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Gideons Poems : Support
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Recommend  Message 1 of 7 in Discussion 
From: ~TOPAZ~  (Original Message)Sent: 3/16/2006 2:53 PM
If we believe this road of life is simple we're mistaken,
Even those that know some ease often feel foresaken.
It is in sharing who we are, how we feel, we find,
That others come to hold us up in body and in mind.
So when we have a darkest hour that fills us with despair,
Remember you don't walk alone, someone will be there.
Received from Gideon by Topaz....Love and Light xxxx

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Recommend  Message 2 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamesageawk57Sent: 4/11/2006 1:18 PM
So beautiful and so true...We are never alone. Thank you Gideon and Topaz for the beauty in your heart.
Love &Light xxx

Recommend  Message 3 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamesutapadasSent: 4/17/2006 11:56 AM
If i may say without wishing to offend seems to me we are always alone just as we are all one in the one.........yet we may walk together..........that we may be  the one the many    the many the one.....and.......... mmmmm     when alone
we must be here   ourselves  then we may be here for others .....with loveNAMO AMON  AMEN NAMO NANOO NANOO ATUM ATOM......YO

Recommend  Message 4 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamesageawk57Sent: 4/18/2006 1:22 AM
no offense taken my is as you feel for that is what you create. If you feel you are alone then you will be as you have choices in this life. This is my belief as I can validate this through my own experience of feeling alone during my many challenges and feeling all alone in my own own choices..However people were brought into my life when I least expected it that came to hold me up strengthen me when I knew them not BUT were brought to me through Spirit. I had the help needed...I had the love all around me...and what I was told that I can choose again as I did but it was for me to give permission for intervention and to be absoluetly positive of what I wanted in a good way for my highest good as well as those around help me through my crisis that I thought I was a prisoner and very alone. Once I made my own mind up to choose my situations changed all around me. My eyes opened as I felt and knew that I was never alone. Light and love was and is all around me as well as in me. Once I made my decision to move forward I placed in motion a change. A change that brought me to the place I am today through the help of people who came into my life and through the Spirit world. The other side.
And may I say that without a doubt I am given proof everyday that I am never alone. And in truth we all as One and never alone. Alone is the perception of our thinking.
These are just my thoughts
Walk In Beauty
We are only alone as we feel..  

Recommend  Message 5 of 7 in Discussion 
From: ~TOPAZ~Sent: 4/18/2006 11:02 AM
Dear Sutapadas and Sagehawk...Thanks for your posts...for my part in this I do believe that loneliness is a state of feeling, not a physical state.   ' I was alone...but never felt lonely' this is what people say.  'I stood in a crowded room but felt alone' is another...'I sat on a deserted beach and yet I felt surrounded'.  If you think you are alone then you will feel it...the negative thought puts that condition in the mind.   The body may indeed walk as one as a singularity...but the mind need not feel that it is within emptiness.   My own experiences are much as Sagehawk has described....people/situations were brought into my life when I needed them most...for whatever role...We may not all have the luxury of being able to create the environment that we would be the happiest in....we may not have the luxury of choices that others have...and there are many plights within this world where people do not have the luxury of choices that we have...and many many people are unhappy with sickness....wars...poverty etc....but they may not feel alone within their own minds.  Princess Di had everything anyone could want....and yet she is reported as saying...she felt alone. For what it is within this our small way we are here so that people may never feel alone....Yours in Love and Light Topaz xxx

Recommend  Message 6 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamesutapadasSent: 4/20/2006 6:09 PM
        HI NAMO....SAGEHAWK, TOPAZ........well this alone i feel is not is alone as in all in all my parts are unified.....its alone in as much it is me who decides to jump from the greasy pole no one else can do it for me...alone in as much asit is I who replies ....all one in as much as  it is true for us all.....Alone and all one in as much as  the universe is simultaeneously one yet different.....alone in as much as god is one and all ones.......though of course is also zero so as to sa y ......but one thing im definitely not alone in,is my paucity in expressing the ineffable.....and the fact that i must leave this body some time.                                                     The choice thatGideon  speaks of twixt light and dark.i alone take even though many the sense that i am a sole being or soul.......and just as many drops make the ocean and vice versa........all is supersoul which is all souls......and as i see it ,it has always been Bagavad gita there is a lovely verse that goes like this
Never was there a time when i did not exist nor you nor all these others,nor shall we cease to be........ay for now in my madness i think alone or with many all the same in the end.............I trust in spirit..........With love    NAMO>>>>>>AUM PADMI HUMMMMMMMMMM

Recommend  Message 7 of 7 in Discussion 
From: ~TOPAZ~Sent: 4/21/2006 11:21 AM
Dear Suta I do understand your a field is the sum total of all its blades of a beach is the sum total of all its grains of sand...the larger  is always the sum total of all its is a collection...this is nature...this is structure...and as a human being you are a part of that collective is your free will that allows you to make the decisions that are for you the sole/soul individual....that is your lone choice...I agree with all you say...The poem Support is simply expressing....that when people need help....then they need not feel they are alone....there is always someone that will help them in one way or another...Love Topaz x

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