‘Tis only in the making that love doth find its form.
From that moment of awakening it then knows.
It fights within the elements and battles with life’s storm,
But once it has been seeded then it grows.
To feel that Love rise and swell and spread within the heart
And all the sweet emotions then it captures,
And like a bloom that opens and its scent it does impart,
And fills the mind and body with its raptures.
And as this Love expands with wings it takes to flight,
And carries these two people on their way.
And holds them close together as they journey through their life,
This Love they have will never make them stray.
Tis only on completion that Love comes into view,
And shows itself in all its finest glory.
Revealing all that’s wondrous showing a Love that’s true,
The shape of all that is a true Love Story.
Received From Gideon By Topaz©