Deep within ones own Inner-consciousness, lies the multi experiences that have been acquired over ones life. This is called the Sub-consciousness. A storage unit that holds the files that house the memories. The taken actions mean that the outcomes are also on file. People also have suppressed memories, as a result of some experiences that may be to painful to allow into the present day mind, some memories so trivial that they hardly registered, some very potent that they are fore-ever scratching at the surface of the emotions, some so resourceful that they serve as guide lines, some very pleasing that one recalls with nostalgic triggers, times of special moments. As each thought, word or deed is placed within the memory banks they erect the Inner-Self, a library that are references to that person. Details may be obscure and may need closer examination with regard to many events, however it is what the overall indication is that matters. Each thought, word or deed forms a way of being that is a transposed into a persons underlying nature, their personality and character, that which, without all the details, lead to a reflective image that is known by ones Self and by others. All are expressions of what lies within that library. Every-one, to some degree is aware and has Self-realisation as to the type of person that they are, how they think and feel. They may not have the details that brought that way of thinking, feeling or acting, however they respond according to the results of it. People often state that they have the need to delve within to ‘find themselves�? In actuality what they see and know about themselves daily is that Self, what they delve for are the reasons why. To find that core, that seed, that first line of that book that expanded into and produced the person they have become. To uncover their truth about themselves. They know the results, they wish to dig for the cause, the source that projects that known Self. There are many variables that go to make up a person, and these are shown by their attitudes and behaviour patterns. Many wish to unearth their memories, to scrutinize themselves, to view the library and read about who they are. To have total Self-realisation with every category on those book shelves. However, even being aware of what one discovers does not change what is written there. It is true some parts may have to be studied and appraised, understood and accepted as experience, be it good or bad for that individual. There lies the wisdom within those books, there lies the lessons for the Self, to use as guidelines based upon what has gone before. To be consciously aware of the mistakes that one made, to be subjective about ones failings without being over critical, unless it is a serious misdemeanour. To make the necessary changes, to apply the control needed to bring to ones Self and others a more positive reflection of that Inner-Self. However one is often aware, without the excursions into the sub-consciousness, what one shows outwardly, what one feels inwardly, how one thinks, how one feels is how one is. It is what is known and visible to the present Self that is the compilation of all that is held within those files of the mind. People feel that they have to face their demons and disperse them, before they can move successfully on with their lives, however if one does feel they have a demon digging into their backs then that awareness should be sufficient, the knowing is more important, not how it got there, and then the attempts should be made to shake them off by not allowing them to cut into the psyche and holding one down, or restraining ones positive train of thought, just accepting that one carries an unwanted past burden and attempting to relieve ones Self by saying it is all part of the past and not let it influence the Self of the present. Apply the necessary action if it is spawned from conscience, guilt or remorse. The Inner-self is the totality of what is viewed in small portions of the present consciously aware Self, of what is projected in portions by the outer-self reflectivity. That image that is visible on the screen of ones present day thinking in relation to all areas of thought and action, be them righteous or unrighteous, be them just or unjust, be them pleasant or unpleasant. Take a conscious look at how one feels, thinks and acts now, then one will know what lies within, then deal with accordingly....................Received/Channelled From Gideon By Topaz©