In the beginning there was a world intended to be lived in perfection. No one needing, wanting or desiring anything, because they didn’t have to, everything was provided for them by their Father. Money was of no importance because everyone shared. No one needed to marry as in man’s law to be joined as one because relationships (all) were considered sacred. There was no dating or courting unless two people intended on entering a sacred relationship. When two people entered a sacred relationship it was forever, there was no such thing of changing minds or hearts and deciding they no longer loved the person. Why? Because each person held within their heart a special knowing about the person they were to share their life with and was patient to wait. There were to be no death or illness of any kind. Life in this world was intended to be forever.
Unfortunately circumstances changed things. Temptation got the man and woman thrown out of the perfect world to begin a new world which consists of confusion, diseases, death, dysfunction, abuse, and addiction.
Although their Father provided opportunities to the people then to change, some of the opportunities were completed and some weren’t. Along the way the Father had made some promises that still exist today.
The times of this new land of chaos was quite disturbing to Father, so he felt the world needed an example so he chose another woman a perfect woman to have a child that would provide this example. This child would be incarnated as perfect, and his objective was two fold. First to continue to walk in perfection in spite of the temptations that would be before him, and second, to show the people then and later how to live properly. Not only was he incarnated as perfect, he was also enlightened and aware. He knew every aspect of his life, and walked his path anyway. He taught people his Father’s teachings and his Father allowed him to heal, and feed people showing that he is from a Higher Source. He not only taught the poor he also taught the Teachers of that time that he lived. He taught and gathered the ones that listened to the teachings of his Father. Through his great works he was feared by many, and loved by many more, and as the result of this fear he was murdered, by crusifixation.
In the 21st century we still live in the same world. It’s not gotten any worse, it’s gotten more complicated, and it some respects easier. Technology allows more people to be exploited, freedoms have cost us more through government controlling our lives, the hatred remains the same, divorce rate, abortions etc etc etc. automobiles have caused us bad air to breathe, chemicals in our food, the fish in the sea are endangered, the birds of the sky are also endangered. All of this because “we�?advanced. The positive aspects of this is that more people are receiving the original gift an awakening and enlightenment. People are realizing that because we walk this land we don’t have to take part of it, leaving loved ones and friends because they no longer serve the purpose for the higher good of themselves or for the Will of Jehovah. People are more concerned about getting to know themselves and establishing a relationship with their original parents, Jehovah and Mary, and in doing so they have found peace within and out side themselves, primarily because the enlightenment they received was balance. They even come to realize that the powers they possess and the abilities they own are also temporary. In this realization they come to the knowing that the only permanence there is, is their relationship with their original parents and their family above.
This has been written through a child’s eyes seeing her Father’s strength, her Mothers love and compassion and an older brother’s tenacity, love, dedication, and loyalty to bring it all together for all to have and experience the same opportunity , of The Journey Home.