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 Message 3 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJacobs_Trouble  in response to Message 2Sent: 8/11/2006 9:37 AM
Recommend  Message 9 of 10 in Discussion 
From: <NOBR>MSN NicknameEnochrodofiron1</NOBR> Sent: 10/08/2006 12:14 PM
edward_enoch_1wrote:I read what you wrote and find no flaw in all five. The Koran is not accepted by western paid religionist for the simple reason they lifted the trinity up and equal with illuminated scriptures of God. They could not admit the Koran equal to the Pauline Epistles although the Pauline epistles are the cause of the Battle of Armageddon and that comes from the Hidden Book of Revelation from my last visit to Heaven April 4, 2002. Far from adding anything to the Christian scriptures it orders the removal of all doctrine that do not line up with Book of Revelations which if it was done would remove all doctrinal differences between all the religions of the God of Abraham without any religion losing its distinct separate standing in the God of Abraham. Can I use your message for MECCA? Mohammad said yes have hope dear friend, the war can be contained ,stopped, rest assured that Our God will not let the crimes done against the children go unanswered. I heard Olmert on TV telling the people of Israel the government will help rebuild the destroyed Homes in Israel, well I have news for him, Israel will rebuild the countries she destroyed starting with Palestine and Lebanon, I already told the Pope that he is to divest himself of all the stolen money the Nazis gave to his safekeeping I will take the wealth of the Vatican deduct money owed to Israel rebuild Palestine The Americana churches also owe seven times the amount of money they collected in God's name for the last 1650 years as they beat the drums of war against Islam as a competitor religion. Well when I was taken to heaven April 4, 2002 I came back with Hidden Book of revelations in my soul (which once belonged to Enoch from the Book of Genesis) also brought the only thing God can let come back to earth from Heaven. His authority to collect money in his name something he has reserved for the Last seven years the basis of authority for the rod of iron. That makes all other men who claimed to have a right to collect money in God’s name thieves liars and frauds, he reserved that right so his rod of iron would have authority over all paid religionist. He did not give permission for any man to do this for the last 1,000 years scripture for this is "Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I say unto you, that except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven." The Jewish scribes and Pharisees, and the American paid religionist have made a stupid greedy mistake thinking using God’s word as a gold mine it was a trap for the souls of the High priest paid religionist who wanted a easy soft cushy profession that was safe and they could make lots of money. Christ knew about the TV paid religionist robbing widows and orphans as he hung on the cross this was a set up for them in revelations. God set up the ministers who used false doctrine also Rome used her army to make 90% of Christians to believe in a trinity an Idol instead of the God of Abraham and his Christ. Mohammad in Heaven (who I also talked with sometime I will tell you about it) was raised up by the God of Abraham to restore the one God worship. False ministers are these "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? And in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: heareth Luke 6:47 "Ask any minister who these false shepherds are and they will point the finger at everyone but themselves but clearly any who taught the trinity and Idolatry of Rome is false shepherd. Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord: And the scribe said unto him, Well, Master, thou hast said the truth: for there is one God; and there is none other but he: And when they heard that, they lifted up their voice to God with one accord, and said, Lord, thou art God, which hast made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all that in them is: For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. Seeing it is one God, which shall justify the circumcision by faith, and uncircumcision through faith. As concerning therefore the eating of those things that are offered in sacrifice unto idols, we know that an idol is nothing in the world, and that there is none other God but one. Now a mediator is not a mediator of one, but God is one. Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble. Was not Abraham our father justified by works, when he had offered Isaac his son upon the altar? Seest thou how faith wrought with his works, and by works was faith made perfect? And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God. Your Friend in God Edward called Enoch by Christ. Here is some interesting information In all the religions of the God of Abraham this is true regardless of the traditions or personal misconceptions of the followers or paid religionist. The date of Christ's birth is in the Book of Daniel and also his death accurate to the exact year and age he died and why he died. I will teach any Islamic what the Prophet Mohammed wants them to know before he returns with Christ in less than 40 months but I will not suffer fools... I promised Mohammed I would only try to inform his people so he will not have to chop off so many heads in the 200,000 mosque world wide when he returns. I already informed George Bush that 50,000 Christian ministers will be murdered by demonic controlled Americans before the next forty months and for the Government to keep track and get back to me. The reason I’m free and not sitting in a cell in Cuba is everything I warned George Bush the United States Congress has come true or is coming true. I don't expect you to believe me at first. But if you read what I write and then read the news then you will. If someone stops my words from reaching you they will answer to the Prophet Mohammed PBUH.Letter to George Bush three years old sent by direct order for God after he ignored the instruction not to invade Iraq: Dawned on me that you may not have the full picture about Christ instruction to the starting back of the last week of Daniel's'70 weeks of years. When Christ was cut off on the cross it was seven years before the Fulfillment of the Ending of Lucifer's occupation of the Holy Land and the crowning of the Messiah. What was not seen the 2,000 year break for the Gentile Church to come into existence ruled by religious demons and grow into what we have now. (Will send detailed information if you don't understand the 69th week of years 450 years to birth of Christ being 33 years old with 7 years more to live a full human generation this is the last week of years or the tribulation period which we are now in. Anyway when Christ took me to heaven he showed me the future and besides making me his divine go for (rod of iron) or marshal (like a security guard) who just put all the drunken ministers under arrest for taking bribes and getting fat off the starving widows and orphans they robbed. In order to make sense of the Hidden Book you must understand that Revelations is a trap for all Paid religionist who used the Nicolaition Doctrine and Idolatry against the direct instruction of the Lord Jesus Christ. How I wish I could locate more of the 144,000 But Christ is keeping them away from each other so they work on their different assignments independently. To understand the Hidden Book forget about all doctrines added past 81 AD and all scripture .............all scripture ..........from the old and New Testament must line up perfectly with revelations in order to considered scripture especially the Pauline Epistles & Books. Paul made major mistakes, which Christ censored him for in his last visit to heaven when he came back humble, he saw what his writing did wrong in the future and that was why he was unhappy with that knowledge but he was forbidden to speak about it. I take delight in sharing with you all that Christ has shown me comfort you with this knowledge when Christ returns you will be closer to him AT HIS COMING BACK PARTY THAN ANY PAID RELIGIONIST WILL EVER BE. Christ will turn the world upside down. All those people who follow Radical beliefs even those fighting each other will be the first ones to know about everything because I use it as the main church door in cyber space as Martin Luther did with his 95 point thesis nailed to Wittenberg chapel door. Everything Christ does is so simple, and everything makes perfect sense. The demons have to put human beings through all these mental hoops mess up their mind to keep control of them Christ is still, quiet, stable, joyful presence Do you know I have been in a constant state of joy for nearly 3 years? My only fear was losing the anointing due to attacks by family and friends the only way demons could touch me. Now being alone for so long started paying off. My ex wife got rid of her demons, she asked to make amends and forgiveness and I told her of course it was not her fault the demons tricked her and the children and I considered her a close and devoted friend it was Christ who ordered the divorce (and prophesied about his next wife he had already prepared and ORDERED ME TO MARRY) because X WIFE would have tried to disassemble the Hidden Book and its works because she came from a long line of paid religionist and the hidden book is a Bitter Pill to all organized religion. In order to understand demons this is good background for you.................INSTRUCTIONS AND LETTER TO FAMILY When I was in grammar school I read of the Pax Romana about the early church. How they loved Christ and the story of Salvation so much they laughed as they died. I thought how hard it was to be eaten alive by lions or be burned on a cross was happy to live in a time we could love Christ without punishment. Somewhere along the way sitting at my desk Christ talked quietly to me said "What would you do if you a choice like those first believers would you just tell the soldier you would sacrifice to Caesar by burning incense and then ask for forgiveness? Or would you say you could not because you believed in me too much? I didn't want to die back then but I didn't want to lose my belief in Christ more. Christ marked & sealed my soul back then. George & family how you are so troubled in spirit about my "Delusion" well it is a beautiful delusion it is perfect in its structure and gives my soul joyful wings that very few have ever felt in Truth the only heart break I have is your being trapped by a Demon in sadness and fear. We have nothing to fear from death dear family nor is life our way of life gone for ever only those who can accept that first sill maintain a life worth living, only those who are not afraid to live in a world gone mad and find peace from an internal eternal God. How demons control the family: First beloved family I do understand all of you. I know that you are fearful about being thought of as disloyal Americans and put in jail because of my "Delusion." That was why I resigned from the family your proof that you disagreed with me. You want to help what you perceive as a mental damaged brother. You refuse to consider the truth because then you would be required to die for what you believe and are unwilling to disturb your life that much over anything. You made your mind's up as children when you heard about the early Christian martyrs, you said you would just pretend to worship the statue and then ask forgiveness. I took another path. POST SCRIPT FOR FAMILY THIS IS COLLECTABLE KEEP IN SAFE PLACE UNTIL BUSH DOES WHAT HE WAS supposed TO DO. YOU REFUSE TO BELIEVE WHAT OTHERS HAVE CONSIDERED POSSIBLE. Understand George Washington was a British terrorist before being President. If doing Christ will was easy no problem doing it. Peter was happy to stay in a group and fight with a sword, walking into the enemy camp unarmed by himself he was afraid claimed he didn't know Christ three times. Was Peter really denying Christ no he was lying to get information about what would happen to Christ. I understand your disavowing; you’re separating yourself from my E mails. That is why I resigned from the family so you could have proof you disagreed with my beliefs. Long before Ghandi was Christ using civil disobedience as a way to change the world. Walking into your enemy camp knowing what to expect was more than Peter could handle. You fight the enemy in battle grounds you can retreat from, where some human aspect could come to your aid. Wars are lost on such battle fields by Generals who play it safe, sometimes a single man can turn the tide time and time again in History we see that a single person changes history the masses always follow they never lead. Love your brother Edward called Enoch by Christ. "Those who come to God must come in spirit and in truth " God's waiting room" In the beginning of God's dealing with the nations of mankind he used the Jewish people. Every paid religionist knows the altar the mercy seat the furniture of the Holy of Holiest. Most know that they are a shadow of the Heavenly place. Some quake in fear in some inner knowledge that they are totally dishonest dealing with modern religion and ancient religion and hope to be forgiven in Heaven for any mistakes they made as ministers. This is the sin of omission all paid religionist have committed along side the sin of presumption the trap of Nicolation sprung by every man that made income of the Wealth of God. When the High priest was going into the holy of Holiest a rope was around his waist if he was unworthy he would die, Remember God does not change, man does usually to what or who ever has the wealth money and power the paid religionist flock to like a lightning rod. Christ is and was not stupid. He knew TV ministers would do what they do he also knew they would ignore his instructions in doing it. He knew in 81 Ad about the rise and fall of the Roman Empire and the Second World War and Adolph Hitler Pope Pius the Nazi the communist everything back in 81 AD. Christ knew before there was a Roman Empire rising from dead nearly 2,000 years ahead, 1,000 years before the fall of the first Roman Empire not yet established. The reason why our world is on the edge of existence is because the paid religionist will not give up money and are worse than crack addicts are for crack. Right now I have a large group of people who are layered in understanding about the connectives of Christ, Enoch, and Church Jewish Nation House of Saud. {Tell the Prince if he touches Jacob's children every male heir of Saud will be skinned alive by Mohammed when he returns. The place that Christ takes me is a waiting room when I count the heart beats to the stopping of my heart. It is a place he takes I don't have to do anything it happens by design of an illness that will affect as many as one-third of the population of the world. It is new disease as that will make the plague look like chicken pox. Mankind has played God the last hundred years; God was and is not amused. Although Christ is now our high priest he still uses men from the womb of woman to direct his church on earth. They are honest men so very few are paid religionist (paid religionist are pagan priest souls). They have conned themselves first in order to con the world they control. Every time I draw close to God every time my body goes into trauma shock come to God's waiting room the angel of death no longer gets up he point to empty stone slab I lay down on count my heart beats as God lays my soul out like a jelly role cake with jam and then wraps me back up send me to earth. "Why did you wait so long to call 911?" Because the last time I went to hospital I was not sick enough to warrant the trouble. And although I cannot do anything to end my life which is not my own I am not required to fight hard to keep "Union working rules of organized prophets of God local 1." Beside I called them changed the Do not resuscitate DNR order to normal treatment." Some people are so picky. The waiting room is a place some believers come when they die or when called in times of great sorrow or pain they need to rest a bit better than on earth. The ancient people could understand holiness's certain ways according to traditions was closely linked to Men's ego not parameters of God sufferance of mankind: Hence the multi stage and protected entrance to the mercy seat. To make sure that God would not be taken as something common: Which he was turned into under the Temple system. It was hundreds of years for the presence of God had been with Israel in the Ark. The High priest was so corrupt the system so evil so polluted by the love of Gold that they killed the greatest Jewish prophet and messiah to many nations without batting an eye because he came between the Temple and the Gold of Altar, they used Roman dogs, manipulating the scriptures to fulfill the scriptures and did so in plain sight of God and mankind. Yet these High priest these men who conspired to kill my Christ, I hold in higher esteem than any paid religionist in America today. They knew and followed scripture the America Church does not. As I stood before the Christ, he showed me the reason we must circumvent the mind of men to evade the intellect of demon. You Mr. Bush must listen close, you are not very bright that can be a good thing. Have your advisors read over the New Years Letters for last year pay attention to the parts about the Trains I warned of remember before Spain? I told you what to do at minimum your men didn't have any wisdom to even share Intel to those in Iraq about train attacks it would have helped Spain to stay with us. Use the information from diamond as background as deep background than look for clues, Christ cannot give any more specific help because America is ignorant about spiritual things the enemy is not. Your people lack valuable skills because they trust and believe in machines and technology, don’t make that mistake, the strongest weapon we have is our Faith. And we are not able to use it because of the Paid Religionist, as long as they pretend they don't hear God or Christ's words in what I write we are under the dominion of higher caste demonic kingdoms which desire our totally destruction. By maintaining the status quo they have left America behind Islamic in the Kingdom of the God of Abraham. Although the Quaran is not equal to Revelations in God's government the simple fact the American paid religionist don't teach the Christ of Revelations they teach the pagan Christ of the Trinity and that cuts the spiritual authority of our prayers. Osma stand closer to Christ in his beliefs than Jerry Fallwell or the Pope. I don't care what any one believes neither does Christ he wrote off the Tribulation Church paid religionist on the cross 2,000 years ago. Revelation shows the history of 2,000 years of pagan control of Christianity under the same demons that had Christ nailed to the tree, 50,000 ministers is just the drop in the bucket. Soon the demons will be unleashed our world will go through horror UN thought of since the days of Sodom, We have sacrificed 60 million American unborn children to Baal dedicated unholy act of murder of dead babies to encourage the demons of hell to kill untold billions on earth in this last week of years. In order for the USA and Israel (the few others who are not shooting as) to function without handicap YOU MR. BUSH MUST UNDERSTAND OUR PEOPLE HAVE TO BE ABLE TO FUNCTION FLUENTLY IN REVELATIONS IN ORDER TO GAIN BACK THE UPPER HAND. READ EVERYTHING DIAMOND AND RADICAL AND THE OTHERS WRITE................understand not knowing the background of the forces that rules the land you go in is a stupid mistake. from Mohammad:in Palenstine
During Peaceful times-2
Dear readers, yes, Israelis did not have any hardships during their stay with Arabs, however, they were not completely pure, but some of them were working with a world Zionist organization, to make troubles between Arabs and England to force England to rush its approval for them to come and have the land of Palestine. Days uncovered how Israelis looked happy, but never felt the same deep inside, their hate was so great boiling inside their hearts, seeking an opportunity to hurt Arabs if they can, while Arabs were so wonderfully Generous in their treatment to Israelis. Among the things that made Israelis live peaceful life among the Arabs Vs. that unmerciful they had among Europeans, is the fact that there are so much common teaching in the books said to be from Heaven. This similarities led many to lie saying how Muhammad PBUH copied the information in the Noble Qur’aan from what the Israelis have, those of course are lies, simply because though there are a lot of similarities, yet the two books are as different as Day and Night.
Yes, Arabs accepted Israelis with wonderful reaction, extremely kind Hospitality, treated them with extreme human manner opposite to how the West treated them. Then, and as soon as Israelis announced the State of Israel, all those Arab Israelis left their Arab neighbors to go and be humiliated by other Israelis from non Arab back ground. Today those Arab Israelis are treated as third class humans, with little or no right, this is the Democracy the ignorant US believe Israel has. To be continued, this Mohammad Al Assadi Reporting from the Middle East.
During Peaceful times-2
Dear readers, yes, Israelis did not have any hardships during their stay with Arabs, however, they were not completely pure, but some of them were working with a world Zionist organization, to make troubles between Arabs and England to force England to rush its approval for them to come and have the land of Palestine. Days uncovered how Israelis looked happy, but never felt the same deep inside, their hate was so great boiling inside their hearts, seeking an opportunity to hurt Arabs if they can, while Arabs were so wonderfully Generous in their treatment to Israelis. Among the things that made Israelis live peaceful life among the Arabs Vs. that unmerciful they had among Europeans, is the fact that there are so much common teaching in the books said to be from Heaven. This similarities led many to lie saying how Muhammad PBUH copied the information in the Noble Qur’aan from what the Israelis have, those of course are lies, simply because though there are a lot of similarities, yet the two books are as different as Day and Night.
Yes, Arabs accepted Israelis with wonderful reaction, extremely kind Hospitality, treated them with extreme human manner opposite to how the West treated them. Then, and as soon as Israelis announced the State of Israel, all those Arab Israelis left their Arab neighbors to go and be humiliated by other Israelis from non Arab back ground. Today those Arab Israelis are treated as third class humans, with little or no right, this is the Democracy the ignorant US believe Israel has. To be continued, this Mohammad Al Assadi Reporting from the Middle East.
During Peaceful times-5
Dear readers, we spoke about how Israelis were being treated during their stay with Muslims, how they were treated during their stay with Christians at Europe and South America, also among the Communists of the previous USSR. However, what about what happened to Israelis at Arabia, before, during, and after Muhammad PBUH time? Before Muhammad PBUH, Israelis used to live in fortresses, behind high walls, then came Muhammad PBUH wanting to give them dignity and respect, told them how he is the messenger of Allah, they rejected him, they tried to kill him as they killed most of the men Allah sent them. Then they prepared strong Armies to destroy Muhammad PBUH and his Revelation from Allah, and were defeated all over Arabia by Muslims, but Muhammad PBUH left them in peace after that, he is mercy to the world.
The first Kalif had problems with people who wanted to cancel out some of the Pillars of Islam, he fought them till finally Arabia found peace, then came Ummar the second Kalif, who threw Israelis out of the Arabian Peninsula, because of how they treated Muhammad PBUH, and what they advertised after the death of the prophet of Allah. At this stage about 1400 years back where Israelis left the land of hope, where they awaited for the last prophet, when he came they rejected because he was not an Israeli Jew, and became split all over other countries around Arabia since that time. To be continued, this is Mohammad Al Assadi Reporting from the Middle East.

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     re: MECCA   MSN NicknameJacobs_Trouble  8/11/2006 9:42 AM