Dreams have many sources of creations. They can often be an outlet for the restless mind. They communicate to the dreamer those things that lie deep in the psyche or are at the forefront of concern. The mind creates the visions that report back to the Alert Consciousness areas within life, be them from the past held within the library of memories and experiences, good or bad, be them present day with the struggles that people have physically, materially, emotionally, mentally and Spiritually, again good or bad, or be them for the future where the unknown is always on the doorstep and the pre-supposed is waiting to happen. The Inert Consciousness (Dream state) lacks the control mechanism to organize the various data that lies within the sub-consciousness, and mental activity of the dreamer is as such that the mind works along links and keywords that shift the dreams along any pathway, some links are totally unrelated, but keywords trigger other directions, therefore the dreams appear haphazard and for the main part they are the dreamscapes of the person. all part of the normal natural outlet for the mind which is never in a dormant state. The dreamer is in a state of experiencing virtual reality situations. They can either be an observer or interact. The prime catalyst for dreams are the emotions and dreams create escape routes for these emotions to vent, to feel, to deliberate. Dreams are simulations that are designed by desires, hopes, fears, joys, sadness, etc, the pure thought state where the true nature of the person cannot be veiled or controlled. The image of Self that is projected into the dream arena is the raw, basic personality of the person. It is the wakeful working mind that supplies the masks for everyday life. So what is seen and known of a person in the wakeful periods of life, may differ from what is portrayed during the sleeping periods of life. The dream scenes reflect the Self as
one truly is, for one cannot lie to oneself, one cannot avoid the truth of the inner self that is known only to the person. Therefore as one dreams they show to themselves their true colours, their true slant on everything, emotionally, mentally, physically and Spiritually. As mentioned the normal condition during sleep is to create a ‘stage�?of action, when the thought energy of those that are generally known as ‘Spirit�?or the deceased, wish messages to be relayed, the sleep time is generally the best time when the mind is free of the normal conscious thoughts, words and deeds that rule the wakeful working mind as it runs its life, there is less electrical impulse interference. Although the mind is still active and in ‘emergency mode�?there is not the high stimuli of the external 3d 5 senses. The thought creative energy of the Non-Physical (Spirit) can then superimpose onto the dream picture whatever they wish to be known either visually, audibly or symbolically. They can project an image of themselves in a physical state and interact with the dreamer who will respond. When the dreamer has what is called ‘Continued conscious Awareness�?as to the content and material of the dream, they can liase with others they find in their dream, either their own creations or those of the Non-physical, they have a level of lucidity that allows them greater thought control and understanding. Within this state the dreamer can navigate themselves out of their own dream picture or can be guided onto another plane of reality, for the physical being it will always be virtual than actual, however when within this plane the visions have greater clarity, the dreamer is not the then sole creator they are the participator, and the recipient of clearer messages for information, teaching and guidance. Messages, information etc are given for the person either for their own Self or as words of wisdom for sharing. This is given at a time when the individual needs
them. Not all portions of the dream or message maybe recalled, however it is still lodged within the files of the sub-consciousness and any trigger can activate it. One must look at a message dream rather like a sandwich, the bread or the bulk of the dream is the dreamers own thought creations and that is the material that is made from the dreamers own sub conscious thoughts, however the filling is that which is placed within, that is what holds that morsel of knowledge, information, guidance, teaching, worth and value, when placed there by those that are the guiding caring influences. It is true also to say, that as one can receive from those that have conscientious objectives and Love, that one can also receive the disturbing thoughts from those that have lower intentions and the dreamer themselves can also create negative visions, many a person has ridden the night mare. Therefore when a person has dream recollection and wishes to decipher or have deciphered by others the meaning behind the dream, then it is a twofold interpretation, firstly the dreamers own thought creations that are based upon any aspect of their life and thoughts, which is being expressed within the dream and then there are the messages that are placed within the dream…so there is the bread and butter material of the dreamers own thoughts and the fillings that are supplied by the Non-Physical.