE Russ, I fail to see the problem with the way M.S.N Has done business in the past. But don’t worry too much about that, you’ll see my influence used and abused plenty in the future, till then�?Let me introduce you to a very good friend of mine�?The enforcer of the group�?Shane�?Borden." The crowd boos as Devon hands the mic over to Shane. Shane, "………�?FONT color=#999999>Hey Yo ." Busch, "I’ve heard that somewhere before." Shane, "My name is Shane Borden, and MSN just loves me. (Russ rolls his eyes). Big Dev and I�?We run this joint. If anybody gets out of line�?/FONT> (Smacks his palm) BAM! We’re layin�?the smackdown." Shane smirks and goes to hand the mic to Jaymie but he "accidentally" drops it. Jaymie looks at Borden who appears somewhat sarcastically apologetic. Jaymie shakes her head in annoyance before she bends down to pick up the mic. As she does we see both Devon and Shane bring their heads together as they look down her shirt. Busch, "What a couple of classless�? Marshal, "HA-HA! Make a mental report fellas, I want detailed description when I get back there!" Busch, "That’s low." Jaymie rises up with the Mic as Borden and Devon quickly dispatch and look about as if they were completely innocent. Jaymie, "And my name is Jaymie Leigh�?You would probably know me better, however, as the sister to the former ICWA Chairman, Taylor "WallStreet" McCallister (crowd erupts)! Now due to circumstances beyond his control my brother was not able to re-open the ICWA. So I have enlisted the financial assistance of the Microsoft Network and now in a combined effort between MSN and Myself, we will be bringing the ICWA Back to Nirvana! But we don’t want to wait to show you what we have in mind�?We want to get started right here�?TONIGHT!" The crowd pops as Jaymie nods, "So, let me get right down to business�?First, as you may or may not recall, when we closed the doors to the ICWA the Tag Team champions were "The Original Sadist" James (crowd grows loud albit with a mixed reaction) and my Brother WallStreet (crowd erupts)! Obviously that team can not remain as the ICWA Tag Team champions because WallStreet is not under ICWA Contract (crowd boos)�?So after looking over the current roster we’ve come to realize that there are virtually no teams in this company and as a result we are promoting the ICWA as the first "Alliance-Free" promotion. That’s not to say that there won’t be occasional tag team matches or stables formed�?But as it stands the ICWA roster is most strongly comprised of singles performers who are focused on building their own careers more so then trying to create a formidable team. So the ICWA Tag Team Championships are here by retired. In six months the board will review that decision and determine if at that point and time the ICWA is more of a "Team friendly" organization." The crowd is buzzing although they haven’t voiced an opinion on this decision yet. Jaymie, "As for all of the other championships in the ICWA�?I am EXTREMELY pleased to report that we were able to reacquire all of our champions from the last ICWA season. So we will allow the same talent who left with the titles to remain as champions, but just to make sure that they’re all still deserving of the belts they have, all of our champions will be involved in title defenses tonight except for our Women’s champion, Brock Lesnar." The crowd erupts as they remember that the nearly 300 pound Brock Lesnar was the last Women’s champion. RJ (who’s gotten a second mic from ringside) chimes in, "But, that still leaves a question of what’s going on with the ICWA Heavyweight championship (crowd pops)." Jaymie nods, "Yes it does. Last year a man by the name of Bobby Johnson (crowd erupts)�?Bobby Johnson entered the second annual ICWA Royal Rumble and out lasted 29 other performers to earn the rights to an ICWA Championship match�?Unfortunately the champion at that time �?Jacob Mitchell �?Took his leave from the ICWA and left the ICWA Championship vacated. As a result, the ICWA Was planning on hosting a One Night Tournament. The concept was that we’d put two separate pairs of ICWA Talent into the ring tonight and the winners of those matches would go on to the main event tonight to compete for a match with Bobby Johnson for the vacated ICWA Heavyweight championship�? Russ, "That WAS The plan. It was supposed to be "The Paradigm" Nic E Dangerously (small pop) against former ICWA Heavyweight champion Jimmy Stryker (crowd erupts)�?And then the first and longest running United States champion in ICWA History No Limits Christian Skywalker (crowd pops) going head to head with the former two time Pee Dubbya Tee heavyweight champion, David Van Dam (crowd pops)�?However, David Van Dam is a self serving son of a bitch!" The crowd boos as Russ passionately says, "Whoa, Whoa, Whoa! Now before you crucify me, hear me out! I personally spoke with Van Dam nearly Six Months ago when we first started this restoration project and I asked him�?I said "Dave, when we get the ICWA up and going, you’re gonna be there right?" And he said "Of course." I said "Dave, Taylor faught tooth and nail for you in PWT and you know we’re bringing back the ICWA, HIS Legacy, and while it may not be him at the helm, it’ll always be his in heart and I’m sure he’d appreciate your commitment as much as we will." He said "Don’t worry about it Russ, I’ll be there." This past week I spoke with David again and I said "You’re coming back for the return show of ICWA Demented aren’t ya?" And he said "Of course." Hear those words people�?"Of"�?"Course"�?As in Absolutely�?I’m gonna be there. So we got the commercials running "David Van Dam comes to the ICWA On Demented"�?We advertised and advertised for this match with Christian Skywalker, and what’d he do?! The middle of the week he calls the front office, AFTER HOURS, and leaves a message on the answering machine�?"I’m leaving. Sorry I don't want to, but I have to. I just don't have the time. I thought I could juggle two feds at once, but right now- I can't. I'm taking a full load of summer classes that really piles on the work. I'm sorry to let people down. Hopefully, when my summer classes are over, I'll be welcomed back. And before anyone thinks otherwise, this is strictly a time commitment thing. I just don't have the time to work right now. Alright. bye." Russ seems clearly agitated as he says, "Well NO Dave, it’s NOT alright! I think it’s terrific that a seasoned vet still cares enough to continue training in an attempt to continue learning, thus the summer classes, but what I don’t think is terrific is that when a so-called "professional" like David Van Dam just left this company AND HIS FANS High and dry! Why?! Because at the end of the night David Van Dam is a liar! And a cheat! He doesn’t give a damned about anybody in this arena, he doesn’t give a damned about anybody at home, he doesn’t give a damn about any of us in this ring and he SURE AS HELL Doesn’t give a damn about a single one of his comrades in the lockeroom! He is everything everyone’s said he is, a self serving, no good piece of trash!" Jaymie puts up a hand, "Alright�?Calm down�?The point is this people, David Van Dam will not be competing for the ICWA Despite our advertisements of Van Dam on the card�? Crowd: FUCK YOU DAVID *Clap, Clap, Clap Clap Clap*, FUCK YOU DAVID *Clap, Clap, Clap Clap Clap*, FUCK YOU DAVID *Clap, Clap, Clap Clap Clap*, FUCK YOU DAVID *Clap, Clap, Clap Clap Clap*, FUCK YOU DAVID *Clap, Clap, Clap Clap Clap*, FUCK YOU DAVID *Clap, Clap, Clap Clap Clap*, FUCK YOU DAVID *Clap, Clap, Clap Clap Clap*, FUCK YOU DAVID *Clap, Clap, Clap Clap Clap*, FUCK YOU DAVID *Clap, Clap, Clap Clap Clap* Busch, "These fans with some colorful words for David Van Dam." Marshal, "And they wonder why he doesn’t give two craps about em!" Jaymie, "BUT�?We promised that we’d have a spectacular main event and we will. Because there’s a guy back there who I’ve had my eye on since he stepped foot in the ICWA back in 2003�?He’s a guy who’s busted his backside every step of the way for little to no incentives except being able to work for each and every one of you Liminators! (Crowd pops)�?FONT color=#00ff00> So tonight, Christian Skywalker WILL BE In the MAIN EVENT !" The crowd erupts as Busch says, "THAT’S HUGE!" Jaymie, "Unfortunately, we’ve already guaranteed Nic Dangerously and Jimmy Stryker a match for contention to that very same main event, so Christian Skywalker will have a slightly unfair advantage as he’ll be entering the main event fresh, but Jimmy Stryker and Nic Dangerously ARE the very first bout scheduled for tonight (crowd erupts)�?So we are HOPING that the advantage is nearly non-existent by the time our main event is to take place nearly two hours down the road. But with that said, I feel we’ve taken away enough of your time with boring jibber jabber�?So, Let us hold you from the action No More! (crowd pops)�?Ladies and Gentlemen�?Welcome to the New Era of Wrestling�?Welcome to the Alternative�?Welcome�?The I_C_Double-You_A!" The crowd erupts as the "MSN" Theme blasts over the PA again. Busch, "There ya heard it folks! Ten minutes into our first broadcast and already wrapped in controversy!" Marshal, "Like she said, "Welcome to the ICWA" Bert." The cameras fade out As we’re still in blackness we hear the slow beginning of "King Nothing" by Metalica. Nic E. Dangerously’s ICWA Debut�?Next. *Commercial Break* | |
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 | (1 recommendation so far) | Message 2 of 8 in Discussion |
ICWA Demented Live July 13, 2006 | When the cameras come back from commercial we see MSN walking back from the gorilla position. As they’re heading into the backstage area a familiar star walks into the scene�?/P> The crowd erupts as Busch says, "There he is�?Former United States champion "No Limits" Christian Skywalker!" MSN doesn’t seem to pay him much mind till Christian says, "Excuse me�?Miss Leigh�? MSN stops as Jaymie turns and raises her brows as if to say "Yes?" NLCS, "Do you think I could speak with you for a moment?" Jaymie, "Of course�? She turns to MSN, "Can you gentlemen excuse me for just a moment please?" RJ, "Of course, we’ll be in the office." Devon, "Actually, I need to go get some stuff situated in production." Shane, "And I need a bee�?erm�?Gatorade." RJ, "Alright, *I’LL* Be in the office." MSN goes off in their separate directions as Jaymie steps off to the side with NLCS. NLCS, "Look I saw what you just said in the ring and I really appreciate the fact that you’re picking me as your main event guy for the night and giving me the proverbial ball�?Lord knows that wouldn’t have happened in times past�?But I’m not sure how I feel about walking into the main event uncontested when Jimmy Stryker and Nic Dangerously have to fight for the spot�? Jaymie, "Jimmy’s been to the top of the mountain, Nic’s new here and needs to earn his stripes�?You’ve been *fighting* for 3 years Chris�?You’ve had to do a lot more than win one match to get to this main event Chris�?Trust me, you’ve earned it and we all know ya have, that’s why you’re the man for tonight." NLCS, "You sure?" Jaymie, "Of course I’m sure. You deserve this Christian, don’t let anybody tell you otherwise. This is a new season with plenty of room for advancement�?I want to push the young blood to the top and start getting ready for some of the inevitable retirements that are coming. I mean guys like Sean Frost-Mann and Jimmy Stryker can only do it for so long. I’m looking at you as one of the main faces of the new movement here in the ICWA, so go out there tonight and show the new fans what our longterm fans already know�?Show em�?that I’m right and No Limits Christian Skywalker is the man for the job." Jaymie gives Christian a pat on the shoulder and heads off as Christian nods and says, "Yeah�?I think I’ll do that." NLCS grabs a nearby steal chair and un-folds it, taking a seat as we see that a monitor was right next to him�?/P> The scene fades to the ring as Busch says, "Looks like Christian Skywalker’s gonna be watching this next match in an attempt to scout his opponent." Marshal, "This is easy�?If Jimmy wins just turn on some black and white westerns and watch him fall asleep like the rest of the nursing home folk�?If this Dangerously guy gets it done then who cares, if he’s been on the Indy circuit for nearly ten years he must suck." DING DING DING Kevin Dart: The following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for The ICWA Heavyweight Championship tournament!!! "King Nothing" rumbles across the PA, as a woman's voice repeats "Danger... danger... danger..." over and over. Red and white strobes flare across the rampway, and the song kicks in just after the woman says "You have just entered... the dangerzone!", at the chorus, and Nic E Dangerously walks out on stage, with arms extended parallel to the floor, and he spins as he walks down to the ramp. Once he hits the ring, he walks up the steps, holding the top rope with his left hand, as his right arm extends up, with a fist. He turns to the ring and enters. Dart: In the ring, hailing from San Antonio, Texas weighing two hundred and sixty pounds....He is the Paradigm NIC E. DANGEROUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSLY!!!!!!! Nic is seen standing in the middle of the ring, as the lights go down... "Right Now" by Korn hits as black, white and blue spotlights flicker all over the area. On the top of the stage you notice a good few puffs of smoke fly up As the spotlights shoot throughout the smoke, a male figure appears on the rampway. The lights continue to flicker as the man makes his way down the rampway. The puffs of smoke shoot up every step that he makes, while on the way to the ring. While on his short walk. is a white spotlight that has shown about the halfway point to the ring as the big light and the flickers begin to work together. There you can see the man sliding in underneath the bottom rope as the lights continue to flicker over and over the dark black, the white bright color and the dark blue,as he is in the ring ready for his match to begin while the lights in the area, slowly make their way back to normal.
Dart: In the ring hailing from the Sin City.. Las Vegas, Nevada, weighing 290 pounds, he is the Legendary Jimmy Stryker!!! Jimmy and NED look at one another. Busch: Here we go folks. Stryker looks ready to go. He has been away from this company for a long time, and now he returns to claim what is rightfully his, and that is the ICWA Title. Marshall: Not if NED has anything to do about it. NED is willing to beat down Stryker and take everything from him. NED immediately goes to work on Stryker not wasting anymore time. NED is seen whipping Stryker into the ropes. As Stryker rebounds, NED tries for a clothesline, but Stryker ducks under his arm, and bounces off the ropes. As Stryker is coming back towards NED NED kicks Jimmy in the midsection and flips him off and then nails him with a sambo suplex to start things off with a bang. NED then picks up Stryker as he lifts him up high into the air, and down comes Stryker he is met with a huge shoulderbreaker by NED. NED proud of himself as Stryker is on the mat holding his shoulder. NED then picks up Stryker one more time. NED still not happy with what has happened here, but Stryker is seen being whipped into the ropes again. As he returns there is NED with a elbow to the face, sending Jimmy back down to the mat. NED then drops to the mat, as he wraps him forearm around the neck of Stryker trying to choke him out. Stryker is seen trying to fight it, but to no avail is able to get away with how hard the hold is on him by NED. Marshall: If you fight it, you'll be out faster than you know!! Busch: But of course he’s gonna fight! That’s the heart this man has! Stryker still trying to find a way out of the hold, but there is Chris Martin, checking on Stryker. Stryker is telling Chris that he is not going to quit. Chris watches as Stryker starts to battle back. Trying to get to his feet. Jimmy now up to his knees, as NED is wondering why Stryker will not quit. Stryker now to his feet as he starts sending hard martial arts style chops to the midsection of NED, breaking free of the hold. As he does Stryker is seen going back towards the ropes, and coming at NED like a steam engine. As Stryker is seen coming. NED grabs the head of Stryker, sending him over the top rope and to the floor. Stryker hits with a thud, as NED is seen going to the outside after Stryker. Stryker a little dazed after the shot, is seen trying to get back to his feet one more time, but NED is right there, grabbing him and ramming Stryker's back into the ring apron. NED still not satisfied, picks up Stryker over his shoulder, and sends him into the steel ring post on the outside as the shoulder of Stryker hits the cold hard steel. Stryker is seen falling to the mat on the outside, as NED is seen taunting the crowd. He smirks, as he goes around the corner trying to find Stryker. Stryker is no where to be seen. Marshall: Where the hell is Stryker? Busch: I dont know Marshall!! Just then NED searching all the way around the ring, not able to find Stryker as he is seen checking underneath the ring. As he checks under three different sides, he does not see Stryker. Chris Martin who is in the ring, is up to a 8 count. NED slides back into the ring, to break the count, and then goes back out in search for Stryker. Chris is seen turning around as NED reaches the final part of the ring. NED drops to one knee and places his head down low to check as he lifts the sheet covering the bottom of the ring, as out of nowhere, Stryker is seen coming at NED nailing him with a iron pipe to the forehead sending NED crashing back into the barrier on the outside. Jimmy then climbs out from underneath the ring, as he now slides into the ring breaking the count. Stryker himself then rolls out of the ring, as he goes back to work on NED. Throwing punches to the head, and then whipping NED into the ring barrier, sending NED down to his knees. NED's face however is seen up against the barrier still, as Stryker backs off a bit. Stryker runs and nails him with a roundhouse 720 kick as NED's face crashes up hard against the ring barrier. Stryker is seen now climbing back into the ring, as Chris's count was to 9. Stryker now rolls out of the ring, grabbing NED, and sliding him back into the ring. Stryker then climbs back into the ring, as he makes a cover on NED. As Chris is seen going down for the count. Stryker puts his feet up on the ropes. Chris Martin 1.....2.....Kickout by NED!! Stryker upset by not being able to get a pin fall, picks up NED who is seen bleeding a big from his lower lip. Stryker smiles, as he then whips NED into the corner. Jimmy comes full force, as he connects with a spinning heel kick to the jaw of NED. NED with a woosy look on his face, then walks forward a few steps, and now dropping to his knees and then face first onto the canvas. Stryker is seen picking up NED one more time, as then comes from behing NED and nails him with a perfect execution of a backbreaker such as the on Carlito performs. NED is seen on the ground, as Jimmy starts stomping away every chance he gets and takes it to NED. Busch: If it wasnt for Stryker, NED would still be in control!! Marshall: But sometimes, you must do what is necessary to win a match Bert!! The crowd is letting Stryker have it with the heat they are giving him. He soaks in the heat and smiles. He then grabs a hold of NED, as he stands him up. Stryker sends a kick to the midsection as he sets up NED for the Supreme Killing. Just as he is about to lift him up, DSL is seen coming down to the ring. She is seen walking very slowly to the ring, to a chorus of boo's. Stryker turns his head noticing DSL coming to the ring. He then smirks as he screams "Watch This" to her. He lifts up NED into the air, and is about to slam him to the mat, but NED is seen coming to and then pushes off away from Stryker and connects with a dropkick to the chest. Stryker is seen falling to the mat. DSL then makes her way onto the apron a s Chris Martin is seen trying to get her off of the apron. NED then grabs a hold of Stryker. NED whips him into the rope, as he does, Stryker is met with a huge neckbreaker from NED. Busch: NED is back in control!!! Marshall: Yeah he is, but with Stryker as good as he is, how much longer? NED and Stryker are both down on the ground still, as Chris is seen still attending to DSL. Chris then stops fighting her as he starts checking on Stryker and NED. Just then DSL is seen taking off the cover of the top turnbuckle, as Chris happened to turn at the right moment, as he is seen going over to the corner and tries to fix the turnbuckle pad. As he does, DSL is seen running over and grabbing a chair. She then slides into the ring, as NED is seen over in the corner with Chris trying to get the pad back in place. NED then looks over his shoulder, as a thunderous chair shot goes down across the back of Stryker. Stryker is seen jumping a bit, but as he gets to his knees after the shot. DSL swings the chair as it connects into the face of Stryker. NED and Chris are seen still fixing the turnbuckle pad, as now DSL as DSL places the chair in the middle of the ring, as she sets up Stryker in a front face lock, then grabs his pants and nails an Inverted DDT on the steal chair. She then grabs the chair from underneath Stryker and throws it out of the ring. She then slides to the outside of the ring as well, as NED is seen grabbing a hold of Stryker standing him up. NED then hooks up Stryker in the Deus Ex Machina and connects. Chris Martin now finished with the pad turns around as NED is seen covering Stryker. Chris Martin: 1......2......3!!!! DING DING DING!!! Dart: Here is your winner.........NIC E DANGEROUSLY!!!!!!! DSL is seen smirking at Stryker who is down on the mat as she exits ringside. NED then is seen on his feet holding his back and his body that is still affected from the abuse he took early on in the matchup. Chris Martin is seen raising the hand of NED... Busch: DAMN DSL!!! I cant believe she would cost him this match!! Marshall: Of course she would!! Dont you know they are ex-lovers? Busch: Yeah, but why in the hell is she out here anyways. Nic was doing fine without her here. Marshall: But of course. But you see, doing what is necessary to win is a must. Now that was a hard, but good win for NED. Busch: NED moves on in the tournament. What is next for Stryker. We shall see!!! With that the cameras go to the back where we see none other than the Women’s champion himself The crowd pops as Busch says, "There he is�?One of only TWO individuals in ICWA History to ever obtain both the ICWA Heavyweight and Women’s championships over the course of their career�? Marshal, "The other of course being Hope Cassidy�?Lesnar and Marshal at the commentary table together�?This is going to be interesting." Busch, "We’ll see as when we return Brock Lesnar does guest commentary as we watch the lovely Shantel Travis go head to head with one of the greatest Intergender performers of our era, Nikki Black!" *Commercial Break* | |
 | (1 recommendation so far) | Message 3 of 8 in Discussion |
ICWA Demented Live July 13, 2006 | ICWA FLASHBACK | Missy, "Here.. you take it.. I dont need it.." DSL caught the belt and looked down at it, then to Missy, Wallstreet, and back to Missy with a confused look on her face. Without stopping at her locker room for her things or even pausing, she walked straight down the hallway and out the door... WallStreet, who let her say her piece finally raises an eyebrow, looks at DSL and says, "What the Hell was that?! More importantly, who the Hell was that?!" DSL, "Don't be such a f*ck, you know damn well who it was..." WallStreet, "You'll never hear me say this in regards to you and ANYONE else, but you are the relevant member of your little team, how would I know her?! She's the Women's champion, the Women's Championship is the nearly the most irrelevent thing in the ICWA, It's second only to Y2Jesus' career..." Before anything further can be said Brock Lesnar comes into the scene and seems less than thrilled. Lesnar, "WHAT THE HELL!? WallStreet takes a deep breath and says, "And now what's your problem?!" Lesnar, "You should have just handed me the ICWA Title in the first place, you know damn well nobody in this place deserved it like I did... But no, you had to throw it in an elimination chamber match and look what happened.. I had to keep my eyes peeled on Y2Jesus while I was fighting Mitchell, I turned my head to quick, got sweat in my eyes, was blinded, and as a result Mitchell was able to pull a reverse to the F5! Now I'm STILL Title less.." WallStreet, "That's your problem?! My world champion is getting put on a stretcher, my Women's champion put her tampon in the wrong way, and this is the time you pick to come at me with this crap?!" Lesnar, "If I was world champion you can bet your ass I wouldn't be on a stretcher right now." WallStreet goes to say something when he looks at DSL who has an annoyed look on her face. WallStreet suddenly smirks as he says, "Fair enough... You want a title handed to you, and I need an irrelevent championship to be worth a damn so I have a solution for both of us Brock... Since my last champion couldn't do it..." WallStreet walks over and yanks the Women's title off of DSL's shoulder. DSL raises an eyebrow as WallStreet tosses the strap over Brock's Shoulder. WallStreet, "As of right now Brock Lesnar, You are the ICWA Women's Champion." The crowd laughs as Brock says, "Are you fu*king sh*ting me?!" WallStreet, "HEY, WATCH YOUR G*D DAMN MOUTH! We're on USA! And yes... yes I'm serious." Brock, "We may be friends but your pushing it now..." WallStreet, "Relax Brock, I realize the strap says "Women's Title', but look at the women in ICWA History, Alexis, Hope, Layla, Star, Krystin... I need this belt to be worth a damn, so Brock... Make this strap worth a damn... I'm not handing it to you as an insult, I'm handing it to you because I know your the one person in this company who can make that title worth having. Now get it done!" | As soon as that fades from our screens "Next Big Thing" from the WWE Anthology CD blasts over the PA as the crowd erupts with boos, remembering now how Brock Lesnar was. Busch, "Well there you saw the circumstances of how Brock Lesnar came to be ICWA Women’s champion�? Marshal, "Missy Bytch got a one ticket home because she was going through woman issues or somethin�?and Lesnar was handed the women’s title�?Although, in all fairness, he was handed that championship on the 8th of may and successfully retained the championship right through to our last Un-televised events in September." Busch, "Well of course he did, the guy is massive. There’s not a woman in wrestling that’s going to be able to contest with someone of that size!" As Lesnar is making his way down the ramp Kevin Dart announces, "Ladies and Gentlemen�?Please welcome, from Minneapolis Minnesota�?BROCK_LESSSSSSNAAAARR!!!" Lesnar gets to ringside with his cocky smirk as he has the women’s championship slung over his shoulder. He walks around the ring and goes over to take his place with the commentators. Busch and Marshal both stand up and shake hands with the Women’s champ as he puts on a headset. Busch, "Welcome back to the ICWA Brock." Lesnar, "My Friend’s call me Brock, my teachers called me Mr. Lesnar, you’re no where close to either so just call me "The Franchise"." Marshal, "Gah-ha! Guess Brock told you." Lesnar, "Hey! Franchise to you too Marshmellow. Just because the incompetent side of the McCallister genes decided it’d be a bright idea to bring your tired ass back to the ICWA doesn’t mean that I’ve just forgotten all your bull from the past." Marshal, "Don’t test me Lesnar, I’ve still got a good few condemned slams in me." Lesnar, "I bet ya got a few "good" somethings in ya." The lights in the arena dim, through the sound system, Fuel's "Won't Back Down" begins low .. I know what darkness means (and the void you left for me) The isolation stings (so thick it wants to bleed) The echoes in my brain (of the things you said to me) You took my everything .. (NOW I'M COMING FOR YOU!) Kevin Dart: "Now making her way to the ring…from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma and weighing in at 145 pounds…she is MSN’s very own Choctaw darling…Nikkkkiiiii Black!" Marshal: "I just love a little ethnicity, don’t you, Bert?" Busch: "I’m not going there, Jay. I refuse to disrespect someone’s heritage just so you can get your jollies off." Marshal: "Well, miss out on all the fun then, Bertie-boy. She can do a little rain dance for me wearing nothing but a headdress anyday!" Busch: "You need help. Seriously." Two pyro's explode simultaneously on either side of the stage, forming a thick cloud of smoke, Nikki steps through the smoke, she stands motionless, letting her eyes roam over the crowd. She shoots her hand in the air and runs down the ramp. As she reaches the ring, she hops on the apron and turns and places her back against the ropes. After a moment she back flips on the ropes into the ring. She hits the four corner posts and plays to the crowd, then hops down and makes her way to the middle of the ring where she waits for her opponent. "Never Be Me" Blasts over the PA System. The crowd jumps up to its feet, immediately booing as they hear that one of a kind music. Shantel Travis could only come to mind as they watch Wrestling's Very own Marilyn Monroe's various situations and photo shoot flashes flip over the large screen. Hearing the talented rapper begin to spit in her theme song, as Shantel pushes the large long black curtain from her path as she paces from behind the stage. With an immediate smirk.. staggering some biting her lip as the smirk leaves her face. Reaching the end of the stage where the ramp starts.. the Girl everyone loves to Hate stand still at the top of the ramp, placing her small tender hands at her full waist looking forward over the large arena. Kevin Dart: "And now making her way to the ring…she is the current number one contender for the ICWA Women’s Championship title…from Nashville, Tennessee, and weighing in at an undisclosed weight…she is the self-proclaimed Marilyn Monroe of wrestling…Shantelllll Travis!" Busch: "What’s with that one, Jay? Is she really too embarrassed to have her weight announced?: Marshal: "Well, it’s rude to ask a woman how much she weighs, Bert. Don�?t you know that? So in all fairness, the company’s in the wrong for even wanting to know something so personal." Busch: "But it’s ok for the rest of the ladies on the roster, just not Miss Thing, right?" Marshal: "You got it." Beginning to make her way down to the squared circle which lies directly in front of her as she looks down at the lit up ramp below her, receiving no positive pump from the crowd as they know nothing good could come of her at all. As she walks by blowing kisses at all of the fans who of course yell back at her with an even meaner cold hearted insult, of course she flips her hair looking and laughing at some of the old wrinkled tanned wives who sit and watch they're husbands and sons cover up they're complete utter lust by booing at her. Gracing the steel steps with one small foot, pushing her weight upwards and placing another foot on the second step.. as she climbs she grabs the ring post to help guide herself across the ring apron. Ducking down into the ring under the second rope.. Standing up straight and expanding her arms outwards with a evil smile on her beautiful face. Shaking her head slightly at the rowdy crowd, Standing there looking around as all the sad ICWA fans yell at the diva. Shantel rolls her eyes once more..Strutting around the ring with her hands rested right in front of her..as she slightly circles the ring. The two women meet center ring and the bell rings, signaling the start of the match. Busch: "And we’re underway, folks. This match is surely going to be one to watch. What these two women have between them tonight makes the term ‘bad blood�?seem terribly underrated. They’ve gone back and forth all week long, and they’re ready to see who can deliver and who can’t." Marshal: "You got that right, Bert. But watching two hot chicks try to tear each other apart gets me all warm and fuzzy inside, so who cares? Let em kill each other in there; I’ve got one of the best seats in the house! I know somebody needs to make the first move and get this thing going." As if on cue, Nikki pounces first. She lunges for Shantel and spears her. Busch: "My God, that was a hell of a spear from Nikki Black." Marshal: "She got lucky on that one, Bert. She caught Shantel off-guard. That had nothing to do with technique." Busch: "Say what you want, but Shantel flew from that spear that she racked up about fifty thousand frequent flier miles." Marshal: "How about you just announce what’s going on in the ring, and leave the funny stuff to those of us who are actually FUNNY?" Lesnar, "Yeah... Like Mama Marshal." Nikki walks over to the corner where Shantel is lying on the floor, and grabs a handful of bleached blonde hair to help her up. Once she’s standing, she nails her with a Bitch Slap. The crown gasps. She nails her with another one. More gasps. And another one. She hurls her into an Irish Whip up against the ropes and goes for the hip toss, but Shantel stands firm. Nikki tries the hip toss once again, but Shantel isn’t moving. Shantel smirks, then kicks Nikki in the gut and slaps her across her face. Hard. Busche: "Shantel lands a Women’s Special Slap.And another one. And another one." Marshal: "That’s got to hurt, Bert." Busche: "It certainly seems as though it would." Shantel swings Nikki by the hair and adds a kick to the gut. Busche: "One of the moves Shantel’s become famous for, Jay. The ole Hair Mare." Marshal: "Shantel’s really working on Nikki’s midsection right now. And from the looks of it, Nikki is really taking a beating." Shantel grabs Nikki’s trunks and flips her up in the air, holding her for a brief moment, then flips her down hard. Busche: "That was a nice German Suplex, Jay. Nicely executed. She showed a lot of upper body strength with that one." Marshal: "It really shouldn’t surprise you, should it? I mean, look at Shantel’s physique. She’s built like a brick house!" Shantel goes for the cover and the referee counts. One�?/FONT> Two�?/FONT> Th�?/FONT> Nikki throws up a shoulder and avoids the pin. Busche: "That was about two and a half, Jay. It looked like Shantel had her beat there for a second, but Nikki found the strength from somewhere to kick out of it." Marshal: "Well, how about that? Our own version of the Little Engine that Could." Shantel yells at the referee for counting too slowly. She gets to her feet, dragging Nikki up with her. Shantel uses the handfull of hair she’d just used to pull Nikki up from the mat with to swing her into the turnbuckle. Busche: "Shantel using a Hair Toss there." Shantel moves toward Nikki for another Hair Mare, but Nikki spoils her fun. She wraps her legs around Shantel’s neck and flings her forward, somersaulting through the air. Busche: "Nikki just nailed Shantel with a Hurricanrana! Did you see her go flying again, Jay? She’s racking up some more of those frequent flyer miles." Nikki moves in fast for the cover. One�?/FONT> Two�?/FONT> Busche: "Count goes to two. A little bit early for the pin on Nikki’s part." She gets to her feet and before Shantel even gets a chance to react, Nikki nails her with a Moonsault. Busche: "Can you believe that, Jay? The athleticism and energy being demonstrated by Nikki Black right now is simply amazing!" She goes for the cover again. One�?/FONT> Two�?/FONT> Thre.. No! Shantel’s shoulder shoots upward, buying her some more time. Bushce: "I thought that was it, Jay. I thought Nikki Black had just won the match." Marshal: "Well, you know what they say, Bert. It ain’t over till the fat chick gets laid." Busche: "That’s not what they say." Marshal: "It isn’t? Dah, well�? As Shantel lies on the mat trying to catch a breath, Nikki heads for the turnbuckle. She climbs to the top and looks around the arena, grinning. Busche: "What’s she up to now, I wonder?" Marshal: "She looks like the cat that swallowed the canary, Bert. But I’ve got a sneaking suspicion that I know what she’s getting up there to do." Busche: "You don’t mean�?" Marshal: "I certainly do…here it comes, here we go…BINGO! Swanton Bom�? Busche: "She moved! She moved! Shantel rolled out of the way of Nikki Black’s Swanton Bomb and Nikki wound up with a face full of mat. I can’t believe it! After what Nikki’d done to her just moments before, Shantel Travis managed to roll out of the way! This is amazing, Jay!" Marshal, "What’s amazing is that the "champ’s" been watching this whole match and hasn’t had a thing to say." The camera switches to show Lesnar watching the match with an evil smirk on his face. Nikki lies on the mat, thrashing around in pain now. Right along side of where Shantel’s lying. Both women are hurt, both are exhausted. Now, it’s simply a race to see who can stand on their feet first. The referree starts the count out. One�?/FONT> Two�?/FONT> Three�?/FONT> Four�?/FONT> Five�? By the time he reaches five, Shantel has gotten up. The referree checks to see if she’s ok, then moves out of the way. Shantel drags Nikki to her feet, and goes for her finisher. She gives her a kick to the gut, then BAM! Busche: "A Hollywood Glamour! A Hollywood Glamour! It’s over, folks! It’s gotta be over. Nikki Black isn’t getting up from that!" Shantel hooks the far leg and rolls back as the official counts …………………�?…………………�?……………………�?! The Bell sounds as "Never be me" blasts over the PA and the referee raises Shantel’s arm in victory. Busch, "There you have it folks�?Shantel Travis with a very impressive win here on the return show of ICWA Demented and ya gotta believe that’s gonna sit here well up on the list of contenders for that Women’s championship, Franchise�? Suddenly we hear a headset hit the table Busch, "Franchise?! Where you going?!" Marshal, "Who cares, just let him get the Hell out of here. He was gonna eye me about one more time�? Back in the ring Nikki’s rolled to the floor to try and get herself together before she gets up and exits after this intense bout with Shantel. And Shantel is smirking, almost taunting the fans. Lesnar slides into the ring drawing a pop as he gets behind Shantel. Lesnar puts his large paw on Shantel which makes Shantel look agitated as she spins around only to see the mammoth of a man that’s holding the ICWA Women’s title. Before she has time to react Lesnar hoists her up, spins her out and BAM! Busch, "AWW COME ON! He just hit the F5 on a Woman!" Marshal, "And after she just had a grueling match non the less! Too bad he’s such a jackass, I could like this guy." Shantel bounces off the mat upon impact and ends up rolling out to the floor herself as Brock stands in the ring smirking before he reaches out for a microphone. Lesnar, "The ICWA has come back to National Television, and all the champions are on the air defending their belts and doing what they do�?All of the champions except ME! What’s a huge show without Brock Lesnar?! Soooo, out of the kindness and the graciousness of my gorilla sized heart, I’m going to lay out an open invitation to any woman who wants to come out and challenge me for the championship, right now! Come on, Dazi Darkside, you know you wanta rematch! I saw some new chick Summer Stratus, I wouldn’t mind grapplin�?with her�?Who wants it?!" Busch, "Oh I’m sure there’s just a long line of women who want to roll around with Lesnar. Gimmie a break." Marshal, "Hey, he’s the champ and he’s offering to defend when he wasn’t forced too�?It shows a lot of character�?not much intelligence, but that’s never been his strong suit." Lesnar laughs, "You mean to tell me I’m completely uncontested for this title?! Hell, I might just as well retire it then if that’s the cas�? Suddenly we see a dark haired Diva fly in under the bottom rope on the commentary side of the ring, zip under Lesnar and roll him up with the school boy roll up as referee Chris Martin slides in the ring, calls for the bell�?/P> 1……………�?…………………�?! Lesnar powers out of the roll up but is just a quarter of a second to late as the bell sounds and we see the Diva instantly roll out of the ring. The crowd erupts as Busch says, "WHAT?! I THINK�? I THINK WE HAVE A NEW WOMEN’S CHAMPION!" We still haven’t had a good look at this diva but Martin’s barked something to Kevin Dart. Dart, "Ladies and Gentlemen�?Your WINNER, and the NEW ICWA WOMEN’S CHAMPION�?IMAGE_JOOOHNNNNNNSSONNN!" The crowd erupts as we see Image toss the hair out of her face at ringside while Martin hands her the ICWA Women’s championship. Lesnar has a look of intense anger on his face as he glares out at Image. Busch, "BAH GAWD! IMAGE JOHNSON HAS COME TO THE EYE_SEE_DUBBYA_EH AND SHE HAS MADE AN IMPACT!" Marshal, "That might be the fastest match in ICWA History, we’ll have to check the record books�? Lesnar’s up on the bottom rope pointing down at Image, threatening bodily harm as Image just gives a devilish smirk and heads off toward the ramp with her newly won ICWA Women’s championship over her shoulder." With that we go to the back where Bobby Johnson is seen staring at the monitor with his ICWA Hardcore championship slung over his shoulder. Bobby shakes his head with a smile on his face before he starts to walk away. Busch, "Image’s husband Bobby, surely proud of his wife’s upset win over Lesnar here tonight." Marshal, "It’s gonna be a happy night at the Johnson home if Bobby can turn around and successfully defend his belt in that Hardcore Time Limit Battle Royal." Busch, "That it will be�?And that match is next so don’t go anywhere." The cameras fade to black�?/P> A somewhat threatening instrumental is heard playing as we hear a male narrator begin�?/P> "How far is Extreme?" We see a still pic of Nic Dangerously less than an inch away from WallStreet’s flesh with a branding Iron as we can hear that company’s commentator scream "OH MY GOD! HE JUST BRANDED WALLSTREET’S FLESH!" "What’s the Definition of "Dangerous"?" We see a still image of Nic Dangerously standing over Christian Michaels (picture Matt Hardy) with a straight razor as what appears to be a freshly sliced X is carved on his chest as we hear that company’s commentator scream, "I CAN’T BELIEVE HE JUST CARVED CHISTIAN UP LIKE THAT!" "Some spend their whole lives trying to avoid true Danger�? "But for some, Living Dangerously isn’t an option�?It’s a Way Of Life�? "Tonight, The ICWA Gets Dangerous in the Main Event�? Commentator from another company, "So Wait�?If Nic Dangerously was Jason Hartnell than that means�?Nic Dangerously is carrying his SEVENTH W2K Championship!" | *Commercial Break* | |
 | (1 recommendation so far) | Message 4 of 8 in Discussion |
ICWA Demented Live July 13, 2006 | When cameras return from commercial we see the Dementa-Tron light up. Moments Ago | Lesnar, "Out of the kindness and the graciousness of my gorilla sized heart, I’m going to lay out an open invitation to any woman who wants to come out and challenge me for the championship, right now! Come on, Dazi Darkside, you know you wanta rematch! I saw some new chick Summer Stratus, I wouldn’t mind grapplin�?with her�?Who wants it?!" Lesnar laughs, "You mean to tell me I’m completely uncontested for this title?! Hell, I might just as well retire it then if that’s the cas�? Suddenly we see a dark haired Diva fly in under the bottom rope on the commentary side of the ring, zip under Lesnar and roll him up with the school boy roll up as referee Chris Martin slides in the ring, calls for the bell�?/FONT> 1……………�?…………………�?! Lesnar powers out of the roll up but is just a quarter of a second to late as the bell sounds and we see the Diva instantly roll out of the ring. The crowd erupts as Busch says, "WHAT?! I THINK�? I THINK WE HAVE A NEW WOMEN’S CHAMPION!" We still haven’t had a good look at this diva but Martin’s barked something to Kevin Dart. Dart, "Ladies and Gentlemen�?Your WINNER, and the NEW ICWA WOMEN’S CHAMPION�?IMAGE_JOOOHNNNNNNSSONNN!" The crowd erupts as we see Image toss the hair out of her face at ringside while Martin hands her the ICWA Women’s championship. | With that we go to the back with�?/P> …ICWA Interviewer Greg Davidson. Greg, "Good evening ICWA, I’m Greg Davidson and I’m currently standing by with the first woman in three years to defeat Brock Lesnar�?The first woman since former ICWA Heavyweight Champion Hope Cassidy (crowd pops) and the NEW ICWA Women’s champion�?Image Johnson." The crowd erupts as the scene pans back and we see Image Johnson standing with the ICWA Women’s championship slung over her right shoulder and the BUD Bytch Championship slung over her left. Greg, "Miss Johnson, You are currently a duel women’s champion and it’s no secret that the company’s you’re holding the Women’s championships for are none too fond of each other�?Where does that put you right now?" Image, who can barely contain her excitement, says, "Where does that put me?! Think about it�?You remember how during the "Monday Night War" era WCW and the WWE were the two mainstream promotions and then ECW was close, but were still a huge Indy Promotion as opposed to really being mainstream?" Greg, "Of course�? Image, "Well putting the WWE to the side�?And I know that this isn’t going to go over well with some people, especially some people in the MSN office�?But whether ya like it or ya don’t, BUD and PWT are essentially WCW and WWE at the moment�?Now W2K Really had that ECW spot�?I mean ECW is still a legacy longed for on the east coast just as W2K is a legacy longed for down South�?So if someone were able to grab all three of those belts that’d make them a Triple Crown champion, kind of like the Bigshow is at the moment." Greg, "I follow you thus far�? Image, "Well W2K closed up shop�?But the ICWA re-opened it’s doors which essentially means that the ICWA has taken the third spot in the triangle. Mind you we’re obviously not Independent and I think it’s great that we’ve been able to re-capture a mainstream audience through advertising as opposed to having to struggle on the Indy circuit and build back up again�?But the point is, I’ve just managed to get the basic "Triple Crown" and if you go by the W2K Record books, that would technically make me the first woman to acquire the Triple Crown. But that’s not good enough for me Greg�?Because I currently am the BUD Bytch Champion and the ICWA Women’s champion WHICH means�?This Sunday on PWT Shockwave I’m fighting a bitch who’s got my property�?I bitch by the name if Isabel Winters�?Well I’m going to beat lil�?ol�?Isabel and then, all technicalities aside, I WILL BE the first Woman in history to hold 3 Major Women’s titles at the same time�?I will be the first woman to wear the REAL Triple Crown. But now Greg, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go and watch my husband show why he keeps his pimp hand strong so we can go celebrate!" Image walks away as Greg says, "Well�?There you have it folks. The New ICWA Women’s champion." Our scene opens with all five competitors in tonight’s hardcore championship battle royal: Matt Hardy, Blaze Inferno, Suicide Hank, Jamal Atkins, and the champion, Bobby Johnson. Shawn Cain explains the rules to the competitors, and 15:00 appears on a clock on the tron and calls for the bell, as we see referees Darren Thomas and Chris Martin standing on the outside, to help with this match. The clock begins ticking, and Suicide Hank goes right at Bobby Johnson while Jamal Atkins and Blaze Inferno go right at Matt Hardy. Bobby and Hank head out of the ring and begin brawling, throwing lefts and rights. While back in the ring, Blaze and Jamal whip Hardy into the ropes and when he comes back, double flapjack on Hardy. Once Blaze and Atkins stand up, they both drop an elbow on Hardy as we catch Bobby dropping Hank over the guardrail into the fans. Atkins gets up a little before Blaze does, and he extends his hand out to her which she shakes but Jamal then kicks her in the gut and hits her with a DDT onto Hardy!* Busch, "I Think Jamal Atkins�?would be about the last man I’d trust." Marshal, "Who?" *The clock reads 12:30 as we hear a garbage can lid smack Hank on the head outside as Bobby is really working him over, as it seems these two have a little grudge brewing, but what Bobby doesn’t know is that Jamal has rolled out of the ring and retrieved a steel chair. Bobby turns around to be cracked hard with the chair, and he falls down, and Jamal goes for the cover, and Darren Thomas drops down and counts, 1�?2..the count gets broken up when Suicide Hank comes down with a trash can lid, hitting Jamal in the head with it, getting him to roll off. Hank hits Bobby with the lid once before attempting to get a pin as well, 1�?.kick out by Bobby Johnson. Hank gets up, frustrated, as Bobby rolls towards the apron, but before Hank can go after him, Jamal clotheslines him down, giving Bobby a chance to catch his breath. Meanwhile, in the ring, Matt Hardy and Blaze have been going at it, hitting punches, kicks and suplexes on each other, doing more wrestling than hardcore fighting. Hardy runs at the ropes, and hits Blaze with a bulldog and drops her hard. 9:00.* Busch, "Former WWE Hardcore champion Matt Hardy lookin�?to make it two!" Marshal, "Version ONNN-AHH�?I love this guy!" *Matt Hardy sees that everyone on the outside is fighting, with Jamal Atkins and Bobby Johnson double teaming Hank, and we see them double suplex him onto a steel chair. Matt Hardy then runs at the ropes, bouncing off them and going through the middle rope, for a suicide dive. He hits everyone down, and has an arm draped over Bobby, and referee Chris Martin drops down and begins a count, 1�?2…kick out by Bobby Johnson. He rolls away to get away from all the combatants, while Jamal, Hank and Hardy are slowly stirring. Atkins spots Bobby and he thinks he’s still out of it, and he goes over and gets cracked with a cookie sheet to the head, and stumbles back as Bobby nips up to his feet. Hank charges at him and gets cracked with the cookie sheet sending him down to the thin mats on the outside. Bobby runs at Hardy, and cracks him with the cookie sheet, sending him down before he slides into the ring, to go back on the offensive with Blaze Inferno. 6:30* Busch, "Bobby Johnson is truly the marked man in this match. One of these people MUST make Bobby tap out or gain the pinfall before that 15 minute time limit is up or Johnson’s gonna remain the Hardcore champion." Marshal, "The one mistake I think Bobby’s making here tonight is that he’s working an offensive style, which is fine if you’re in a typical match�? But in a match of this kind your best bet is to play Defense. Avoid as much contact as possible, and worry about keeping your shoulders off the mat�?He doesn’t have to beat anybody here, but they ALLL have to try and beat him." *Blaze has gotten up, and she catches Bobby with some stiff kicks to the back as he slides back in. She bends down, and picks him up by the head and lifts him up for a vertical suplex but Bobby fights out, and drops Blaze with a Hangman’s Neckbreaker. He picks her up, and whips her hard into the corner, and then runs at her, hitting her with the Future of the Franchise Splash, and then follows it up with a T-Bone Suplex. 5:00. He rolls her out of the ring, and waits for someone else from the outside to come and get him, and it seems Hank is going to come and get some more, while Atkins and Hardy go at it by trading back and forth punches. Hank attempts to tackle down Bobby again, but Bobby sidesteps him and drops him with a drop toe hold. Bobby then drops an elbow to the back of Hank, then grabs him around the waist, lifts him up from the ground, into the air for a release German Suplex. Bobby is then laughing at Hank, as he goes over to him, and locks him into a Bourbon Street Blues, just showing how personal this fight between these two has been. After about a minute of being in the hold, Bobby releases it, and rolls Hank out onto Blaze, and now this match has become down to three really.* Busch, "Blaze Inferno has seemed a little off her game tonight, one can imagine that it’s probably a result of recent events with the current Hardcore champion Bobby Johnson." Marshal, "And Hank was just "Knocked Out" of his game! GAH-HA!" *Bobby sees the two fighting on the outside as he sees 3:30 on the clock, and he taunts them by pointing to the clock, and at him. Both men realize if they want to become the champion, they’ve got to get Bobby, and there’s not a lot of time left in this contest. Both men slide into the ring, and Bobby gets into a defensive position. Both men get up, and they all start trading punches, when Hardy and Atkins both hit with a nice gut kick, and they drop him with a double DDT. A two minute warning is declared, which brings a reaction out of both Atkins and Hardy. Only two minutes separate them from a championship possibly. Hardy looks at Atkins, and they jaw jack a little at each other before Hardy kicks him in the gut, brings his head under, and screams for the twist of fate and when he goes for it Atkins pushes him off, Hardy bounces off the ropes and Atkins gets caught and Atkins kicks him in the gut, and hits him with a swinging Neckbreaker as 1:00 is seen on the clock. He begins to stomp on Hardy when he gets tapped on the shoulder and Bobby Johnson hits him with a spinning heelkick. He picks up Atkins from the ground and whips him into the turnbuckle and Atkins hits it hard. Bobby then goes over and begins to whale on him with punches and knees to the gut. Atkins doubles over in pain as 00:30 is on the clock but Bobby turns around and gets kicked in the gut and hit with a quick snap suplex. Hardy is slow to get up but once he gets up, he helps Johnson up and brings him over to the corner, and lifts him up onto the turnbuckle. Bobby is right in front of the face of Atkins, and Hardy climbs around and goes for a seated fall down on Johnson, but Atkins grabs his legs for a Powerbomb, and once they all come down, Hardy is sitting on Johnson’s chest, while Atkins head and arm over the rest of Johnson’s chest, and Darren Thomas drops down and counts, 1�?2�?3! The buzzer goes off, but who is the champ, Hardy or Atkins?* Busch, "What happened?!" The bell has sounded so the match is definitely over�?Referee Darren Thomas grabs the Hardcore championship and raises Jamal Atkins�?arm as the crowd boos. Busch, "It appears like�?STRONG> YES! Jamal ATKINS Is the NEW Hardcore champion!" But Chris Martin comes in shaking his head as he grabs Jamal’s already raised arm and throws it down. He then takes the Hardcore championship and hands it to Matt Hardy as he raises Hardy’s hand making the crowd erupt! Busch, "Wait! No! It’s Hardy! MATT HARDY! MATT HARDY has won the EYE_SEE_DUBBYA_EH HARDCORE TITLE!" But Thomas no tosses Hardy’s arm down and points over to Jamal as he begins yelling at Martin. Martin stands firm though and starts yelling back as he’s pointing to Hardy. The two then start to shove each other�?/P> Busch, "This is getting confrontational now�? Shawn Cain slides in and gets between the two referees as we hear a female voice say, "Whoa, Whoa, Whoa�? The crowd offers a pop as we see the new Chairperson of the ICWA, Jaymie Leigh, on the stage with a microphone. Jaymie, "Shawn�?You’re the Vice-Senior referee of this company�?Who won?" Cain grabs a mic from a crew member at ringside and says, "Well Miss Leigh�?As far as I can tell�?They both did!" The crowd erupts albeit with a mixed reaction. Jaymie, "Hmm�?Well then�?I guess that’s the Answer then. We now have Duel Hardcore champions! Ladies and Gentlemen, Jamal Atkins and Matt Hardy are your NEW ICWA Hardcore Champions!" Marshal, "WAIT?! WHAT?! Can she do that?!" Busch, "I reckon she just did!" Hardy and Jamal glare at each other, neither one seeming truly satisfied with the final verdict. Busch, "This is going to lead to an interesting turn of events, that I can guarantee�?Well folks, don’t go too�?We’ve gotta pay some bills but when we get back, Sean Frost-Mann to take on MJ Storm and the Original Sadist James in a Triple Threat match for contendership to the nWWF Heavyweight championship!" The cameras fade on Hardy and Jamal in the center of the ring�?/P> Once again we hear another instrumental beat but instead of a typical narrator we actually hear Nic Dangerously’s voice�?/P> Legends are myths;  stories to soothe your soul when you're enveloped by the black and consumed by the crimson...  legends are the heroes that save you from the torment of your situation.  I don't want to be a legend, I want you to feel cold, hard truth.  I want you to feel my reality, the Jagged Reality of the world that actually surrounds you, and that... that is a world of pain  
| *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live July 13, 2006 | When the cameras return we see Devon Monroe backstage on his Cellphone�?/P> Devon, "HE WHAT?!... What the Hell do you mean "Flight Issues"?! …………�?Whoa, Whoa, Hold on……�?What you mean to tell me is that after David Van Dam just blatantly no-showed us, James is going to do the same and blame it on "plane issues"?! (crowd boos). ……………�?Fine, don’t you worry about it, tell James he’d better have his ass here for Demented next week or he won’t have to worry about getting to our venues!" Devon hangs up his phone as we see referee Tim White rushing by. Devon extends his arm and puts his hand on White’s chest to stop him. Devon, "Hey, aren’t you refin�?the Triple Threat for the nWWF Title contention?" White, "Yeah�?I’m heading that way now�? Devon, "Do me a favor will ya?" White, "Of course�? Devon, "Earlier this afternoon SFM came to our office and requested a special stipulation for tonight’s match�?Since he’s here and didn’t bail on us, I’m gonna give it to him as a reward so, Let Dart know that the match has changed and will now be�? With that Devon whispers the rest into Tim White’s ear. Tim White nods and takes off. The cameras come out to the ramp as we see White rush his way through the curtains and down the ramp. Busch, "So apparently James has had problems with transportation and won’t be here which leads ya to wonder where this going�?Will it just be a singles match between SFM and MJ or what?" Marshal, "I’ve been in this company for a long time, matter of fact I came over shortly after SFM, SO if I Know SFM this isn’t going to be a regular singles match. That guy’s like the love child of Jeff Hardy and Evil Kenevil." Tim White has entered the ring and given Kevin Dart all of the appropriate information. DING DING DING Dart: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the #1 Contendership to the nWWF Championship…�?It Will be contested under HARDCORE Rules!" Busch, "WHAT?! That’s huge!" The camers hit the stage as the Titiontron lights up with flames and a cross slowly fades in on the screen. Blue laser lights shoot out from the Titontron circling through the crowd. Acouple of seconds later red lasers shoot out from the stage hitting the ring. After a moment the arena goes black as a voice comes over the PA. Voice: I can hear what your thinking all your doubts and fears and if you look in my eyes in time you'll find the reason I'm here. And in time all things shall pass away and in time you may come back someday. To live once more or die once more, but in time your time'll be over As the words fade over the PA.blue and red smoke begins to role over the entrance way as six men walk out from under the smoke and line up down the ramp standing across from each other. They reach under there cloaks and each pull a single large cross out and hold it high above their heads as "King of Kings" by Motorhead begins to play. The lights come on dimely in the arena as a figure appears under the red and blue smoke. Motorhead: Behold the King, the King of Kings. On your knees dog. All hail. The figure bows its head before stepping out from under the smoke and raises his hands hig in the air as the fans erupt at the sight of SFM on the stage. SFM looks left and then right as he lowers his arms and starts down the ramp walking under the crosses held above his head by the cloaked men. Motorhead: Bow down to the, bow down to the King. Bow down to the, bow down to the King. As SFM reaches the ring steps he goes two steps up before stopping and turning towards the fans and shooting them a cocky smile before continuing up the ring steps and standing on the ring apron. SFM turns once again resting his back against the ropes and raising his hands high above his head Motorhead: The King grinned red as he walked from the blaze, Where the traitor lost both his name and his face. Through the halls and the corridors stinging in blood, He tasted his grin and it tasted good. The King took his head. Left him broken and dead. SFM turns and ducks under the top rope and walks to the center of the ring and shoots the fans another cocky smile as he raises his hand and points at a turnbuckle and red pyro explodes out of it. He points at a second turnbuckle and a blue pyro explodes. A red explodes from the thrid and a blue from the forth. Motorhead: Bow down to the, bow down to the King. Bow down to the, bow down to the King. Bow down to the, bow down to the King. SFM raise his hands above his head and lowers his head as his hair falls down covering his face. He brings his hands down as red and blue pyros explode from all four turnbuckles and his music fades as SFM waits for his opponents Dart: In the ring from The South Park Section of Houston, Texas weighing Two hundred and thirty eight pounds......SEAN FROST MAAAAANN!!!!! The fans are buzzing about after getting back to their seats with their drinks and food items.They're waiting for one of the combatants in the upcoming contest when 'Firefly' by Breaking Benjamin begins to blare over the pa system and the words to the opening verse is seen on the titantron: You my friend You're a lot like them But I cut your line And you know I did Now I'm lost in you Like I always do And I'd die to win 'Cause I'm born to lose The lights begin to flicker red and orange as we see some red smoke appear on the stage as it lingers there. The black curtain flicks open as the words And I'd die to win are heard, and appearing on the stage is M.J. Storm. He begins to walk down the entrance ramps as we then hear the ring announcer speak. Dart: Making his way to the ring, from Madison, Wisconsin, weighing in at two hundred and fifty-six pounds, he is "The Fallen Superstar" M.J. Storm!!!!!!!! DING DING DING Busch: The match is about underway folks. Both men are in the ring. Marshall: Yeah but look at MJ Storm, that guy is focused!! Busch: Yeah but so is SFM!! Marshall: But who wants it more is the whole story that this comes down to....OOOH SFM is already being taken out by Storm. Storm is seen going to work immediatly on SFM. Storm not wanting SFM to be a factor smirks, as SFM goes over the top rope and to the floor. As MJ Storm not wasting any time goes to the outside, as he pulls up the ring sheet. He then looks everywhere and finds a couple of tables. MJ is seen setting up the first one, but SFM is now back to his feet shoving MJ then throwing punches to his midsection and jaw. MJ falls back into the ring apron, as SFM is seen grabbing him and placing him on the table. SFM is seen climbing up to the ring apron, he takes a quick leap, and MJ is seen moving as SFM crashes through the table. The table being shattered into pieces as MJ is seen grabbing another table. He then sets it up only a few feet from where the other table is now in ruins. MJ then is seen grabbing a chair as well. He then slides inside of the ring and sets up the chair he collected from the outside. MJ goes to the outside as he is seen grabbing SFM pushing his back against the ring apron SFM is seen dropping to his knees as MJ is seen going for another table. MJ sets up one more table as he goes over to the fallen SFM, and grabs him as he places him on the table. SFM is seen still trying to collect himself. MJ then slides to the inside of the ring, with the chair and climbs to the top rope Busch: We've already started off with a bang!! Marshall: Yes we have. But more to come im sure. No one is going to give this match up that easily. Off the top rope goes, MJ as the chair is going with him, and crashes it across the face of SFM as the two crash through the table. The table snaps in half, as the two men lie on the ground on the outside, as MJ is seen folded up like an accoridan, as SFM is seen with a chair across his face still. Busch: OH MY GOD!!!! Marshall: They look like they are dead!! Someone get out here. MJ is seen trying to help himself back to his feet. However when he gets there, he feels a burning sensation. He reaches from behind, grabbing his back. and pulls his hand to where he notices that he has been cut, and he is bleeding. SFM who is only bleeding slightly from the shot to the head with the chair, as MJ is seen trying to fins something to get himself not to worry about the cut. MJ stumbles a bit, as the blood is seen running from down his back. He picks up SFM as he pushes him into the guard rail on the outside. As SFM is seen groggy, MJ sends a hard european uppercut to the chin of SFM. However SFM gains a bit of win, as he sends a right hand at MJ. MJ again with another european uppercut, and then knees to the midsection, as he then grabs a hold of SFM and tosses him back into the ring. MJ slides in himself. He then picks up SFM one more time, as he is seen whipping SFM into the corner. SFM reverses it, as MJ slams hard into the turnbuckle. SFM not wasting time, runs towards MJ and nails him with a huge splash in the corner. SFM with a huge second wind is coming back, as MJ is walking forward into a vertical suplex by SFM. Busch: SFM is on fire now!! Marshall: Yeah he is. Look at him, his eyes tell a story!!! SFM then is seen dropping a leg across the throat of MJ Storm. MJ not moving now, as SFM is seen getting up to his knees, as he is seen drilling a forearm into the face of MJ Storm. MJ is seen trying to get away from the hold. SFM not about to let go of the hold until Tim White is seen breaking the hold himself. He warns SFM about the illegal move only to have SFM shove him off a bit. SFM then smirks, as Tim is seen yelling at him, letting him know who the referee is. SFM blows off Tim White, as he then takes the forearm back to the face and jaw of MJ Storm. Tim White once again breaks the hold, as SFM is seen sending a punch at Tim White, but White moves out of the way quick enough, as SFM misses. SFM then goes over to pay more attention to Tim White, as MJ gets to his feet holding his jaw, and goes for SFM from behind, but SFM right there, turns around and hip tosses MJ to the mat, and then drives the forearm to the jaw one more time. Time White starts his count.... 1 2 3 4 SFM breaks the hold before the five count, as MJ is seen back to where he was the first time. SFM is seen going after Tim White, but White quickly exits the ring. SFM then is seen talking trash to Tim as MJ is seen clearing the cobwebs from his head, as he charges at SFM. SFM moves out of the way, as MJ bounces off the ropes, as MJ delievers a clothesline to SFM. MJ then drops to his knees, as he starts taking punches to the head of SFM. SFM trying to cover up, but swings his hand knocking MJ in the side of the head. MJ then swings back as he connects with SFM. SFM then pokes MJ in the eyes, as MJ is seen dropping onto the mat as SFM is seen rolling to the outside of the ring. SFM goes under the ring, as he is seen grabbing a ladder. SFM then slides the ladder into the ring. SFM then slides himself inside of the ring. SFM then grabs the ladder as he sets it up sitting into the corner. SFM grabs a hold of MJ, as he picks MJ up over his head, and is about to slam him into the ladder, but MJ slips out over SFM's shoulder pushing him into the ladder and nailing him in the lower back with a dropkick as the face of SFM crashes into the steel of the ladder. Busch: This match is getting crazy! Marshall: Yeah it is!! What is coming next? MJ tosses SFM off the ladder and down to the mat in the ring. MJ grabs the ladder as he sets it up about five feet away from the fallen SFM. MJ then begins to climb as SFM is seen getting to his feet. SFM is seen climbing the ladder, as MJ is seen only halfway up. MJ then goes all the way to the top, as SFM is seen making his way up there as well. As SFM makes his way to the top, MJ starts nailing him with rights, but SFM is now battling back. SFM then grabs the head of MJ crashing it into the top rung of the ladder. MJ starts to wobble, as SFM then grabs MJ and nails him with a belly to belly suplex off the ladder. Both men crash down to the mat as they both are lying out cold from the battle they have taken to one another. Busch, "GOOD GAWD!" The two are seemingly down and out �?Typically this is where a ten count would be applied but it dawned on White that "Hey, this is a Hardcore match, there are no count outs"�?So he leaves the two to pray for a finish. But slowly MJ Storm rolls out of the ring to the floor as SFM slowly rolls toward the ropes. MJ grabs a steal chair as SFM pulls himself up one rope at a time. Storm slides in the ring just as SFM is to his feet. Storm comes running at SFM with the chair as SFM turns and "CRRRRRRRACK!" Busch, "LET’S ROLL! LET’S ROLL! SFM DELIVERED THE "LET’S ROLL" DRIVING THAT STEAL CHAIR INTO THE FACE OF MJ STORM!!!" Yes�?Yes he did. SFM hit that Superkick and put the chair right into Storm’s face. SFM hooks the far leg as White counts …………………�?……………………�?………………�?! The bell sounds as Tim White raises SFM’s hand. Dart, "Your winner and the number 1 contender to the nWWF Title�?SEAN_FROST_MAAAN!!!" SFM has his hand raised briefly before he falls back and rolls under the bottom rope. Busch, "What a match!" Marshal, "Yeah, it wasn’t bad." Well, when we get back from commercial we get the first look at Shane Borden in the ring as he contends with Da Sweet Lunatic for the ICWA United States championship!" The cameras fade to black�?/P> "Tonight�?The Best Kept Secret in Wrestling makes his mainstream-main event Debut�?/FONT>  Commentator, "DANGEROUSLY! DANGEROUSLY! BAH GAWD IT WAS DANGEROUSLY!"  "What you saw earlier was a tune up�?Get ready as the best kept secret……�?is revealed."  "Tonight" | *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live July 13, 2006 | When the cameras return from commercial we hear a male narrator "Here’s the Mountain Dew, DEW of The Night�?/P> ICWA Demented Dew of the Night | NED and Stryker are both down on the ground still, as Chris is seen still attending to DSL. Chris then stops fighting her as he starts checking on Stryker and NED. Just then DSL is seen taking off the cover of the top turnbuckle, as Chris happened to turn at the right moment, as he is seen going over to the corner and tries to fix the turnbuckle pad. As he does, DSL is seen running over and grabbing a chair. She then slides into the ring, as NED is seen over in the corner with Chris trying to get the pad back in place. NED then looks over his shoulder, as a thunderous chair shot goes down across the back of Stryker. Stryker is seen jumping a bit, but as he gets to his knees after the shot. DSL swings the chair as it connects into the face of Stryker. NED and Chris are seen still fixing the turnbuckle pad, as now DSL as DSL places the chair in the middle of the ring, as she sets up Stryker in a front face lock, then grabs his pants and nails an Inverted DDT on the steal chair. She then grabs the chair from underneath Stryker and throws it out of the ring. She then slides to the outside of the ring as well, as NED is seen grabbing a hold of Stryker standing him up. NED then hooks up Stryker in the Deus Ex Machina and connects. Chris Martin now finished with the pad turns around as NED is seen covering Stryker. Chris Martin: 1......2......3!!!! DING DING DING!!! Dart: Here is your winner.........NIC E DANGEROUSLY!!!!!!! DSL is seen smirking at Stryker who is down on the mat as she exits ringside. NED then is seen on his feet holding his back and his body that is still affected from the abuse he took early on in the matchup. Chris Martin is seen raising the hand of NED... Busch: DAMN DSL!!! I cant believe she would cost him this match!! Marshall: Of course she would!! Dont you know they are ex-lovers? Busch: Yeah, but why in the hell is she out here anyways. Nic was doing fine without her here. Marshall: But of course. But you see, doing what is necessary to win is a must. Now that was a hard, but good win for NED! _______________________________________________________ "Mountain Dew DEW of the Night�?DO THE DEW!" | "Beer Drinkers and Hell Raisers" by Motorhead blasts over the PA as three shots of Purple and white pyros blasts from the stage. Once the pyro concludes out from behind the curtain struts Shane Borden with his arms out as if he was a plane. Devon Monroe is of course following close behind. Marshal: "I hear the music, fellas. It’s about that time!" Busch: "It’s about time for what, Jay?" Marshal: "‘Bout time for somebody to get an asswhoopin up in here!" Busch: "Must you do that? Is it too much to ask for you to come out here just one night and behave civilly Marshal: "You bet your sweet ass it is". Scott continues his plane strut down the ramp a few steps before he gets up right and runs his hands over his oil slicked hair and gives a cocky smirk. Kevin Dart: "Now on his way to the ring... Hailing from Redmond Washington and weighing in at 273 Pounds... He is a represenitive of the Microsoft Network (crowd boos)... SHANE_BOOOOOOORDENNN!!" Shane brings the backs of his fingers over what appears to be his sweaty chest and flicks the sweat at the fans in the front row as he rounds the corner of the fan barricade and heads for the stairs. Marshal: See there? What did I tell you? Didn’t I tell you it’s time for a little asskickin�? Busch: "Yeah, I think I remember you saying something along those lines." Marshal: "Shane looks like he’s ready to rip off a few heads. I feel sorry for the poor shmuck getting in the ring with him tonight." Busch: "Of course you do, Jay. Of course you do." Shane climbs the stairs as Devon climbs up onto the ring apron. Shane enters the ring between the second and third ropes on the left hand side as Devon steps over the top rope in the center. Shane makes a couple of fists infront of himself and shakes before poping his arms out sideways as Devon similtainiously throws the Microsoft "M" in the air (basically the Snuka hand jesture only his palms face out instead of the back of his hands) which sets off a set of Shawn Michaels style pyro behind them in the ring. Finally they conclude their posing and go over to the corner as they await their opponent�?/P> "You Can Run" Billy Kidmans old theme hits as the lights flash off quickly. The fans start too boo and some start too scream for there favorite wrestler.. The lights slowly fade on as purple smoke begins too rise all around in the ring and along the ramp. Kevin Dart: "And now on her way to the ring…She hails from New York City, New York and weighing in at 135 pounds…She is the current ICWA United States Champion…Da Sweeeeet Lunatic!!!" Marshal: "Well, it looks like the psycho chick DSL is gonna be victim numero uno for Wild Man Borden." Busch: "Sounds like you’re counting out the United States Champion before the match even gets underway, haven’t you? On the titatron the words "I'm here, You better run" appear. As the lights go black again blue in the ring appears Da Sweet Lunatic as she raises her arms. She looks around as the fans continue to boo her. Marshal: "What’s to count? She’s no competition for that man in the ring." Busch: "No competition? She’s got the U.S title, for Christ’s sake!" Marshal: "I wouldn’t care if she had the "Crown Jewels of England", Buschy-boy. She’s no match for Shane Borden. Mark my word; you’ll see that I’m right. This match will be over in two minutes, tops! DSL and Borden both make their way to the center of the ring and the bell rings to start the match. DSL lunges at Borden, not waiting for him to make the first move. She gets him in a headlock, then delivers powerful blows to the head. Busch: "What do you have to say about the US Champ now, Jay? She’s not scared of Borden. She jumped in and started this thing off out to prove to her ney-sayers that she does, in fact, deserve that belt she’s holding." Marshal: "It’s only two seconds into the match, Bert. Give it a minute." The referree warns DSL about using closed-handed fists, and she releases her hold on Borden’s head. She smiles at him sickly once he’s upright, egging him on. He charges for her and nails her with a clothesline, knocking her down hard to the mat. He grabs her by the hair and lifts her up, and slams her with a snap mare, with a drop kick to the back follow-through. He climbs the turnbuckle to the top rope, and nails her with an axe handle smash. DSL lays nearly motionless for a moment or two, and Shane takes a brief pause to gallop around the ring like he’s riding an invisible pony, slapping it’s invisible hind end for effect. Busch: "Come on, would you? There’s no need for that sort of behavior." Marshal: "What’s wrong with having a little fun, Buschy Boo? Let the man enjoy himself." DSL rises very slowly to her feet, during Borden’s little dance routine. She gets her footing and spears him from behind, knocking him down to the mat. She walks closer to him, and starts to help him up by his head. Before he’s got time to straighten his legs, DSL grabs his head and gives him a swinging neck breaker. Now it’s her turn to taunt. She grabs Borden’s imaginary pony and gallops around the ring, mocking her opponent and laughing like a mad woman. Marshal: "Come on, Borden. Get up! Shut that nut job up, man." Busch: "What’s wrong with having a little fun, J-Man? Isn’t that what you said?" Marshal: "Yeah, listen to what I say now when you’re able to twist them around to suit you." Busch: "Pretty much." DSL is too preoccupied with the fun she’s having to notice that Borden’s gotten up. He sneaks over to her and taps her lightly on the shoulder. She freezes, then turns around slowly. Borden’s shaking his head and wagging his finger at her. Busch: "He’s telling her no…what’s he saying no about?" Marshal: "What do you think? He’s telling her no, she can’t beat him." Right on cue to, Borden solves the mystery. He holds out his hand to DSL, waiting for her to hand over the invisible pony’s reigns. She looks baffled for a minute, then figures out his game. Busch: "It looks like he told her she’s not allowed to ride the pony." Marshal: "Can you blame him? I mean, she didn’t even ask. Now that’s just rude." Busch: "But there’s no pony there, you moron!" Borden leads the invisible animal to the ring, turning his back on DSL while he pretends to tie the horse’s reign to the turnbuckle. She charges, and hits him with a body slam. He falls into the turnbuckle and she turns him aroud to face his beating. She nails him with a standing drop kick, and he falls again. Once again she lifts him up, and goes for yet another standing drop kick, but Borden moves out of the way. Marshal: "He moved! He moved!" Busch: "He certainly did, and DSL’s now found herself in a whole heap of trouble!" Borden raises a crumpled DSL from the mat. He looks around the arena and grins, letting everyone know what’s coming. Busch: "He wouldn’t!" Marshal: "He would!" Busch: "But she’s a woman�? Marshal: "That’s yet to be determined, Bert. And besides, she stepped into the ring like a man, she can get laid the hell out like a man. What’s fair is fair, right?" Busch: "Shame on you, Jay. And shame on that monster in the ring that’s pulverizing the United States Champion DSL." When he’s got enough gasps from the crowd, Borden bends DSL over and hits her with a Gutwrench Suplex. Busch: "He did it. Dammit, the son of a bitch did the Gutwrench Suplex on her anyway. That’s wrong, Jay. That’s just wrong." Marshal: "No it’s not, Bert. It’s called strategy. She wants to play with the big boys, then she better make sure she can hang with em first." Busch: "I don’t know just how much more her poor little body can take of this." Marshal: "It doesn’t matter, Bert. This one’s just about over for little Miss DSL." Borden lifts her battered body and positions her for his finisher , a Tab Credit. Marshal: "There it is! There it is! It’s a Tab Credit, Bert. She ain’t getting up from this one!" Busch: "Let’s just pray that she’s able to even survive this one." Just as he’s got her in finisher position, Jimmy Stryker comes out to the ring from the backstage area, carrying a steel chair with him. Busch: "It’s Stryker! Stryker’s here! Can’t he leave well enough alone? Hasn’t she suffered enough?" Marshal: "Stryker’s come to even the score, Bert. He’s plenty pissed that DSL cost him his match earlier on tonight. And from the looks of that steel chair he’s got with him, I think it’s safe to say that he doesn’t feel she’s suffered quite enough just yet." Stryker climbs inside of the ring, and Borden notices he’s got company. He grins and invites Stryker over to join in on the fun. Stryker gives him a thumbs up, takes two steps toward DSL, and raises the chair over his head. As Borden laughs, the chair comes crashing down, with Stryker slamming it into the skull of Borden instead of hitting Da Sweet Lunatic. Busch: "What the hell? What’s just happened here? Jimmy Stryker has just knocked out Shane Borden by slamming a steel chair into his head." Referee Shawn Cain instantly calls for the bell. Busch, "I’m not sure what’s going on here�? Dart, "Ladies and Gentlemen�?Your winner via DISQUALIFICATION�?SHANE_BORDDDDDEN!" Busch, "Borden officially picks up the win but a title can’t change hands on a disqualification so DSL will remain as the United States champion�? Jimmy smirks as DSL looks up in confusion. Stryker points down to DSL and then does the "title taunt" around his waist. Marshal, "I GET IT!" Busch, "How about letting us in on it?" Marshal, "He just got DSL disqualified, still costing her the match, but made sure she kept the championship because Double B�?He’s�?HE’S CHALLANGING FOR THE TITLE!" Busch, "WHAT?! That’s huge! These two have a plethora of history but have never had that one match to bring it all to a head!" Marshal, "Well get ready cause that match is commin�?/FONT>!" With that the cameras fade to the back we see Ron Taylor standing by with NLCS (Crowd pops). Taylor, "Your entire career has been built on the hopes of getting to a moment of opportunity such as the one before you here tonight�?Now it’s here and you’ve seen all the footage tonight of Nic E Dangerously�?You saw the match with Jimmy Stryker�?How are ya feeling as you’re moments away from watching the culmination of 3 years slip through your finger tips." Christian, "Ya know Ron, you’ve busted your ass for a lot of years on this circuit so your opinion is worth something�?(Ron smirks)�?Matter of fact, your opinion is Soooooooo worth while that I’m considering quitting right now." Ron grins, "That’s probably a good�? Christian raises his hand and says, "ACCCCCCTUALLY�?/STRONG> On second thought�?Ya know what�?I WIPE MY ASS with your opinion! (Crowd erupts for a Christian Skywalker classic) Your opinion is as relevant here as the Dixie Chicks opinion on our great nation�?What IS relavent is this and only this�?LIVE, TONIGHT, On ICWA Demented I am going out with one goal and One Goal ONLY! And that is to win the opportunity to go on, probably to ICWA Resurrection, and go head to head with Bobby Johnson for the ICWA Heavyweight Championship�?Because THAT Ron�?THAT is what the last three years has been all about. And while you sir, were never able to make it to the top of the ladder, It’s Christian Skywalker’s time to shine and if you don’t believe it then all I can say is 20,000 Liminators simply CAN’T be wrong!" Crowd: CHRISTIAN! CHRISTIAN! CHRISTIAN! CHRISTIAN! CHRISTIAN! CHRISTIAN! CHRISTIAN! CHRISTIAN! CHRISTIAN! CHRISTIAN! CHRISTIAN! CHRISTIAN! CHRISTIAN! With that NLCS walks off as the cameras fade�?/P> The slow beginning of "King Nothing" by Metalica is heard in the background as we hear our male narrator say�?/FONT> "The ICWA gets a Jagged Reality Check�?  NEXT! | *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live July 13, 2006 | "King Nothing" rumbles across the PA, as a woman's voice repeats "Danger... danger... danger..." over and over. Red and white strobes flare across the rampway, and the song kicks in just after the woman says "You have just entered... the dangerzone!", at the chorus, and Nic E Dangerously walks out on stage, with arms extended parallel to the floor, and he spins as he walks down to the ramp. Fans are booing loudly as Dangerously approaches the ring. Busch: Folks it is time for the main event of the night! This the first night of ICWA's rebirth as an active promotion. Marshal: Did you just say after-birth? Busch: No, I said RE-birth. Marshal: Ohhhh. [ Once NED hits the ring, he walks up the steps, holding the top rope with his left hand, as his right arm extends up, with a fist. He turns to the ring and enters. And slowly "King Nothing" fades from the airwaves as NED paces back an forth in a corner. He and the fans are both awaiting his opponent, "No Limits" Christian Skywalker. Busch: The fans not really behind the man known as the "King of the Indies" tonight. Marshal: What are you talking about man? You're just hearing all these turncoats boo this man because they love to hate him. That's all. Busch: Well I would imagine so Jay. This is a guy that delights in torturing and tormenting his opponents. Marshal: Sounds like the kind of guy I'd like to have a beer with. [ The arena goes completely black as an announcer with a deep voice comes over the PA system and begins to countdown. 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1... and then red, white, and blue pyro explodes from the stage as "No Limits" Christian Skywalker comes from behind the curtain. He smiles and poses while the crowd gives him a tremendous ovation. He then walks down the ramp towards the ring and he climbs the stairs. He walks halfway down the apron and then turns and poses for the crowd some more. He then gets into the ring and awaits the opening bell. Marshal: Whats with all the posturing for the fans? This guy needs to get in that ring and take the ass kicking he's got coming. Busch: I won't argue against the fact that Dangerously is a dangerous opponent, but I wouldn't count out Skywalker here. Marshal: Look Bert, I would have thought Ernie had already told you this, but apparently I'll have to. Skywalker's only c hance at winning this match is calling up Anakin and getting a lightsaber fed-exed over here. [ ICWA's head ref Tim White walks over to NED's corner and calls for him to raise his left leg up. White checks the knee pad and boot and then does the same for the right leg of Dangerously. Tim finishes up by checking the taped wrists and then head over to Skywalker. He pats down Christian and finds no weapons on him either. So it looks like we're ready and White calls for the bell. "DING DING" Busch: We're officially underway now with our main event. Ladies and gentlemen we thank you for joining us here. And if you're just tuning in the two men you see in the ring are battling it out for a shot at the ICWA Heavyweight championship. They each won their opening matches in this one night only tournament. Marshal: Thats right Bert. Dangerously got here by up-ending Jimmy stryker who looked better than I've seen him in the first half of this year. Then Skywalker got lucky and got by David Van Dam. Busch: How can you say he got lucky? Marshal: If He'd of shown up, He'd be in the main event, period. [ In the ring we've got Skywalker and Dangerously circlinga round each other. They both seem to be waiting on the other to make the first move. Finally its Skywalker who gets tired of waiting. He shoots in at Dangerously, faking a lock-up and going behind to grab a waistlock on NED. Right away Dangerously goes to work on breaking the lock. He's a bit bigger and more powerful than Skywalker, so he manages to pull the hands apart and swing around into a waistlock of his own. No Limits knows that he doesn't need to be in this predicament long. He immediately starts moving around trying to break the hold. He isn't having any luck and NED finally lifts him in the air looking for some sort of move. However No Limits is able to brace his legs around the back of NED's thighs to block. He tucks and rolls through to get NED in a pinning combination. One.........Two.......No! Dangerously kicks out and White holds up two fingers. They race up and NLCS is looking for a clothesline. But NED ducks under and buries a knee to the gut! No Limits is doubled over and NED comes around and locks in an abdominal stretch. Tim White is right there asking if he'd like to give it up. Of course this early in the match Christian refuses. So NED tries to change his mind with some well-placed elbow shots into NLCS' exposed ribs. still the ref is being told "No" by NLCS. NED looks back and notices the ropes within reach and decides to grab hold for some added leverage. This causes No Limits to immediately scream out in agony. Marshal: What a brilliant strategy by Dangerously. Busch: Strategy? Thats not a damned strategy Jay! Its cheating dammit! Marshal: Only if you get caught. Bush: Well look who just got caught! [ Sure enough, as attention is focused back in the ring, Tim White has caught NED. He starts a five count, but NED releases the ropes on four. White lets NED know he better not do it again. In complete defiance NED grabs the ropes again, blatantly in front of Tim. One......Two......Three......Four....NED releases. White with another warning that just makes NED grab the ropes again. He even grins at White awaiting the start of another five count. But this time there is no count. Tim holds the top rope with one hand as well and then kicks NED's hand off! Now this just pisses NED right the hell off. He releases the stretch on No Limits, shoving him down to the mat, and stalks Tim White into a corner. Busch: I admire what you did Tim, but I don't know if the right thing was really the smart thing to do here..... Marshal: Oh thats a defanite "negatory" on that one. Nic Dangerously has a bad temper when it comes to refs. [ NED is poking Tim in the chest and telling him whats what. But something seems to snap for White and he shoves NED back and starts getting in Dangerously's face. NED's holding his hands up saying "Ok dude, chill". But he doesn't notice NLCS slink up behind and pull him back into an Edge-o-matic, which is just a reverse x-factor. As NED hits the mat and his legs fly up, No Limits grabs one for a pin. Tim White jumps down. One.......Two.......Thr-NO! Once again Nic Dangerously manages to kick out. And once again both of these men race up. No Limits is a bit quicker on the draw and lands a hard right hand to NED's face. Dangerously is rocked back by punch after punch from his opponent. NLCS takes Dangerously by the arm, after rocking him back to the ropes, and whips him across the ring. NED rebounds off the ropes and NLCS sets for a back body drop. However Dangerously managed to land on his feet and continued to rush the ropes. He hits and comes back thinking of a bulldog perhaps, but instead he eats boot as NLCS pops him with a dropkick. NED quickly rolls to his feet but catches another dropkick.....And a third on the next roll up! Having enough of that he rolls to the outside. Busch: Dangerously rolls to the outside for a breather, but Skywalker isn't gonna give it to him! [ Christian hits the ropes and charges across the ring, diving between the middle of and top ropes with a suicide dive! He catches an unsuspecting Dangerously in the small of the back, driving NED sternum first into the ringside barricade. Nic flies back onto his back. He arches it in pain and places a hand on it. Meanwhile ole No Limits isn't in any better shape. He crashed headfirst into the barricade and now lays in a heap at its base. Tim White stands at the ropes and starts his ten count. One..............Two...............Three.............Four.........NED manages to roll to his his knees, placing a hand on the steel steps......Five.............Six................Seven....Dangerously pushes himself to his feet and rolls into the ring.........Eight............Ni-NED rolls back out breaking the count. He holds his lower back with a hand as he rolls over to a barely stirring No Limits. NED pulls him to his feet, hand on the back of NLCS's head and slams the longest reigning US champion of ICWA face first into the top of the barricade.No Limits bounces off and stumbles forward a bit before going back to a knee. NED takes this chance to roll in and break up the ten count once again. Tim White isn't happy and tells him to get it back in the ring. Nic tells him to hang himself again in response. Marshal: Haha! Thats rich right there Bert. [ No Limits is trying to shake loose the cob-webs as Dangerously takes him and rams his face into the turnpost. Skywalker bounces back and falls against the barricade. NED takes an arm and attempts to whip No Limits into the steel steps, but its reversed and Nic Dangerously slams into them. However he doesn't hit with enough force to knock them apart. Instead he pulls himself up using the steps and turns around....Right into a clothesline from the very depths of hell!!! NED is knocked up and flipped over the steps, landing face down in front of the announce table. Now its No Limits that rolls into the ring and breaks the count. He comes back out and grabs a stunned Dangerously. Then he bounces the seven time W2K champion's head off the announce table once......twice......thrice.....four......five times! And after that fifth time NED stands straight up and throws a couple wild punches. No Limits steps back and sets up for a superkick, but NED face-plants Flair style. Busch: Dangerously is face down out here in front of our table! Jay it looks like this match has turned back in the favor of Christian Skywalker. Marshal: Well thank you Captain Obvious! Got anymore? Like maybe: "The winner of this match will not be the loser."? [ At the count of eight, No Limits rolls NED back into the ring. he gets himself in at nine and looks for a pin. Only a one though as Dangerously gets a foot on the rope. White saw the foot and immediatly called off the count. No worries for No Limits as he decides to go to the high risk district. But maybe NED was playing a bit of possum. Cause as soon as No Limits is on that top rope, NED flies up and nails a super belly to back suplex! The fans come to their feet as both men lay on the mat sucking in oxygen. Chants of Skywalker's name go up as the fans try and will him to his feet. Busch: Both men down in the middle of the ring. You have to ownder how much they can have left Jay. Marshal: Thats actually a valid point. I'm impressed. Busch: Thanks.. Marshal: Don't get too happy. It was probably just a once in a lifetime thing. But anyways, yeah, you have to wonder what these guys have left. Jimmy Stryker and David Van Dam are in no way slouches. Granted they aren't at my level, but really no one is. Busch: You're so humble. [ We're at a six count before NED gets to his feet using the ropes. He holds his own back again and walks over to No Limits. Looks like he might be trying to set him up for the "Jagged Reality", but No Limits is able to kick NED away. Dangerously comes back towards No Limits, but the young man rolls to his feet and flies toward NED for a superkick. Unfortunately no one told him how great NED is at countering those. So as it turns out, NED ducks in and catches No Limits with a gargoyle suplex. The fans booing as NED gets to his feet and holds out his hands asking for what they got. No Limits gets to his feet and surprises NED with forearm shots to the face. However NED cuts his offense off with a kick to the mid-section and then spins round putting his back to No Limits' chest and catches him with a snap-mare takeover. No Limits can imagine whats cominga nd braces for a kick to the spine......And NED delivers too. He follows up by dropping down, driving a knee into the small of the back and then locking on a reverse chinlock. White checks to make sure its not a choke. Satisified he lets the hold remain. The crowd starting to get behind No Limits and cheering him on. He starts to come back to life, getting to his feet and then dropping down into a jawbreaker on NED! Dangerously pops back and falls against the ropes. Christian back to his feet and charges at NED. However Nic waits and at the last second pulls the rope down. Skywalker tumbles over to the outside, but is quickly back on the apron. NED taps his templs saying that he's smarter than your average wrestler. Then he gets slapped in the back of the head by No Limits. He spins round, swinging and arm for a clothesline, but No Limits ducks and rams his shoulder into NED's stomach. NED is doubled over and No Limits flips over him and into a sunset flip. Busch: Sunset flip by Skywalker! One! Two! Dammit NED kicks out again! [ Actually he rolls out of the pin, but same difference eh folks? Fact of the matter is that the pin was broken before a three could be counted. Christian to his feet and wants to press the advanatge on Dangerously. However that idea is thrown out the window as NED explodes from a crouched position with a clothesline! Marshal: Holy crap! He nearly took Skywalker's head off with that! Busch: Are you sure he didn't Jay? Cause it doesn't seem that Christian is moving. [ Skywalker rolls to his feet... Second clothesline by NED! Skywalker again to his feet but a bit slower and more of a stagger as Dangerously scoops him up and BAM! Busch: WHAT A SPINEBUSTER! Marshal: That'll definately shiver your timbers. [ After that spinebuster, NED takes a set beside a sprawled out No Limits and leans back. NED with his arms across Skywalker sends White down for a count. One........Two.......NO! NLCS mirrors the 1-2-3 Kid and rolls NED over into a pin! One........Two.........Thre-Kickout! Both men up and for the first time in this match they actually engage in a classic lock-up. No Limits gets the advantage with some knees to the gut of NED. He then puts NED on his shoulders and connects with an F-5. Fans are screaming for a pin, but they really go nuts when No Limits points toward the top rope. He drags NED bit closer to the corner and goes up top. Christian says this is for the fans and leaps off for a frog-splash! Marshal: Yes! Busch: Dangerously gets his knees up! [ No Limits is left rolling and holding his stomach after landing on NED's knees. But it seems that NED took a bit of damage too as he's holding his right knee a bit. Thats the one thats given him problems in the past. He gets to his feet slowly and hobbles over to No Limits. NED pulls him up as well and is looking for the "kthxbye", but that knee buckles and both men come down in a heap. NED slaps the mat once in frustration and gets back to his feet. He brings No Limits up again but still can't put all the weight needed on that right knee. So NED just settles for working No Limits to a corner, sets him up on it.....But look out, No Limits is fighting back with right hand shots. He knocks NED away and stands up on the turnbuckle. Must be thinking of going for a missle dropkick, but NED shoves Tim White to the ropes. He hits 'em and knocks No Limits off balance enough to drop crotch-first onto the turnbuckle. NED comes over again and this time nails that devastating 151 DDT! Busch: That could have just ended the match right there. Marshal: Maybe even No Limit's career too. Ouch man. Both these great young competitors are down and the crowd is firmly behind this match�?Slowly Nic starts to get to his feet but he stumbles back and leans on the ropes. Busch, "This match has taken a lot of both of these young bucks." NED Walks over and bends down to grab Christian but NLCS quickly wraps up Dangerously and rolls him over into the small package�?Tim White drops down and counts ………………�?…………………�?…………………�?Just shy of three as Dangerously escapes the pin. Both men roll to their feet, but they’re both suffering from fatigue. Christian goes in at NED and hooks him as if he’s hoping for a Northern Light’s suplex but as he hoists Dangerously into the air, which as he does the back of NED’s boot blasts Tim White in the face, making him drop and roll out of the ring, Nic wraps NLCS in a front face lock and then leans back, forcing Christian to fall frontward as Dangerously hits the mat back first but keeps the front face lock hooked and adds a body scissors turning his reversal into a "guillotine submission". Crowd: CHRISTIAN! CHRISTIAN! CHRISTIAN! CHRISTIAN! CHRISTIAN! CHRISTIAN! CHRISTIAN! Busch, "The crowd strongly behind Christian Skywalker but this doesn’t appear to have too far left to go for the Western New York native." NLCS places his hands under the lower back of NED and pops him up, rolling him so his shoulders are on the mat, and then drops to his knees letting NED’s ass fall back on the thighs of NLCS keeping him propped. But NLCS seems to be fading. Rephrase�?He’s faded. Busch, "SKYWALKER’S OUT! NED’S SHOULDERS ARE ON THE MAT! AND WE DON’T HAVE A REF!" Almost on cue Chris Martin comes flying from behind the curtain and whips down to the ring. However, on the otherside Tim White has just gotten himself up as well. Both officials slide into the ring from opposite sides of the ring. Chris grabs NLCS’s arm and raises it�?And then lets it drop as he declares ONE! But at the same time Tim White slaps the canvas for ONE. Martin quickly raises the arm again, and again it drops as he declares TWO and Tim White counts TWO! Martin lifts the arm a final time as Tim White’s arm raises perhaps a final time�?Simultaneously Tim White’s hand hits the mat as NLCS’s arm drops down! Both officials call for the bell. Busch, "WHAT?! WHO WON?! WHO’S GOING ON TO MEET BOBBY JOHNSON!?" That should be the officials primary concearn however, instead they’re currently trying to get Dangerously off of Christian Skywalker. Finally, after a small delay probably to drive home a point, NED releases the front face lock. Chris Martin grabs NED’s wrist and at the same time Tim White grabs Christian’s lifeless arm, and they both raise they’re respective performer’s arm. Tim White and Chris Martin look at each other curiously but instead of a shoving match like Thomas and Martin had, Tim White pulls Chris off to the side to ask him what’s going on. Busch, "Well while this is going on, let’s show ya the replay of the controversial finish here�?/P> ICWA Instant Reply | Chris grabs NLCS’s arm and raises it�?And then lets it drop as he declares ONE! But at the same time Tim White slaps the canvas for ONE. Martin quickly raises the arm again, and again it drops as he declares TWO and Tim White counts TWO! Martin lifts the arm a final time as Tim White’s arm raises perhaps a final time�?Simultaneously Tim White’s hand hits the mat as NLCS’s arm drops down! Both officials call for the bell. | As the replay concludes we see both Tim White and Chris Martin watching the Dementa-Tron and nodding. Tim White goes over and gives Dart his official ruling. Kevin Dart, "Ladies and Gentlemen�?No Limits Christian Skywalker DID Pin Nic Dangerously! (Crowd erupts)�?STRONG> HOWEVER (Crowd boos)�?Nic Dangerously DID Force Christian Skywalker into an official Knock Out and as a result, This contest has been officially decided as a DRAW!" The crowd erupts with boos as Beer cups and plates and other objects of that sort start flying toward the ring. NLCS has barely began to move but Nic is on his feet and seems just as pissed off as any of these fans. "Em�?Es�?En" The MSN (Modified nWo) Theme blasts over the PA as the crowd actual pops, hoping this means that somebody’s coming to re-start this match. They could be in luck as Russ Johnson is on the stage with a microphone in hand. The music fades as Russ says, "Calm Down�?Calm Down�?Just Calm Down for a minute�?Now I know that nobody’s satisified with a draw here in the main event�?STRONG> BUT, It’s not fair to just restart the match. Unlike the other promotions, we at the ICWA Believe that a referee’s decision should be final. Only under EXTREMELY extenuating circumstances will we question an official’s ruling, so I am NOT going to restart this match. (Crowd boos) BUT�?What I AM going to do is book a return match for next week’s main event, Right here on Demented! And I am guaranteeing a winner as Nic Dangerously will face Christian Skywalker in a bout never before done on Network TV�?They will perform in a Last Man Standing match right here on Demented! (Crowd is still booing as they want the restart right now) And the winner of THAT Match will go on to ICWA Resurrection to face Bobby Johnson for the ICWA Heavyweight Championship!" The crowd is still booing as Russ Johnson goes back behind the curtain and "King Nothing" by Metalica blasts over the PA as NED seems unreadable in the ring. Busch, "In an extremely controversial decision MSN’s Russ Johnson has opted not to restart this match BUT, Next week is gonna be huge! Last Man Standing, LIVE On FX! You don’t wanta miss it! I’m Bert Busch alongside "Destructive" Jay Marshal and BAH GAWD This has been one HELL of a DEMENTED!" The cameras fade on Nic Dangerously in the ring. | |
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ICWA Demented Credits | Match 1 Jimmy Stryker V.S. NED Written By: Aaron AKA Jimmy Stryker Match 2 Shantel Travis V.S. Nikki Black Written by: Jenny AKA Image Johnson Match 3 Hank V.S. Jamal Atkins V.S. Blaze Inferno V.S. Matt Hardy V.S. Bobby Johnson Time Limit Battle Royal for the ICWA Hardcore Championship Written by: Matt AKA MJ Storm Match 4 SFM V.S. MJ Storm Hardcore Rules - nWWF Title Contention Written by: Aaron AKA Jimmy Stryker Match 6 DSL V.S. Shane Borden ICWA US Championship Written by: Jenny AKA Image Johnson Main Event Nic Dangerously V.S. No Limits Christian Skywalker Contention to the ICWA Heavyweight Championship Written by: John AKA CM AKA ICWA's Matt Hardy Offering assistance with judging this week was Matt AKA Sean Hunter Matt AKA MJ Storm John AKA CM/ICWA's Matt Hardy Jenny AKA Image Johnson Taylor AKA ICWA Management Big John AKA PWT Champion Georgia James ((Please Note that Nobody was able to vote on their own match)) | |
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