Acceptance can sometimes be seen as a way of moving onwards. A form of Self healing, coming to terms with situations that have caused deep concerns and even pain and heartache. It is always difficult to acknowledge and cast aside and forgive, one cannot pretend that something hasn’t occurred, turning blind eyes, for the effects are often felt. One may appear to be impervious, applying a detached reticence, choosing not to outwardly display a reactionary response to things that annoy, aggravate, hurt, offend etc, however feeling it deep within. The ways and natures of people determine their thought patterns, how they choose to deal with events, circumstances and emotions. Some may harbour resentment for many a while making their grievances felt, maybe even justifiable so, or maybe only from their view point, some may apply the attitude that silence is the best way to subdue the situation. Deep and painful memories remain as reminders of certain conflicts, abusive situations, personal or impersonal, effecting the emotions. Acceptance should never be viewed as a blase alternative when positive action can bring vast improvements in certain areas. However on a more personal level, situations that have brought discord within lives, estrangements, opposing views, deep pain and heartache, are often hard to come to terms with and total forgiveness difficult, especially when one feels that they are the victim of such. To forgive unconditionally relieves the pressures within, freeing the mind, although the memories are still part of the life events, enabling the person to move onwards and apply positive thought action where needed. Some choose to just accept that they cannot alter what has happened as some situations maybe out of their hands, and although they may resent, have to accept in order to relieve the mind of that burden. Influences, and actions of others often determine how a person feels, what emotions are brought to the surface, what emotions are kept hidden. How one resolves to deal with happenings, whether they project an over-view to see what the ensuing complications maybe for the positive outcomes, depends upon the depth of the emotions within and how effected the person maybe at that particular phase of time. Time itself is a healer, the impacts are often greatly relieved if that particular event is not a constant part of life, the knowledge may remain, but the actions are no longer in motion. The pressure of re-occurrence does not apply. It may appear to be insensitive for another to say to a person to forgive, to accept and move onwards and leave the past behind when they are carrying that pain, but if they can, if they are supported, if they can self-heal, then a greater state of mind will be felt.
Received by Topaz from Gideon