May all the battles that made the soul howl Never have been fought in vain Make worth the conquest that vanquished the foul So ne’er must that loss lose the gain May all the pain that once was abundant From young men who went out to save Make all the hope that once was redundant So ne’er will they writhe in the grave. May all the men who died in their Glory Be honoured by all that we see. Make all the soldiers tell still their story So ne’er will they lose dignity. May all the tears, shed with all sorrow, Never regret what was lost, Make all that peace that brings a to-morrow So ne’er will that price pay the cost. May all those jackets, that are now tattered, Wear now the medals with pride, Make all the world see it all mattered So ne’er their testimony hide. May now those veterans, that hobble and stumble, Carry their banners with pride, Make all youth feel now then humble. So ne’er will their strength be denied Webpage By Lynn BB © code by Sandy This Page is Not Shareware Or Linkware made is exclusively for Poetic Inspirations