Cause and effect is not limited to the physical universe for it is the core of all things. All that is answers to a point of origin, a point of creation...and from that moment hence it either sweeps into action, manifests itself gradually or lays dormant waiting for that catalyst that will awaken it from its slumbering inertia. An idea has its potential and formation on the mental plane. its effectiveness then is manifested on the material/physical plane of realism. But its creation comes from the mind. A small crack can widen to become a chasm...the small crack was the cause of the chasm, the chasm is the effect. This is applicable in all areas... whether it be deliberate or hapchance. The universe consists of many points of origins...too far back to pinpoint...and what is viewed now is the effects. Some were random spasmodic events that were responsible for a larger creative effect. This also applies to all that is apparent upon earth...within all things lies the genus that holds the points of origins...they cause the creative effect of each individual formation. A random selection of genetic traits that produce a new unique creation. These small genetic codes carry those potentials of what could be produced. That which effects a cause is circumstances and opportunity. Without the right circumstances and opportunities a person that carries the genetic potential to be a musician, artist, scientist, etc etc, will never fulfil those genetic traits that lie within. This also applies to those elements that carry adverse effects. The catalyst, the circumstances, awaken the opportunity, whether this be fortune or misfortune.
It is also true to say that environment and events can also create new causes that display effects. Mankind has just crossed the threshold of a great awakening on the mental plane in the form of inventiveness. There are also those formerly dormant genetic components that have catapulted many into a state of heightened awareness...opening a gateway, producing a shift in the inner and outer senses. The cause of this lies deep within the genetic instructions that are now awakening and having their moment...their effectiveness...the opening of a new elevation to a greater 'Spiritual' plane...accompanyed by heightened emotions and 'knowing' Destiny plays the hand it was given at the onset, at its points of origin, as and when it is needed...or when circumstances dictate...
Love and Light...received by Topaz from Gideon...