Commencing at the dawning of time this planet earth was young and fresh and full of hope and expectations for the future. Looked upon as green and fertile with an abundance of promise. Mankind in his infancy held this planet in reverence. With eons, changes brought changes, climatically and to the various species that populated this earth. The hopeful expectations continued to bring life after life to populate and harbour all races of man and all species of animal and vegetation. The various regional environments brought about the habitats that housed the various races. Life expanded, mans consciousness expanded and with it came the dawning of the Scientific and Technological age, Science, technology and medicine brought new awareness and great threats. Wars had always existed between tribes, clans and then countries, throughout history. Within mans nature was that which brought the protective instinct for his own and his domain, and the greed to possess others. Biological warfare, the hydrogen bomb, the atomic bomb, all these brought threats of destruction. Nuclear power brought into its wake the possibility of annihilation, and the pollution hampers the quality of life for many The ozone layer, the toxic dumping, the global warming has all reduced this planet earth to a shade of its former glory. Earth has indeed become the victim of man, as man has become the victim of man. Man himself, is the perpetrator of all things that are evident within this era. 'Peace on Earth and Goodwill to all Men' a saying which does not apply to the whole. Pockets of chaos bring jackets of war. Progress brings within its midst a retrograde effect. You are now at the stage of your own great vast awareness and consciousness to all issues relating to higher intellect and yet you do not uphold the simplistic values adhered to by early man, whose awareness and Love for this planet Earth was far greater than it is now. |