 | (2 recommendations so far) | Message 1 of 14 in Discussion |
| From:  makhala334 (Original Message) | Sent: 10/31/2006 12:10 PM |
my 'puter is back for the time being
had to read faster than i like - but got it on the 3rd go
hope it is acceptable, m |
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So to listen you have to download files? I am confused. |
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hi Dixie
normally you simply have to double click on the .wav file - but it depends if your computer has a program to read the thing - good luck
maybe Zy can help with more useful instructions
mikhail |
 | 0 recommendations | Message 4 of 14 in Discussion |
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thank you Stella
it is read far too fast for me
the first reading was 1.4Mb - the second 1.0Mb - and finally one under 1Mb that i could post
happy you enjoyed it
keep well, mikhail |
 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 11/1/2006 1:22 AM |
Mmmnnn...I used the word 'sensual' when I first read these words, Mikhail, and like Stella... I use the same word again. Emphatically so!!! I am so pleased you have the facility to record after all, Mikhail, you are such an amazing contribution to this particular part of the corner, thanks for this, Zy |
 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 11/1/2006 1:43 AM |
Hy, Dix, I cannot advise in any way as I am just learning about the deviates of audio myself, but... I have been keeping a few of the audios in Zydhas Place and I just posted this one with Mikhails poem into a message box and it still opened fine for me, so I shall post the file into this box and you can see if it opens then for you, try it, anyway....Zy |
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thanks Zy
thanks thanks thanks thanks
did i mentioned thank you for listening and commenting on this meagure triffle
best, m |
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Audio was made for you my friend...I'm listening to your reading and realising how lucky we all are to have you sharing with us. Fab and more fab.
Pip |
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thank you so much Pip
i am honoured by your remarks - i always feel inadequate in these endeavours
but am most happy you can enjoy the little i'm able to do
i very much enjoy your work as well - the flow of your words and delovery are truely striking
thanks again, mikhail |
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This message has been deleted due to termination of membership. |
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thank you Peggy
i am most happy you enjoyed the read
i don't feel i have a very good voice - but i will keep trying
best, mikhail |
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best wishes to all my poetic friends on 'The Corner"
mikhail |
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