One digests knowledge based upon ones own conceptual opinions as to how any piece of information fits into the belief pattern that one follows…this applies in all fields of learning. One need not be a musician to appreciate the joy of music…therefore one is experiencing that which music is designed and created for...however not all music resonates within…all have their own brands of flavours that add to the variety of tastes and preferences. Therefore people make choices as to which type/kind/style of music that they wish to listen to�?they select that which ‘sounds�?good to them…that has the ability to stir something within. At the end of the day music is but a series of notes that are arranged into a particular pattern for the various types/kinds/styles�?therefore the same notes are available for every format…the notes that produce the classics are the same notes arranged differently to produce jazz/rock/country etc. The writers of such, favour that which appeals to them and the audience they are attempting to ‘market�?SPAN> Patterns of belief are likened to this�?each one chooses that which ‘strikes a chord�?within…that sounds good, that resonates within. With music one listens over a period of time and develops ones musical tastes, it is the arrangement of the notes that appeals to them, the way it is constructed into that particular piece that suits them…not the individual notes…but the overall sound…the finished product. However one can always write their own melody to create that tune that is their unique composition…and still enjoy the fruits of others works. Same with ones beliefs…enjoy and savour the different types/kinds/styles that come from the same basic ‘notes�?and write for oneself that which vibrates as ones own truth within�?for at the end of the day a good tune is a ‘good�?tune no matter what musical category it fits into as a ‘good�?belief is a ‘good�?belief whatever track of thought that train runs on…………�?
Received/Channelled from Gideon By Topaz ©