When Science finds a cure for a disease, the disease is eradicated.
It’s the same process for human nature. Finding the core
and understanding why we are the way we are, is the awakening of the Spiritual path. When the core is found,
we make the decision to become responsible human beings, experiencing Life as we should be, is the enlightenment.
To awaken the Spiritual Path, one must begin the journey from the beginning of this life on earth.
Human Nature was not created by God, it was created by Adam and Eve. They made a decision to eat from the tree of knowing, which showed they were disobedient, impatient, not responsible, greedy, separated from God , awareness, insecurities, lies trickery, dishonest, shame, unworthy, lack of trust and faith, all things that are opposite of Who God is.
This is the core of why we are the way we are. Once this is realized, and a decision is made to change, we open a new door
with many experiences of showing our true essence. Fighting all the temptations of who we use to be, to gain who we are.
Jeremiah explains this process in Chapter 18, using the parable of the Potter.
The Potter (God) takes us (clay) and tries to mold us when we are born here. Some don’t listen so we are put aside, allowing us to live as we choose. Later in life, he tries again, picks up the clay, and begins to mold us into who we are. When this process is complete enough, then we are sent out to help others.
It is not a ‘spiritual wound�?that I keep hearing about that we are trying to fulfill, it is a “memory�? we all have within us. We come from perfection to imperfection. We are trying fill the void of separation. When Adam and Eve were created, they were created in perfection, their decision created imperfection.
Through the teachings of God through Christ, we learn how to fill the void. Christ says anyone who does as his Father does is his mother, brother and sister.
Paul writes in Romans that any who live through human nature is not pleasing to God. Living in human nature finds death. Any one who lives in the spirit lives.
Peter writes since Christ suffered physically we must strengthen ourselves with the same way of thinking. We must
live the rest of our earthly lives controlled by God’s will, and not my human desires. The physical has already been judged, (Gen 3, you were made from soil, so you return to soil) so we speak to the Spirit of the dead, so that they may live forever. (1Peter 4)
When Peter was showing empathy towards Jesus about his death, Jesus looked at Peter and said, get behind me Satan, you come from human nature, not from God.
Human Nature can be eradicated, as well as the Earth and sky can be healed living by the teachings of God through Christ.
God tells Hosea You have no God but me, I alone am your saviour. Hose 13:4
10 March 06