Chi kung has a long history and was probably known long before the advent of the Yellow emperor (approx 2600bc...opinions vary as to the exact date} many of the treatises on health and sex health are in origin accredited to him....and it seems that various jade carvings from that time depict various postures still used today in chi kung. It was recognized that these actions not only improved the condition of the body ,but also brought clarity of mind it is clear that processes such as acupuncture and moxa were being used at that time too. Shortly after the demise of the yellow emperor the various knowledge of these practices began to be recorded by the scholars of the timeIn a period known as the warring states the process of tao yin was developed, tao yin meaning...guiding and in guiding and inducing chi ti the parts that needed it .The daoist monks also developed this means for meditation purposes. The Chinese were aware that these forms could not only cure but that they were also preventative of disease....this I have found to be true in my own case. It seems to be that it was shortly after the tao yin exercises arose, that formed patterns were created, exercises such as the eighteen forms accredited to an alchemist by the name Ko Hung. At a later period the eight brocade, that I shall show later, was formed reputably by an army officer to strengthen the troops under his command. This was at the time of the Song dynasty.....some 1200 years ago. These forms were generally only shown to Emperor's and high ranking families who in the course of time developed their own forms from the basic principles set down in past is only fairly recently that this knowledge has come into the domain and reach of any citizen. Wepage, Backgrounds & Codes By Topaz/Sandy© This Page Is Not Shareware Or Linkware Please Do Not Copy Or Remove Any Part Designed Exclusively For A Jewel In The Crown