Disasters are disasters in its own aspects to whom ever or where ever it has manifested with..It is not the disaster that we compare.. no matter how it has happened..
How we deal with it on the aspect of Spirit or mortal is up the individual/and or individuals..depending on their level of growth...understanding.
I have known people who had spontanious strength during a disaster that just was there in order to remove a heavy object that would have crushed an individual..His/her Spirit balanced with the mortal self through physical to remove the object that otherwise could not have been done since the object was 5x their physical weight.
It matters not the disaster..though we do not want to see anyone go through any type of disaster even though some are for their own growth.They come in many forms..wether it be from the earth...personally..etc..what matters is the Love, compassion as well as prayers in our own way...healing and do whatever we are able to from our true Heart. Giving of pure Love by being still and know I Am.
Walk In Beauty
Sagehawk xxx