There is but One Truth....
A truth that is pure in heart and comes from the soul
which speaks to you upon listening from within.
It is the love as One with all that is and will ever be.
It is in your song that has no words for it is a sacred song that connects to the One Source . It is a song of beauty that goes way beyond the senses of the human mind. The truth is in your song. It is within us all who walk the path with heart.Our song sings of who we are by the vibration and the frequency it carries.
It tells us of the beauty that we share in every step that we every move that we every word that we every heart that we touch.
We all have a song. Do you have a song that you sing from within. Ahhhhh...from where I am, I hear a beautiful song that comes from within each and everyone of you who walks the path with heart. you hear your song?
Vision in your mind a seed that you hold in you hand. Do you toss it to the ground in hopes that it will grow and walk away? Or do you plant your seed in fertile ground that has the right nutrients for the seed to sprout.
I say to you dear ones to plant your seed in prayer and gratefulness in silence from within with no words for there are no words to describe the beauty of the seed you plant.There are no words for the gratitude you feel for the creations that have manifested on this planet that we call earth.We all create as one in our own beautiful way. So therefore we are grateful for our gifts that we share from within us all. Being thankful in prayer is showing respect and honor to the One Source that we are blessed to be a part of the whole.
Take good care of this seed for it is your song. Nurture...give the water of your joyful tears....give the Sun of your happiness and the air that you breathe of love. As your seed sprouts the leaves will appear. Through the leaves the stem will appear. It will be strong and healthy in faith, trust and courage as you walk your path. This is one that takes care of the heart .... The Love and the truth within. In a matter that you call time... with love, nurture, harmony, and balance it's first bud will appear and in balance mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually this bud will bloom into the most beautiful flower. As the petals of this flower opens, a melody releases into the ethers. It is the melody of your song of who you truely are. It is the frequency...the vibration of your song that is heard and that harmonizes with those who have walked the beauty way in love and light, peace and harmony.
Received from Sagehawk
by Standing Stone
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From: ~TOPAZ~ | Sent: 7/2/2004 4:54 AM | This is so beautiful...thankyou Sagehawk and Standing Stone for these words of wisdom...Yes let us all have the same song in our Hearts and Souls....thankyou so very much for sharing this...Love and | |
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Dear SageHawk and Standing Stone..... Beautiful!!!!!!! Thank you!!!! My song , so loud so clear, Growing with each word for you all to hear!!!!! With so much love to you xxxxAnnette xxx | |