The Wheel represents all the various religions, sects, belief systems and doctrines that are followed upon this earth. Each person during their journey through life travels along a section of the wheel according to their own individual wishes, all sections lead to the centre. When one helps, shares or gives, it should be to supply and enhance anything that any person may request or need and should be given without bias. When one reveals to another that which represents ones own thoughts, views or beliefs, it should not be to undermine or influence, it is only to make the other person aware of which section of the wheel they walk down. Each to their own. It is only by the appraisal of all beliefs can the perspective be broadened and understood, giving the accumulative knowledge and truths of others to incorporate into ones own belief pattern. Therefore enhancing and expanding ones wisdom and awareness that creates a greater tolerance for all. All Spiritual beliefs should have a peaceful purpose, anything that indicates power or control over others cannot be a representation of peaceful intent, for all this then serves to do is cast aspersions and fear. All should remain neutral, whatever another person’s views or beliefs may be, when offering invited advice, help and knowledge. The Ways of all colour the Wheel and provides the variety and information that should merge and blend each section of the Wheel until it becomes welded together in a Unity and Oneness, like one solid disc. All colours are part of the spectrum that is reflected as the white light passes through the prism. So it is with the wheel of colour, this is the spectrum of beliefs, and as the colours the merge the White Light is produced that will illuminate and radiate that purity of vision, for the greatest of peace .