When some-one goes on an exploration of Self-discovery they uncover the things that lie deep within. Many memories, some which are too tender in content to re-evaluate, some too painful to re-think, some too embarrassing to re-view and some too negative to deny. Also remembered is that nostalgia as one meanders through the maze of happiness or bitter-sweetness. These varieties of memories all serve to make you the person you are at any moment in time. Changes bring new conceptions to the emotions, something once shown as tender can be toughened, something once felt as painful becomes acceptable, something once deemed embarrassing becomes trivial and that which is negative you either continue to harbour or it is cast aside. With Self-discovery you see all that has become an integrated part of each ones individual persona, along with the burdens of sadness and the fountains of happiness. It is hard to deal with the negative parts that continue to occupy the space for they seep into the thoughts and produce the feelings, and although part of the past, they can and do influence the present and sow more seeds of doubt. It takes great strength to face and view these things that constitute adversity within . You should always try and review all aspects of your Selves. Bring Self-worth and esteem by replacing Self-doubt, create positive growth by the removal of the roots of negativity by implementing the actions and changes needed for Self-reformation. Self-discovery is not an excursion into the unknown, nor an excavation of futility, it is a journey into your own Inner-Self that brings Self-realisation�?. |