Table Earth
When all the world realises, that each race has the greatest of values to extend and impart for the enrichment of their fellow man, all should feast and grow from the nourishment, which is laid out like food on a platter. All can be nurtured and all can savour the various dishes that make this menu of humanity. For all are the chefs, all are the cooks and all are the diners. Each one contributes and serves up that wish they wish to be tasted by others. Each person has within, the ability to present their dishes of tradition and all have the finest of cuisine’s to place before others to sample. Life needs the growth of the body, the growth of the mind and the growth of the spirit within. Therefore we digest the nutrition needed for our flesh, we feed on food for thoughts for our mind, and we nourish our spirits within on the cultural recipes that all mankind can offer, that builds within, that structure which is strengthened and sustained by the energy that we extract from the partaking of that which is the variety of all belief systems, which expands mans conscious awareness, understanding and tolerance for others. To see this great banquet is to see the whole world. To sit and break bread and offer it to another in harmony and friendship. All are able to take a seat and enjoy the Unification that can be found around this Table of Earth.
Received/Channelled from Gideon by Topaz ©