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Gideons writings : Perspective
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Recommend  Message 1 of 2 in Discussion 
From: ~TOPAZ~  (Original Message)Sent: 8/2/2006 2:03 AM


Four men stood with their backs to each other…one faced the North, one faced the South, one faced the East and one faced the West.   They spoke to each other and told of what they could see from their own view point…enlightening the imaginations of the others.   Then one day one said to another ‘how do I know if what you tell me is true�?nbsp; The one replied ’you don’t, you have to accept what I say, I don’t know if what you tell me is true either�?nbsp;  Then another one said ‘what if you are making things up to make your view better than mine�?nbsp; To which the reply was ‘I am not I only tell you what I see�?One day one said ‘what if we all move round a step and then we can get the view of what another sees�?nbsp; and so they did, the new views were different to what each had been used to, and then they moved round another step and again each saw a new view, and another step…looking at things they had only been told about�?they each realised that the reality of what they now saw with their own eyes was different to how their imaginations had created it from the words of the others. The view they imagined was different to the view they now saw.   When we listen to another’s view we create how we imagine it to be�?but we are not looking at it from their perspective�?only how we envisage it to be.   We cannot actually know how something is until we experience it for ourselves, the imagination is a wonderful tool…however it can offer a distorted scene of what is a reality…If only we could all step into another shoes and see what they see from their perspective…the different visions of others views�?each section�?then and only then would we truly see the full picture from every angle......


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Recommend  Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamesutapadasSent: 8/2/2006 7:50 AM
Four blind people were all taken o the zoo to see an elephant...of course on arriving none could actually see the elephant but each was taken up to the elephant to feel it that they might be able to formate it in their mind....
 Firsrly one blind person went up to the elephant and felt it and went back each in their turn did the same.
 Later that day they all sat down to discuss the experience,each giving their own impressions....One said an elphant was very much like a tree,another said no its not its like a thick snakey   pipe....your both wrong said the third one , its like a rope.....what absolute nonsense the fourth one said,cant you see was like an upside down umbrella....well that was it they all set to arguing and quickly fell out amongst themselves......
 Whilst they were arguing a beeing with a phd in miracle healing came by,and on hearing the by now very heated discussion as the four blind ones ranted and raved went over to see what was going on, and quickly assesed the situation, upon which he interrupted saying dear spirit souls this argument of yours is surely unworthy...why so they asked belligerently which he repied  
 If you could truly see you would all see you are all right to some degree but in the main all are is plain to me each of you only got to feel a part of the elephant and further more each of you experienced a different part of it...further more i can prove this..i will restore your sight and we will go to the zoo and you can see for yourselves....This he did , they all went to the zoo....each then saw the whole elephant and also understood that their own partial understandings were also flawed...whilst also seeing the others point of view....but now all were radically changed in view and were also united