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A JEWEL IN THE CROWN[email protected] 
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Words Of Rodney : To my Dear Friend Gideon
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Recommend  Message 1 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamesageawk57  (Original Message)Sent: 1/16/2005 12:44 AM
Dearest Gideon,
How I do honor you for who you are. My love for you surpasses any word that can be spoken. You are the light in my eyes in which sparkles like the billion stars in the sky.
I am there with you among the fields of gold...
I ride the winds among the golden fleet...
You are my greatest teacher and my friend. You have helped me to see the beauty of who I truely am in many ways through my challenging times when I first came to you a year ago.
Through your teachings I have been able to fit the pieces of the puzzle bit by bit as I continue daily. Words cannot express even close my adoration I have for you. I am grateful in all ways for your love and your teachings that you have given me.
 I am always amazed at the proof you gave me through my sister in light Sandy. Always a validation in a profound way that you brought to me without a doubt.
 I cherish the ring that you brought to me as a gift and a validation for I had no clue what ring you were describing until I received this such ring the next day on Mothers Day in May of last year.
not to mention my visit I had from you thousands of miles across the seas to where I am to let me know you were here while my sister Sandy and I were on messenger. And you told me through Sandy, as Sandy described, exactly to the tea what was in my closet. hahaha. Now I keep my closet clean.
I shall always remember this as well as speak openly about my lovely visit with you among other times namely at the cabin on my holidays. If there are those who do not believe me and think of me as mad? Well that is their choice. As I know without a doubt the truth.
 I wanted to write and express my love and gratitude to you for your love and blessings you have given me in many ways as I will always be with you my sweet Gideon. You are my Rose that forever blooms in my heart.
Thank You my sweet friend..I cherish and adore you

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Recommend  Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: ~TOPAZ~Sent: 1/16/2005 12:20 PM
Dear Roben...Your words strike that chord in my heart that echos the Love that I too hold for you...In a world of many is oftimes needed that proof in a material physical way be brought...for many can and do say those things that spring from their own sense of reality and yet has no presence in the real world...nothing that can substantiate their claims that what they speak of is a truthful is only a belief that they hold...and as many people hold many different belief states  as to which all are entitled, but which are often contradictory to one another...some of which stretch the furthest reaches of is needed that in order for credulity to be attained that proof be brought to those who are expected to believe ones words...I brought to you that which was unknown by yourself...small simple things of a personal nature...and those pieces of knowledge, I brought with the logic and fact that mirrored and interpretted and matched those aspects that speak of an Alternative Reality state that is part of the continued after physical life existence.  I thank you for always heeding my words and allowing me the opportunity to open a few more doors for you.  I am yours in Love and Light.....Gideon

Recommend  Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: a-geodeSent: 1/17/2005 2:00 AM
Beloved Crown Jewel's, Prayer's like these about Gideon brings such joy to my heart that mankind feels spiritually uplifted by it as ive expressed, thank you both we are so blest speak soon beloved sisters love geoff