The reason for my little bio bit was to give you a little background of my growing up and how Standing Stone (my nonphysical being) came to be with me.
From the day I was born and all through my life and now at this time I have had Standing Stone with me.
I was the baby Eagle in his nest that he cared and nurtured and taught me through many challenges in my life. He was also my protector from harms way and I can honestly tell you his name he chose fit perfectly.
I now know that Standing Stone took the place of my father until my father opened to me in later years. As my father did Standing Stone was always there and I am sure was very happy to see my fathers progress as well as my own.
I had built a wall up for many years as Standing Stone lovingly took down those bricks and motar piece by piece. He found ways to get through to me and through my choices I listened little by little.I was taught through the teachings of my ancestors of my Native American roots.
I have always loved and treasured the outdoors and spending my solitude from people and life in my woods and fields of gold. I even had my very own tree house from a Cataba Tree (not sure I spelt that right)
Through learning of nature,plants, trees,as well as the elements is how I understood Standing Stones teachings. I had no religion or beliefs although I did believe in Jesus..I read the Bible but never understood it then as it always scared me to read it. However my parents did make us go to a Catholic church and school but all I remember is being bored and falling And as for the school? Well all I remember there was getting the palms of my hands slapped from a nun with a ruler and that stung. All because I was too shy to speak in front of the class.
I have no judgement against those who choose a religion as this but it was just not for me. It just did not sit with me.
Through many years of looking out there and only finding my choices were hard ones to learn, I had many tramatic challenges in my life. Soon I was beginning to feel more and more of Standing Stones presence in my life. I was at the point where I needed truth. I knew within my Self but I had to fit the pieces of the puzzle to make it fit. Then in 1991 is when the visions really began.I saw Standing Stone for the first time high on a mountain top.Beautiful in scenery and color and a cabin which I saw him walking to. I only saw the back side of him though. However it is said that when you see a backside of someone without seeing their face in time you will meet them in the right circumstance. Well a year or two later I did! That is how I met Standing Stone face to face. Sitting outside his teepee smiling at me.
Anyways to shorten this a bit I loved reading and Standing Stone led me to many books that helped me tremendously without a doubt and also the people who came into my life. I became more aware as time went on and through my experiences SS way of validating was giving me many beautiful feathers. I now have Hawk feathers and Eagle feathers which is in Native beliefs a very high honor. To this day whenever I need validation for something that is given me in teachings Standing Stone comes as an Eagle that I see continuiously as I do the Hawk. This is his way. This is my proof that I question not. For I know.
I felt the need to write this as I wanted to introduce Standing Stone as well.
He stays with me also for the rest of my life here on Earth.
I thank you Standing Stone for all that you have given me in Beauty and Love unconditionally. Your little Eagle is flying now and has spread her wings and soaring to new heights as you continually fly with me in my heart.
I could never put into words of love that I have for you for you know it goes beyond words as I know that you know my heart and my love for you. You have done well and I am grateful.
Peace,Love and Light
Walk In Beauty