Everyone experiences lifes challenges upon our Mother Earth. It is throught these challenges and the choices that you make that you will create through thought,action and therefore manifest into your lives. Lessons will be brought to you in the ways they are presented to you.
As through our generation while on this earth we were taught that we must watch what we speak for what we speak we speak of ourselves. We were taught to watch our thoughts for what we think we think of ourselves. We were taught to always know our actions for they too are our own actions. These three things must always be aware of for what you speak,think or put into action are very powerful and it brings to your lives cause and effect.
As you go through the challenges in your life you have the choice of how to deal with circumstances that are brought to you. Keeping the mind,body and soul balanced is the way of peace within the Self. It is the way that will bring clarity and help from your guide and helpers to help smooth your path so that you may grow in strength and beauty.We are always here showing you the way but through your frustrations and fears you seem to miss the answers that are there in simplified beauty right in front of you and all around you.
Going within the self and healing those aspects that are in need of healing for your own highest good and for the good of those around will bring to you peace,love and harmony and to all of creation. It starts with the planting of one seed. And through that seed will bring more seeds to plant as at the right time will unfold beautifully.
Take time for your own sacred space as you go through your daily lives. One must balance the mind, body and soul in order to be able to smooth the path of lifes challenges. Walk the path of the Rainbow Warrior in Love and Light. Be that brilliant light for all to see.
May the rainbow always touch your shoulder as you walk softly upon our Mother Earth
I give thanks to Creator for allowing my voice to be heard in loving Humbleness and Truth
Standing Stone