How to Transmute The Emotions of War Into Light "How you respond to the current situation makes a difference, not only for you and your family, but also for the planet. If you choose, you can help us birth more light onto the earth."
A Personal Message From Marty Varnadoe Dow,
Author of How To Soar Through Life With Power And Grace eCourse!
The Great Spiritual Transformation
As the world tumbles further into crisis, we are entering a time of great spiritual transformation. Many religions have predicted these volatile times. The good news is that crisis, if used correctly, offers unusual opportunities for spiritual growth. This world crisis could be the crack in the cosmic egg that catapults our planet into its next stage of spiritual evolution.
The possibilities are great, but, in crisis, there is also danger. Without proper action, these series of events could take us into further chaos and darkness. Some have predicted that the experiences of humanity will differ depending on how individuals choose to react to the possibilities that lie before them. One spiritual teacher envisioned that it will be as though there were two separate realities on earth. One reality will be gaining in light, love, harmony, and joy each day; the other reality will increase in darkness, fear, and struggle.
I believe that ultimately humanity will survive this crisis and evolve into a race of light beings. In an effort to assist in this transition, we are requesting your help. How you respond to the current situation makes a difference, not only for you and your family, but also for the planet. If you choose, you can help us birth more light onto the earth.
Transmuting the Energy in Emotion (Emotions)
Emotions are running high everywhere. Emotions are simply energy in motion. During this time of crisis, the emotions of the race mind are coming to the surface to be transmuted/transformed into light.
Your emotional response to what you see and hear is not just about the current situation. Often, the current events stimulate memories of hurts from your personal history and sometimes tap into pockets of cumulative pain in the collective mind.
In other words, the anger or fear experienced and expressed by so many people worldwide is not just about what is happening in Iraq or what is happening in their personal lives. At these times of crisis, people tap into collective thought forms and residual pockets of repressed emotions belonging to the race mind or collective unconscious.
Unfortunately, we (humanity) have a long history of abusing one another. Every race, culture, nationality, religion, tribe, and community has contributed to this pattern of oppression, revenge, violence, hate, anger, pain, suffering, and greed. We have created much repressed energy that has become stagnant within the collective consciousness.
No group is innocent. We, as a collective, are ALL guilty. It does no good to point the finger of blame. This finger pointing pattern only increases the problem and causes more division in the consciousness of humanity.
The good news is that during these volatile times of crisis, these old emotions come to the surface where they can be released and transformed. We, as individuals, have a choice to contribute to the transmutation of this repressed energy, now in motion, birthing it into light, or we can stimulate the energy in motion, creating more of the same by joining in the frenzied expression of anger, blame, or hatred.
The Opportunity Is Yours
Please join us in birthing more light on the planet, helping us step into a higher level of functioning as we enter this time of great spiritual transformation.
I encourage you to choose to rise above the human response to the situations in your life and world. Instead of the old patterns of anger, fear, judgment, and pain, hold the energy in motion into the light of God's love.
Whenever you feel fearful, judgmental, or angry, take time to transmute it. Here's how:
- Find a quiet place, close your eyes, and imagine that you can sense all this emotion as energy.
- Visualize a Divine flame in your heart center.
- Imagine that this is the love of God that dwells within you.
- In your mind's eye, see yourself holding these old patterns of response in the light of this flame.
- Imagine that the energy is being transmuted into light and released back into the collective unconscious as love, forgiveness, faith, and hope.
- Combine these images with a feeling of joy and release them into the universe knowing that they will manifest those things you have visualized.
Activities For Your Daily Life
- Stop blaming others. You are the creator of your reality. Create what you want!
- Practice the spiritual law of forgiveness every day.
- Determine to think positive thoughts instead of fear based thoughts.
- Send love to everyone you meet or think about.
- Use the spiritual force of love to solve every problem you encounter.
- Pray for a swift resolution to the war in Iraq.
- Hold a vision of a world at peace where people everywhere are treated with love and respect.