I made mention in the previous writing, that the breathe is most important, it being our first physical act at the time of entering this dimension, this bardo this world. it is this breathe that connects us with the energies of heaven . When we are babies and young children we breath deep into our abdomen naturally, but as time goes on the conditions around us...such as social mores...brought about by the structures prevalent in our societies...structure us into unnatural postures...such as standing with knees locked straight and shoulders forced back...both are impediments to chi flow.......the locked knees impede the chi flow to the lower legs and also prevent the accumulation of chi behind the knees and further more it tenses the musculature throughout the body.......and the shoulders held back impede the flow of chi in the microcosmic circuit, prevent the flow of chi across the shoulders to the arms and it also impedes the breathing such that the breath or chi is no longer linked with the lower dan tien since this posture also demands socially that the stomach is held in as in military style. The unnatural posture and thus the inability to breath properly and to relax in posture is considered to be the cause of many of our diseases , which come about on account of our lack of knowledge, not understanding that natural posture may not look as smart....but in truth it is the smarter option . There are many breathe therapies, and chi kung and tai chi use the knowledge that the Chinese philosophers physicians and monks discovered over the past thousands of years and are still valid to this day and in recent years.......though the alchemists knew much on this matter in former times....western science and medicine are discovering the verity of these ancient findings. It is important not to force the breathing, since that will only cause tension thus defeating the relaxed mode, 70 percent breath is enough stay relaxed { Shoong as the Chinese say } this is the key instruction that is heard over and over again in tai chi and chi kung classes............. . let the breathing be long and thin.....feel it going down to the lower abdomen....breath in through the nose out from the mouth . It is important to breath in through the nose as this vivifies the brain purifies the air and slows the in breath making it long and thin, as time goes on you will probably find your inhaling capacity grows.    Webpage, Backgrounds & Codes By:- Topaz/Sandy© Information By Sutapadas© Artwork By Sutapadas© This Page Is Not Shareware Or Linkware Please Do Not Copy Or Remove Any Part Made exclusively For A Jewel In The Crown