The Immortal Self knows no barriers that hampers the recognition of the true Self. The temporary Self can be blanketed by the ego, immersed in the waters of vanity, lost in the fogs of its own perceptions of its nature. Self-realisation brings the admissions to ones temporary self as to the flaws and failings, that are viewed through the spectacles of inner-vision. To see ones true Self faltering as it becomes aware, with disappointments, experiences with others, and a general dis-ease with the way one feels about ones actions when assessed at a later time, brought by the interaction on all levels with life. Clearness that can be brought by others, however Self-denial veils the truth at times. The ego fails to admit that it can be capable of such attitudes and attempts to justify itself with excuses rather than face the fact that this is a facet of the inner-self in expression, before one can reconcile with it one has to know it, before one can discard those negative aspects that effect the person and their associations with others, one must accept it as a truth, seen by the evidence of ones own words and deeds. With those that are void of conscience, oblivious to the feelings of others, lacking respect or forethought, then they have that awareness and chose to exercise their true nature within, with the behaviour patterns that conform to that type of mind. They may deter from some expression based on the consequential retributions that is not in their basic Self interest. Self analysis brings Self-realization, it gives one the opportunity to study ones motives, ones reasons, any underlying causes, to abolish any pain and suffering wherever possible, with the knowledge that one cannot change the past only how one deals with it. The life cycle upon earth varies to such a degree and under such different situations, that many circumstances can account for negative words and actions. The self can crack under extreme pressure, thinking and acting in accordance to those strains, exhibiting symptoms that highlight a troubled mind. The life of the temporary self, seen as that in the shell, surrounded by the external contributions that mark the cause and effect cycle, is governed by the movements and motions of that time-frame, those deployments in action that people are subjected to in the personal and impersonal quarters. Re-acting and responding to stimuli on all fronts. The close inner-circles that press in, the outer circles that extend a ripple effect that touch in some way. The immortal self is free of the dependency of its physical body for its continued existence when it sheds that skin. The self no longer requires the driving physical life force energy that sustained it. The considerations of body survival are no longer a necessary instinctual reflex action. It then takes on a new shape, a new state to deal with, to come to terms with, other priorities that are not reliant on the shell, bringing new ways of thinking and behaving that are not needed by the mortal self. However the time spent in the shell moulds that thought energy of the immortal self, for it becomes that which is the whole Self. No longer threatened by the physical pain and suffering that may befall it. Still aware of all that transpired during the duration of its life, still the same personality with the flaws of the human dimensions, with the same underlying nature that carries the greatest of attributes that were felt, shared and expressed lovingly, with care and attention, empathy and consideration. To err is indeed to be human, all have that within, the falseness, the vanity, the misguided ways, however this is not viewed as the greatest of negativity’s, without the detriments of the physical life one can pursue a goal to shape a more wholesome nature. Life in the shell has many instincts that one cannot relate to when out of the shell, that which is normal within the shell and part of the natural mortal behaviour, the primal tendencies, are part of the chemical, hormonal, organic functions. Only the extreme, the aspects of some mortal behaviour that interferes with another’s quality of life, is seen as inexcusable. The immortal Self has the ability to see on a greater level the great influences that the physical life has had on its development, and then has the opportunity to re-address and assimilate a higher level of understanding which will improve the quality of its own eternal life and those who it chooses to evolve with, both physical and non-physical beings. The intentions have to be honourable and righteous, the displays of the same low level attitudes bring no gain in the long term to anyone, just the same inane pleasure and gratification, the same paltry behaviour that makes it necessary for the changes. Choice belongs to each person, when in the non-physical state no longer are the encumbrances of the physical life that determine decisions. One should act purely for the formation of a more wholesome state of Self, of thought, of mind. To raise that level of awareness to a higher degree of value. Gradual realizations that dawn as one becomes aware of the far greater aspects of a truth that can only be seen from a higher vantage point. The immortal self can remain in a quagmire with no ‘knowing�?as to what is a far greater existence, or it can continue it’s journey and progression if it has been blessed with insight as to what is awaiting, it can embark with a new resolve to improve its standing that will mark the path forward to a greater dimension, a greater form of evolvement. With hope......with help......with love......with light...and with peace of mind........and last but not least.....with time.......which all have plenty of.
Received/Channelled From Gideon By Topaz©