Now I like a good fish fry like anyone else. Mmmmm , that good ol' Buttermilk batter and a few cold Coors while leaning back in a well padded reclining chair outside trading lies with all your friends , yessir, there is nothing better. Last summer Jingle Bob, a buddie of mine, was having one of them a month. I never seen so many fish in my life. I ask Jingle how he aquired all those fish and he sorta ducked his head and had a sheepish look on his face and said he had done well with trot lines. Now Jingle don't usually lie to me but I saw him nod his head toward a friend of a friend of his that I recognised as the county Game Warden so immeadiately knew that Jingle had been up to no good.
Sometime during the fish frying festivities Earl Thomas , the Game Warden took Jingle aside and heard him ask, " Jingle , you do know its against the law to trap fish here in Texas, don't you?"
I heard Jingle sorta snigger and say, " Naw Earl, I ain't trappin' no fish."
The Game Warden then ask, " Well, then , I guess you won't mind if I tag along with you on your next fishing excursion, would ja' ?"
To wit Jingle laughed and said , " Why shore , Earl, be glad to have ya."
Well a couple of weeks later Jingle came by my place and stopped for a minute and I ask him if he had gone fishing with Earl yet, and he said he sure had. When I ask him what happened this is what he told me.
" Well, ol' Earl and me , we got the boat ready and took off for the lake about 5:30 in the morning. When we got there I backed the boat into the lake and I packed my stuff and in an hour me and ol' Earl was out there in the middle of the lake. Well, I reached under the seat I was settin' on and pulled out a couple of sticks of dynamite.
Well, I'm here to tell you ol' Earl almost came unglued. He was yellin' and screamin' and cussin' and ask me if I knew that I could get a $10,000 fine and six months in the slammer for throwing dynamite in the lake."
" Oh My God," I said looking at Jingle Bob , " What did you say?"
Jingle Bob grinned that sly grin of his and said, " I just got me a match, struck it . lighted the dynamite, tossed over in Earl's lap and said, You gonna talk or fish."