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Feel free to post in THIS thread if you are from here!! |
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Darcy, Are you actually in the city proper? I didn't think there were too many actually in the city itself. Who is your director? ~ deb :):) |
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Hey, guys! Christa from Rockford, but used to live in Central IL. ME, both my in-laws went to school in Monmouth - I know exactly where that is! |
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I'm in Chicago. Not in the heart of downtown. More on the north side. Just south of Wrigley Field, if that helps any.... |
 | | From:  merf66 | Sent: 2/12/2006 12:32 AM |
Lindsay--My director lives in Pennsylvania (long story!) but Lorri is my hospitality director. Meeting Monday night--are you on Lorri's team? Christa--what a small world! |
 | | From:  slotr04 | Sent: 2/12/2006 9:07 PM |
M.E. Well technically I am on Lorilei's team, but have attended a few of Lorri's meetings. Lorilei started doing her own so I have been attending them ( they are closer to me). WE also have a meeting that night so I will be attending in Carthage. I thought I recognized your name. I love Lorri she is so FUN!! Talk to you later!! Lindsay |
 | | From:  earied | Sent: 2/13/2006 2:41 AM |
Lindsey & ME-Mary Jo and I are in Kathy Aquino's team which is Lorri's director and Mary Jo is Lorri's friend. We had our meeting tonight also. I also met Christa at a church function at our church 2 years ago! Ann |
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Julie from Mahomet!!!! |
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Hi, I'm Karen from Bartlett. About 30 minutes west of Chicago. |
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I'm a bit west of Peoria, Illinois. Would love to network with other consultants in my area! |
 | | From:  merf66 | Sent: 11/6/2006 7:27 PM |
Hey LeighAnn--how far is a bit? I am an hour west of Peoria--12 miles west of Galesburg--see some of the previous posts for a few others from my kneck of the woods! M.E. |
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I'm from Palestine, IL south eastern central I suppose. |
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Central Il here...Champaign. |