Know Thyself
Forward we go taking with us all the things that are 'us'. Attempting to discard along the way those things that hamper and burden us. Oh! we carry so much. We hold too many things that are really worthless and useless for our Self-Progression, things that weigh us down. The much valued assets are seen along side those things we know we should not carry. We are aware that we behave in certain ways, which we do not agree with in truth, however, even faced with our own Self-Realisation, some things we do not let go of. A person is conscious of their own anger within, aware of their judgmental natures that they feel towards others, impatience, displeasure, intolerance, very negative aspects that project to others images of our Selves and yet when it comes to voicing how one should conducts oneself whilst advising others, we seem oblivious of those very flaws within ourselves. We may feel justified in portraying certain modes of behaviour, we may in fact need to express certain responses when dealing with people who greet us with a discerning manner. We may feel entitled to feel outrage at another’s words or actions if it is seen to bring disharmony, we may feel that we are bringing to them an awareness that their attitude is not deemed acceptable. We may, and quite rightly so, rally in support of those we feel victimized and we display outwardly a firmness and conviction that represents how we feel about issues that are blatantly uncalled for or issues that suppress human rights and situations that effect our environment, these are all for the greater good and well-being, all for the cause of righteousness. This is how we are. However we can also portray those sides which at the very least reveal something about our own Selves, our manner. When people meet others they form opinions based upon behaviour or what they sense about them. We may instantly dislike them, we just do not gel with them. So all carry something that is reactionary under certain circumstances. To say to another that some aspect should be adhered to, means we too should also adhere to that aspect. We may cross paths with those that we are intolerable to, and it could be that they too sense something intolerable about us. We often tell people how we feel is the best way to be, and yet when it comes to the point whereby we respond instinctively, depending upon our own natures, we too are in that position and do not practice what we preach. We must primarily look into our own Selves and remove our blinkers and discard that which we tell others to do. To be otherwise is to be a hypocrite. Teach thyself first, disassociate your own Self from the burdens of corrosive negativity. Therefore the objectivity of awareness, is that we should bring it to our Selves first, but no-one is perfect. Sadly, perfection is very hard to achieve in a climate which brings to the fore emotions and the incensed feelings of injustice that we view within this world, we say relieve the anger, relieve the hatred, relieve the bias, words of great wisdom, for if all could incorporate this into their own way of being it would show unto all that threshold that would open the door to peace. Therefore we teach ourselves, we are our own teachers and pupils. So when faced with that truth that we bring to our own Selves, we see the flaws and weaknesses, and all we can say in our honesty to another is, I too am this way, I too harbour these negative traits and I, like you, am attempting to release these encumbrances from my own Self, but before I can know you, I have to know myself first.
Received from Gideon.
I would like to say at this point, this is how I received it, and is by no means a reflection of how I have become myself, for I too need to recognize and deal with my own failings, for I too, am still learning how to be.