 | | From:  Zydha (Original Message) | Sent: 12/13/2008 1:29 AM |
I know what is is to know 'The Crying Game' and if 'I had a hammer' I'd never do the same. If there's a 'Yellow Submarine' why should brown be so obsene? 'In The House of The Rising Sun' all things have a place yet Brown Girl in The Ring was not one of the human race. 'Life's just One Big Melting Pot' appealed to me an awful lot. Then 'Que Serra Serra' was heard and sense of self replied, if this is what is ~ to be, then that girl wished to be dyed. But 'Time Goes By' and everything becomes a moments 'Moody Blues' 'Things' ain't what they seemed to be and one had the choice to ... choose. mmnn...just a bit of teen 'Magic Moments', Zy (doodling again) |
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Que Sera Sera.That was a Doris Day song,Zydha wasn't it? My listening memory goes back to Open The Door Richard. In the 40's I was given a wind-up gramaphone by my grandmother and some old 78's. One of the songs went : When your hair has turned to silver, I will love you just the same. I will always call you sweetheart. That will always be your name. In a garden filled with roses, Down the sunset trail we'll stray. When your hair has turned to slver I will love you as today.
They don't write them like that any more Zy! |
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PS : Your anti-prejudice message,Zy,comes through quite strongly,nicely wrapped up in a song reminiscence. Maya Angelou,eat your heart out! |
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Your doodles always appeal to me, Zy ....and I love the way you have done this one ....ah ...memories x |
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I was fair But it didn't matter I was not one of them And they looked upon a poor little scatterbrian I felt left out Didn't have a mother to protect me And Daddy was busy working Sister was five years older Immature and indifferent So I grew up feeling unimportant Didn't think I made a difference But I tried I loved the underdog Because I was one of them So your doodles meant a lot to me God bless you Ms. Zy. Mariaxx |
 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 12/14/2008 12:14 AM |
Aahhh, Philip, this is from teen memories, but, lol, also had the windie up gramaphone with needles one resharpened on a matchbox side and... first 78 was a double set of Sparkie's Magic Piano (and Guy Mitchel with She Wears Red Feathers, Purple People Eater by Lonnie London, I think, but can't remember many others) and I'm not telling you the year, lol But pleased you appreciated the teen 'hit' list, Philip, thanks, Zy |
 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 12/14/2008 12:17 AM |
Thanks, Jen, heehee, in the dead of night my doodles sometimes come from deep dark caverns in the memory bank, Steve's challenge was inspirational with these numbers from around then, but memories come in all shapes, sizes and colour hues, Zy x |
 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 12/14/2008 12:27 AM |
Mmnn, Maria, read and empathised with your response to this instant write, but Mum as a widow from when I was 4... had to go out to work, and by seven both grandparents had died and I had no other relatives, so resilience was the order of the day. No way did I ever let them make me feel like an 'underdog'...I fought back with school work and acheivements which had no relevance to colour whatsoever, a simple statistical manuevour which kept my self asteem, independance and immunity to all that came my way, but, Maria, you could never be described as 'unimportant' once anyone got to know you. How I wish I'd known you then, but thanks for your touching reply, Zy x |
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Cleverly done, Zy - with a definite bite to it. If this is what flows when you are letting the memory bank doodle, you should doodle more often. Gordon |
 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 12/17/2008 12:33 AM |
Most kind, Gordon, but, lol, memories are funny things, sometimes they delight...others...well...they just...bite,  . Had a hard time remembering the ones to fit, lol, so thanks again, Zy |
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I fought back by being dumb as a fox...amazing what i got away with...enjoyed every minute of it. Mariaxx |
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