- That would be a strange name? Queen of What?
Well, at least i am Queen of Myself, and that is all I can Claim.
Otherwise i did a group, with my Poems that tell much about me, "Vic Of Naught" which i found to be true too, since naught means Nothing.
So know you know why i took That Name
I have many alias when walking about on the web. It was StalkedVictoria first,and then Laughing Pine
Vic of Naught, ZipDriveMillie, but now I think i´ll stick to
Queenvic and Medicine STalker to make moving about between groups easier.
I was born and still live in SweDen. ( Up North in Europe)
Right now i be 49 years old and some days i feel all them years, other days i am like a small pup.
What do you Write in a Presentation?
* thinking*
I have been through a lot. I have seen much. I have walked many dark roads. And so on...
So i also know much about much. But at the same time I don´t know Anything.
Have had Several Rough Trans Formation-Stories going on in my life. They almost killed me.
I am a loyal friend, but I dont do Anything for Friendship.
I also like to twist words.
Like a favourite;
-We see at the Word " interferance" as " In to fear-ance" when One could look at that word as " into a fairy"
(that is One wordgame i used to do a lot before, hm... its 10 years now.)
I tried to explain to someone, about how we often when we fear something, actually make that what we fear happen.
Well, I dunno what more to say right now. Please, Feel perfectly free to Ask What ever. If i can and want i will answer Truthfully.
My quote is:
" What´s In the Flow, Is in the Wolf "
and vice versa Naturally