James Stewart in the film 'Wonderful life' questioned his life, and in the film he saw how events would have turned out without his influences. He was shown those changes, the people, the areas of importance, different to how it had been with his positive input, his effects, his presence, showing to him, that although at one weak moment he didn't believe his life to be wonderful or important to him....to others...it was...and he made beneficial differences to them making their lives...wonderful. We may also have moments of weakness when we feel our own lives are not so wonderful or particularly important, however, to those we have touched and made profound and beneficial differences to...our presence in their lives has been important, for we may have brought to them something they would have not had if we had not been there. This can also have a 'knock on' effect...we do something for someone and they in turn extend that favour to someone else and so on and so on...expanding the goodwill gestures like branches spreading outwards from the tree. We may never truly realise the impact we may have on someone...but because we gave someone something when they needed it the most, that singular gesture ripples outwards and onwards and touches others by the transference of one good deed to another. If we hadn't been there to initiate the original good deed then who knows how many would have been denied that which they needed at a particular time. A wonderful life doesn't always represent ours all the time...it means also that which we can help create for someone at certain times in theirs...which in turn makes our own worthwhile and of importance...So wherever you are...wherever you go....create and have a...Wonderful Life.
Received By Gideon from Topaz©